Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? Live from Los Angeles. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principles, align with universal law and break through all limiting beliefs. So we can claim our birthright of prosperity vitality and love today's podcast is titled I believe in you. So there is a very famous speech. In fact, a few very famous speeches by Winston Churchill and Winston Churchill was a British prime minister. He was a prime minister from 19 40, 19 45. And again, from 1951 to 1955, and he's best remembered for successfully leading Britain through world war II. And I bring this up because today, today we are fighting a war and that war is within. We've got pandemics, we've got lockdowns, we've got political turmoil, economical turmoil. And the point is this is that there is always turmoil in the world. And in Winston Churchill's famous speeches. He wrote so many incredible speeches. (01:37): He stood at his speech after 10 months of incredible catastrophic events, world's ups and downs misfortunes. And he sat there on this late October afternoon. And he said this. He said, never given, never given, never, never, never give in to nothing great or small, large, or petty never give in except to convictions of our honor. And good sense, never yield to force, never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. And from a spiritual perspective, the enemy is only within our greatest battle to win is the enemy of negative thinking of buying in and energizing, what we don't want and being the effect of this world. And so today I say, I believe in you, I believe in you. I believe of the truth of who you are. You were born of divine. You are born for the divine life. You are not here to survive. (02:55): You are here to thrive. You are here to turn her suffering into triumph. You are here to turn the victim to victory, the hopeless to heaven. You are not here to live a small life. You are here to live out loud. You are here to sing from the depths of your soul inform. You are here to do great things. And so I recognize today as we are not in world war II. And yes, that was a horrific time. The ultimate crime of, of so much slavery that has gone on and genocide and all kinds of things on this planet. We don't know what's really going on with this pandemic. Do we know if it's just a natural cause if there's some, some, you know, underlying evil that is putting this up, we don't know. We don't have the facts. (03:48): The truth is that no matter what is happening in the world, you have only one to do list. You have only one thing. I only pray each day for one thing. And it is to know the truth and to get my mind right, every single day. And I believe in you, I know that today is your day today. The truth is that you are an all powerful, spiritual being. You are immortal, eternal, and all knowing you are the alpha and they'll make God what truth, the truth that lives and breathes in each and everyone of yourselves is divine. It is spirit. It is the backing of all energy. You are divine in the formed fracted and infinity never forget who you are. And so as Winston Churchill, you know, I, I just identify so much with him because he said he took, he took bath and naps every afternoon. (04:42): And I just believe in that rejuvenation. And I believe that right now, the universe does, did for us, what we couldn't do for itself ourselves, which is a reset. The truth is that we are spiritually bankrupt as a country, as a globe. It and the universe reset at whatever level for us to birth our truth, shift our values and come to this place of grace, of knowing the power within. And so I invite you today to believe in yourself, to believe and know there is that aspect of yourself that is in the darkest moment, burs the greatest strength I have nothing to offer, but blood toil, tears and sweat or wisdom Churchill said, do not let us speak of darker days. Let us speak. Rather of Sterner days, these are not dark days. These are great days. The days, the greatest days of our country has ever lived. (05:54): He said, and we must all thank God that we have been allowed each of us, according to our stations, to play a part in making these days memorable in the history of our race. And so my invitation for you today is for you to turn this dark time into the light that guru within that turns the dark into the light for you to become the greatest version of yourself through this for you to believe in yourself. Like you've never believed for you to believe that all these times are for our awakening of the greatest version of ourself for all these times of all the different upsets and, and different riots and the, all the coming together in truth, the truth, the truth that is going to prevail for this. I know that truth prevails. And I recognize right here to never give in. Never given never, never, never nothing great or small ever can stand between you and the truth that it is our greatest thing to overcome the devil within the evil within that is where it is. He shall not be afraid of evil, TIS his heart fixed, trusting in th Lord. And I recognize right now, right here that you too shall do better things, greater things than I, as Jesus said, you too shall do greater things than I, I believe in you. Proverbs said trust in my Lord with all your heart trust in my Lord, that the law, the part of you, that is one with all of life and do not rely on your own understanding. Think of this in the way guided by the right path. (07:44): Your only job is to get your mind right, and stay in right mind. All of life is working for you. All of life is designed for your development, your growth, your awakening, your expansion, and the demands for you to rise of this greatness. Bavan GTA said a man is made by his belief as he believes. So he is. And so today I say, believe in yourself. I believe in you. I know the truth of who you are. I say you do, you boo, surrender to your best life. Never give in and never give up. This is your time to never settle to not only survive, but to thrive today. We may not have control over everything out there. But what we do have control is, is within we have the control to know the truth, to know we are not our circumstances. We're not even our beliefs. (08:43): We are the creator of our beliefs that today we get to know exactly right where we are. We get to bloom exactly where we are pivot and create and innovate within you has the power to bird something new. That's never been born. There is only abundance in the universe because you are abundant. The truth of who you are is the backing of all energy that's ever been created in this entire universe. And so I know right here right now, I believe I be and live the truth of who I am. The, I am factor the Christ consciousness, the Buddhist consciousness that I am, our job is to know the truth of who we are release all limited identity and never, ever place our power out there. We will fight this war. As Western wisdom, Churchill said, we will fight this war right here on our grand for all times. (09:36): And we know in this, this are our greatest days. These are our greatest days in the darkest times in the hardest times. That's when I prevail. That's when I thrive. That's when truth is untouchable unstoppable unrecognizable in who we are. And so today I invite you to not give in, not give in to the complaining, not give in to the negative thinking, not give in to what the news is telling you. The fear mongering right now, right here. I believe in you. And I know that as you believe in yourself, as you be and live the truth, you will be set free. I recognize right here right now that this is the ultimate war. This is the ultimate battle. The battle is within. And I recognize us thriving together. I know today, and I believe today, as we take a deep breath in, through the nose and exhaling out, (10:37): Come then Winston Churchill said, let us go far together with our United strength. This is what I know for sure today. You guys, that there is a oneness. There is a vine that links between our hearts and our minds. And I recognize that this is what prevails the truth. So no matter what, chaos, no matter what darkness, no matter what evil, no matter what is going on in the world, we rise. When we come together, we rise in our oneness. We rise in recognizing the truth of who we are. So let us come in, let us go forward together with our United strength. I believe in you never given have a beautiful day. You guys, and may you live the truth. (11:31): Thank you for tuning in soul society and Dr. Aaron podcast. If you've had a call to be a spiritual leader or coach, you can go to soul society.com and check out our free training. If you receive value here, I would love it. If you take (11:44): A moment and give (11:44): A five star review in exchange, I have a ton of free gifts for you. Grab your free awakening book, 40 guided meditations and digital (11:53): Manifesting masterclass. I also have a free money, meditation and worksheet for you. So you can begin to break through your scarcity mindset and claim your birthright of prosperity. You can get all of your gifts and learn about our upcoming transformational events in my biolink in both Instagram and Facebook. That's under Dr. aaron.tv, which is D R E R I n.tv. Also, I'd love to invite you into our free private community on Facebook, under groups called society. That is facebook.com/slashie that's S O U L C C I E T E. Have a divine day. And may you live your truth?