Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the show. May you live your (00:05): Truth? (00:09): Good morning. So today I wanted to start the podcast a little bit different, and I'd like to begin by telling you a little story. It was 4:00 AM on a warm star summer night when my eyes popped open wide open. The first thing I thought of was I get to go back in excited. I jumped outta bed, threw on my robe, went in the closet and I lit a candle. I sat down in meditation position, closed my eyes, and I began to breathe. Every time I'd been going back in the veil of life was coming off just a little bit more little did I know that tonight would be different that night in 2006, my entire world changed within minutes of sitting down in meditation. I heard the voice. It had been 12 years since I began my spiritual quest 12 years since I held my stillborn son's body in my arms realizing he was gone. (01:19): But as body was still here, knowing that we're not these bodies, I realized in that moment, I committed to my spiritual journey. And for over a decade, I've been meditating, reading every philosophical book under the sun, attending retreats, creating vision boards and doing my daily spiritual practice, but nothing could prepare me for what was gonna take place that evening. So, as I heard the voice, I looked around wondering if someone was in the closet with me. And as I turned my head to see if anyone was there, the clouds outside the window caught my eye and a split. Second, the veil of life came off. I literally felt like I separated from my body, experiencing myself as one with the universe and with a flash of light, I had the greatest epiphany I'd ever experienced. My entire identity shifted into one of divine. I began to laugh out loud as if I'd just been told the cosmic joke of the universe I was free. (02:26): So that actually was, uh, the opening little story I have in my introduction to my book awakening. And you know, that was in 2006. I had had my stillborn, I believe in 94. And, um, it was a long journey, you know, between that time I had my stillborn and, and, um, actually, you know, having that awakening moment, I mean, it was a process and my mind, uh, my perception was advancing through the processes of doing meditation and reading and going to conferences and seminars and blah, blah, blah. But what happened that night, I think is a really important conversation for us. It's really about the difference between awakening versus being conscious. And so one of my commitments is to kind of assist people who are going through awakening. Cuz when I went through my awakening, like it was kind of, it was kind of scary. (03:24): Like I didn't know what was going on. I thought maybe I was going crazy or something. Cuz what happens in awakening is your perception and consciousness is so clear that it allows intelligence and the wisdom of the entire universe to start streaming in, hence people channel and you know, dets come and whatever happens, you know, is different for each person. But the point is, is that I wanted to help people going through this process because when I was going through it, I felt like I was losing my mind because you literally kind of die. They call that's why they call it spiritual warriorship is because some of the hardest work you'll ever do is letting go of myself, letting go of the, of the identity in this form. And that's what happens as you go through your awakening. That's what I experienced anyway. So I actually am so excited because I have decided to basically take on the different, um, 40 chapters of my book. (04:26): My book is a 40 day guide to awakening basically. And it is a series of, of different things that I wrote over the years, going through my own, uh, awakening, having all kinds of subconscious processes and going through my spiritual practitioner, uh, thing and ministry and becoming a doctor divinity. And basically it was all my notes that I kind of kept for my own personal belonging that I wanted to write a book because it was just a dream I had. And I also felt like I wanted to give a gift to the world. And really I was writing it for my younger self. Like if I were to leave something here on this planet, what could I leave? And I felt like I'd read so many books and so many things, but I felt like there wasn't one book that helps sum it up for me. (05:08): And so that's why I wrote the book. And um, it's been awesome. If you are thinking about writing a book, I highly recommend it. I've had, uh, people all over the globe reach out to me because the book and um, it's just a condensed version of, you know, of a content, you know, so that content can be used over and over and over again in, in interviews. And you know, I'm, I'm interviewed on huge podcasts with like 5 million downloads and things like that. And, and they want you to have a pro. They want you to have a book because they want you to, it takes a lot, I mean, to write a book, you have to be fairly consistent as a human being. It's like getting a degree. It's like kind of some kind of a symbol that says you are capable of achieving something, you know, so it's important, but I didn't write the book because of that. (05:53): I wrote the book because it was something that, that was a calling. It was called from my soul and it was channeled, um, from my higher self, a lot of it. Um, and, um, and so I'm just excited cuz I'm gonna go through the 40 chapters over probably 40 weeks here on the podcast. I don't know if I'll be doing other podcasts or not. I'm gonna just leave that open cuz I usually overcommit myself. And so now I'm gonna under commit and then if I overcommit great so on that note, um, just coming together to know the truth. So one of the points of awakening is it can be a major process. It can take, um, a lot of time or it can happen instantaneously. I was in Bali, uh, interviewing the high priestess, um, O elite and uh, she has a great story about awakening and basically her story is that she feels like she felt like she was struck down by lightning when she had her awakening and other people, it could take them, you know, their whole life of slowly shifting, shifting, shifting their consciousness and um, expanded enough for awakened it stream through, you know, trickling in. (07:05): But so when I went through my awakening, it was really fascinating because it was very scary. I was kind of shifting my entire D and I went through this phase, which I call the cocoon phase where you kind of have to like totally go within. And I began to like kind of almost shut the world out. I'd spend weeks at time, uh, going back into meditation and just being in that space. And um, I didn't know, you know, I didn't, I was like, who, who am I exactly right. And as I came out of that cocoon, it was literally like, you know, it was like literally like the metamorphosis of the butterfly. And, um, it was been, you know, the biggest blessing of my life for sure. Of course, having my son who now is 23 is a huge blessing. And I don't think I'd be even the half the mother that I am, if it weren't for my awakening. (07:57): So, um, it's really important to just kind of know that it's possible. I think that we don't really talk about it that much. I think that people, some people talk a lot about consciousness, but I don't know if they've had their awakening, not, I don't know. I think it's one of those things you don't truly know. It's just something that someone experiences. So I just want to go through this. I'm just so excited knowing the truth of the universe is that you don't have to track out to the Himalaya. You don't have to do anything. You're literally, it's your birthright to literally expand your consciousness into the Buddhist consciousness, the Christ consciousness and all the above and wake to the truth of the universe, the ultimate truth. Right? And so in this, I'm going to be walking us through the book. This is basically the introduction and I'm gonna take you through four major steps of what I consider awakening to be, which is number one, waking up is basically just becoming conscious, seeing how your thoughts are creating things, at least just even your perception or your experience of life. (08:54): And then waking up to, to the possibility that you're really creating every last drop of it through consciousness and your consciousness is not just your consciousness. Your consciousness is a collective consciousness and the cosmic consciousness. Number two, we're, I'm gonna walk you through this step. Number two, which is reprogram learning how to reprogram your mind by, you know, basically commanding and demanding your subconscious mind in this book. I don't go into major, major, major details of subconscious work. That will probably be my next book, but I do go through kind of the basics of it. Number three is align, aligning with your own personal truth and aligning with the universal laws. And I walk you through the four areas of your life, wealth and wisdom, love and relationships, and of course, health and wellness and your purpose in calling. And then finally, step number four is we're gonna affirm teaching you how to basically affirm every single day, your truth through everything from meditation, mindfulness, language, visioning, intuition, affirmative prayer, and so on and so forth. (09:54): The point is is that creating your life purpose statement and creating your daily spiritual practice, creating your vision and your mission and what the legacy that you wanna leave here. You have to affirm every single day in every single way. And so I'm super excited to be on this journey. Um, I do not have an audio book yet and people have been requesting it and I'm just don't have time right now to do that. But what I can do is I can do some, uh, 40 podcasts. Actually, it's gonna be 41 with the intro and, um, just go through this and have a fun conversation around it. This, uh, is not in replacement of the book, obviously because I'm not reading it front to back, but you can just go off of this. You don't need the book also because I'm gonna be talking about all the distinctions here. (10:34): So whether you wanna get the book and underline it, like I always do. I have to have a hard book because I wanna underline everything and refer back to it. I don't know how people do it off the digital stuff. It doesn't work for me, but someone could just listen to this and they're gonna get a ton of value out of it. So if you know somebody that you feel like it's interested in consciousness or awakening, please re