Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to society, the shift to the movement. So you did truth. (00:09): Live from Los Angeles is Dr. Aaron. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community. The vision of being the number one spiritual leaders community as soul society, because we believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. We are committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. And our mission is to awaken a billion people globally, and how we are doing that is by developing spiritual leaders. So let's do this thing. You guys, we are gonna talk about intuition. The knowing within Eileen caddy said cease, trying to work everything out with your mind. It will get you nowhere, live by intuition and inspiration and let your whole life be revelation. I call that grace. I don't know. I guess you're fully living in your intuition. (00:59): You are one with the divine and you are being guided by your higher self. So intuition it's been called the sixth sense. It is intangible the ethereal and the intelligence distant from reason and logic in knowing it is not anything that can be scientific proven it, it can feel more real than the most solid object in this world. So what is this thing called? Intuition? Intuition is the spiritual guide within that is like an Angel's eye that reveals the unseen. It's the boss, the conductor, the pilot, the grand master illuminating the grandest path for your journey. When you live from spiritual truth, your logical mind serves in conjunction with the perfection of synchronicity of intuition. Intuition, no longer is a separate faculty, but an instrument in the grand symphony as a divine song of life. So let's break this thing on down. You guys. So what is intuition? (01:57): Intuition is spirit, your higher consciousness, communicating through a knowing that guides and directs you on your path of truth. It is that gut feeling that transpires through the spiritual plane, beyond the bounds of space and time beyond the reason or linear thinking, it is the natural faculty that serves your highest good a GPS tracking system. So I remember many, many times where my intuition would speak to me years back. And I remember I'd be like, yeah, I hear you. But I think I'm still gonna go out with this guy, even though I know something just is off for me, or yeah, I know that this probably this event probably isn't quite in alignment, but you know, I think I'm gonna go try new. Its like I had a commitment still towards suffering. I still need to learn the hard way. Right? There's that kind of alarm that kind of gut knowing flashes of insight. (02:46): It's like a divine fortune cookie with pieces of wisdom of the future and glimpses into your destiny. Right? That's intuition. Intuition is really knowing where we're on track or off track from our truth. So, you know, we often suppress it, deny it, um, denounce it, you know, all the above, you know, deny those red flags. But we know we've always known the entire time. Come on, let's get real here for a minute people. So I know for most of my life, my intuition has always spoken to me, but I didn't always listen. It's just literally that shift of living in alignment with your intuition or not, where I consider being in peace or being in hell, you know, just constantly, constantly realigning to that intuition. And even, you know, Harvard even says that, you know, the most important thing that a CEO could develop is their intuitive factor. (03:38): And after researching, um, basically interviewing lots of very, very successful people, some of the greatest even investors in, in real estate and stocks and everything have told me repetitively that it really wasn't until they got in touch with their intuition, that sometimes things look great numbers, but sometimes when you go through gut, there's just something that perseveres in that I truly believe that we always know we've always known and we will always know it is truth. It's that knowing it's our divine birthright of knowing what is right for us, where we align to our truth. So today all specs of my life are aligned to my heart's desire. And when we live in intuition, it flows, we call it grace, we call it the zone. We call it in flow. We call it whatever you want, but it's fucking heaven. That's what I know when I'm in flow and I'm living a line with my intuition things work. (04:32): Ernest Holmes said these channels represent spiritual capacity. Since each is an avenue leading to self knowingness and self knowingness is the very nature and essence of spirit. If you feel like you're confused, that means you're not in alignment with your intuition. If you feel angst, if you feel like you, you know, need to look outside of yourself for answers, it means that you are not in intuition. That doesn't mean you don't get a coach and develop yourself, develop your mindset and develop your skills that, but if you don't know and you haven't come to that place, then that means that you are not in alignment. So let's do this thing. So today is all about developing your intuition, developing intuition. The universal law today is a law of intention. This law states that what you focus on and give attention to expands and what you don't focus on or give attention to diminishes. (05:28): You are a director of this universal law. The moment you give energy to any thought it sets life and demotion, you are being guided to stop giving energy to things you don't want to give and begin giving your energy to the things you do want. The universe is guiding you to go within, get clarity on your authentic desires and set your intentions every day in every way. So your daily spiritual practice today is to develop your intuition. So let's do this thing. Number one is trust your gut within each of us, every single one of us built, um, it's like a navigational system, a GPS, right? Guiding us to stay true. So this is your intuition. It is your job to trust your gut and getting coordinates with this does not mean that you, you know, make poor choices or you know, just do sporadic things. (06:20): It means that you gotta just start listening. It doesn't mean you take, you know, bold action at first. Maybe you just start listening, keeping track of that, right? Trust your first instinct. There is an intelligence within you that has the wisdom of the entire universe. Often your first instinct is part of that. It's tapped into the non logical mind. It's that instant knowingness. It's like when that, that you know, genius child that can do mathematical equations taps into something that is, that is the knowingness. That's the field that is that place that we wanna tap into. I recommend keeping a journal. So today I want you to start doing this, get a journal out, have it be your intuitive journal. If you really wanna develop your intuitive factor, okay? The more you can confirm and acknowledge your intuition. The more you can for the develop, your it's like a muscle you guys. (07:12): So you gotta develop this muscle. So reflect on your injuries to reflect on what your gut was telling you and move back and go. Was this true was not, where is the gut versus where is that mind? Chatter. That's keeping me going in misdirection. Okay. Next is me meditate daily. If you want to develop your intuition, you've got to have a meditation practice where you BA basically commune with source. Sometimes that is going into a silent meditation. Sometimes that's going on hikes. Different people have different, you know, modalities for tapping into source universal intelligence, your higher self. You've got to begin to ask your higher self for guidance to develop your intuition. And so today, as we go into this day of intuition, you know, just beginning to ask yourself, what is it that you're desiring? What is it you want clarity on? Where have you gotten off track in your intuition? (08:03): Maybe you've gotten off track into terrible relationships. Maybe you've gotten off track into Jo, a job that you don't love. Maybe you've gotten off track into, you know, um, habits of, of not taking care of your body or mind or whatever it is beginning to take a, a journal. And I would just journal on intuition. What is your gut telling you? You know, oftentimes people know whenever they have DISE, you know, it is proven that through spontaneous recovery and remission, that people began to listen to their intuition. What do you need? What do you need to get your mind? Right? What do you need to begin to have powerful relationships? Maybe it's removing yourself from an environment. What do you need to do to take that quantum leap out of the position or job that you no longer want? Maybe it is, you know, align yourself with a coach. (08:52): Maybe it is getting into the right community. Maybe it is, you know, enrolling in a class so that you can begin to develop your skill set. What is it in your life that you're ready to step into? And your gut knows, you know, what is right and wrong for you? You know what your truth is? You know what you like to do when, when is the right time to go to sleep? When's the right time to wake up beginning to honor this honor, your intuition honor. What works for you? And take notes, take a journal. This is your life. This is not dress rehearsal. Intuition is your greatest faculty. It's your higher self spirit. Speaking through you. It's with you all day long. I call it my best friend. It's that part of me? That is my best friend. That's always there for me, has every answer and is always there for me when I'm feeling lonely or lost or confused or any of it, it will tell me exactly I can ask it and it will tell me. (09:46): And so knowing this development of getting an alignment with that voice and integrating to become that voice. Now, it's no longer two people talking to each other when I'm with myself. Now it is one divine union of myself, powerfully knowing powerfully speaking, powerfully living my truth. And so my greatest wish for you today is to listen to that voice and become that voice, that wisdom, that master that leader, that guru, and just take another deep breath in excelling out. As you go into this day, this divine day, knowing that you are intelligent, you are the wisdom that has created the entire universe. And as today, you honor that commit to that and live in alignment with that. May you be set free, have a great day. You guys, and may you live your truth. Thanks again for tuning in to Dr. Aaron and soul society podcast, I'd like to invite you to write a review on iTunes. (