Law of Attraction | From Broke To Blogging | Emma Mumford

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hi Spiritual Superstar! 🤩 I was thinking about you... For the last four days, I've been with my family in Las Vegas. What happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas! We spent our time laughing, connecting, and celebrating life. We come together once a year for philanthropic purposes to support the foundations we love. During our beautiful time together, I was thinking of YOU! You are my spiritual family... I felt compelled to Give to our Spiritual Community as well.  I'd love to GIFT you two weeks FREE in Soulciété: Connect with our community and meet your potential new besties Transform your trauma, reprogram your subconscious, and Awaken your Soul's Purpose Learn how to bring your message and mission to the world, monetizing your gifts! Life can be lonely, frustrating, and confusing... I want you to know that You Are Not Alone!✨ We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principles, and align with Universal Law. Together, we are awakening the world! Emma Mumford - an award-winning blogger and Youtuber. On her channels, she covers all things Law of Attraction, business, spirituality, and self-help. She has over 200K+ followers from around the world. @iamemmamumford Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: TRANSCRIPTIONS:  (00:00): If you're into the law of attraction, but you're beginning to question, is a law of attraction all about getting a bunch of material things or is a law of attraction actually becoming someone? Well, today I'm gonna sit down with Emma Mumford, who is a huge influencer online. She teaches Law of Attraction. She's an award-winning life coach YouTuber two-time bestselling author, speaker, and podcast of the number one spiritual podcast on iTunes. Emma work has helped hundreds of thousands of people turn their dreams into an abundant reality. So she has an incredible story of how she actually began in debt after a breakup and how she transcended that and turned it into blessing other people and turn it into a career for herself. So if you're into the law of attraction, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to the Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin. Dr. Divinity, I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together we're awakening the world.  (01:29): Okay, Amazing. I'm super excited to have you here and dive deep into law of attraction, manifesting what your thoughts are on trauma and how all the supplies really to the listener out there, they might be struggling still. They might be really just doing all their inner work, or they might be someone who already is a coach and really wanting to get to the next level. So I just wanna say welcome and thank you for being here with me today.  (01:54): Thank you so much for having me, Dr. Aaron. I'm really excited to be here and talk all things trauma.  (02:00): Right. Amazing. So I would love for you to just introduce yourself to my audience. How did you get into this work? Usually people have gone through something traumatic themselves. People generally have gone through some really hard times. Take me there. What's your journey been actually coming here?  (02:16): ? Well, it's definitely been traumatic, I can say that much. But it's interesting because I think before writing my latest book, I probably wouldn't have called it that if we'd have been talking about trauma. I've been like, Okay, I've been through some hard things, but I probably wouldn't have called it trauma. So I think it's interesting that sat here and now I can be like, Yeah, it was traumatic. All the things that have kind of got me here today. So really there's a whole journey in the book that happened in my childhood, but my kind of generic story or search of how I got to this point starts back in 2012 when I was in my late sorry, early twenties. So I was a banking manager at the time. So I was working as a banker, which was a very different career path to what I saw myself in.  (03:03): I had no desire to be a banker. I had no plans to be It was just a job that I fell into after leaving college and something to pay the bills essentially. And at that time I was in a not so great relationship and we had be lift turn up at the door and I had no idea of this that my ex had had debts, didn't know anything about it. And obviously I was 18, 19 at that point. So it was really stressful as such a young adult to be experiencing that and not have any knowledge of how to deal with bailiffs or how to deal with that. I knew nothing of this. So that was a really pivotal part in my journey. So I took out a loan with the bank I was working with because I got preferential rates. I sort of Virgo head was like, Right, I'll clear the debt for you, you'll pay me back.  (03:49): Oh, all's good , its good. But it wasn't unfortunately. So actually by the time we broke up, had around 30,000 pounds worth of debts I didn't know anything about. Obviously I had taken a loan out for the 7,000 and still to this day, he's never paid a single penny of it. As soon as I took out that loan, the relationship broke down so quickly and it was awful then having to think, right, that is my legal responsibility because here in the UK back then there wasn't really any support for people who were left in debt from partners or marriages or relationships. It was very much like it's your legal responsibility, tough, you have to pay it. So I was pretty much 1920 at that point, facing life with 7,000 pounds worth of debt. I had crippling depression at that point as well and I'd had depression along a lot of that journey but it really kind of got stronger and stronger and stronger as that debt came in.  (04:44): As obviously I then had to leave the banking role because I was working with people who I had to put in debt, I had to put people in debt every day. I was then in debt myself, and it was an extremely triggering situation to be around money and also had to tell people, No, you actually can't have a loan, you can't have a credit card, you can't have whatever is they were coming into me for. So it really soul crushed me that job because I wanted to help people, but not in that way. And I didn't wanna be targeted and have all that pressure to put people in debt as well, being in debt myself. So at that point, moving forwards, I then found extreme couponing, which was a really random thing to find. Oh, that's funny. But I loved the TLC show and I really thought, Wow, this is amazing. These people are saving thousands of thousands dollars worth of food. Imagine if I could do that here. Imagine if I could take that pressure off myself, save some money and clear my debt. So I was very much proactive about the whole thing. And here in the UK at the time, Cup couponing was not a thing. It was not spoken about. It was very sort taboo to talk about as well. So there wasn't much information out there. So I very  (05:57): Much took it just interjecting. I just wanted to, For the audience, I think it's really important because there's things that as we know, come down our track or intergenerational trauma and debt is one of them, which is so fascinating cuz when you take a look at Europe, there used to be debtor's prism and people when they got in debt, they'd get in debt and there was no out. And then when America came about, we actually, two staples that we got founded on was no debt prison. So you could go bankrupt and just be like, Oh, whatever, new business, which has been great and terrible because it's made us just be a lot of fraudulent stuff in our debt world. But I think it's important to talk about this for the audience because here you are, Emma and you're, you're going, Oh, I have debt, but you're also holding the whole angst and stress and everything that's come along before even embodied in this life. So I think it's important to interject in that. But go on. Great story. I love this. Keep going.  (06:50): Yeah, no, a hundred percent. I'm glad you shared that. So going along that journey, fan Extreme Cup couponing, loved it. It was such a positive impact on my mental health to be able to put positive energy towards something to help me and my friends were like, You should really share this with people. People would love to know how you're doing this because it's not, There's no one in the UK doing this. So after a lot of pestering, I started up a Facebook page, it was called Extreme Cup Couponing and Deals uk. And within six months it just totally blew up. It got half a million followers. The press here in the UK were nicknaming me the coupon queen. I was presenting on one of the biggest TV shows here in the uk and it just felt really surreal, if anything, because I hadn't planned to have a business, I hadn't planned to do any of that and I was still so young at this point as well in my early twenties.  (07:39): So it was thrust into the lime thrust into all these different things whilst experiencing depression, anxiety still. So it was a lot. It was lot, but it was also really positive and it was also a really fun time in my life to be able to experience all of that and turn that negative situation into something positive that will help so many people. So instead of the banking, putting people in debt, I was now helping people get out of debt and be more savvy with their money. So I ran that business for six years and then fast forward to 2016 is when I had my spiritual awakening and this was again when I was in a not so great relationship. So you can see the themes here, you can see the troll  (08:18): Was coming through. Love it. Yeah, so good. Thank you. Yeah,  (08:21): Love has been the biggest journey of my life, definitely. And at this point, the depression had got so much worse. It got to a point where I was thinking about suicide and thinking about what are my options here because I'm so miserable within my myself, what am I meant to do? I thought, surely this isn't what life is. Surely this, we shouldn't feel sad. How do I feel happy? And I didn't have those answers and I went an antidepressants. I tried C B T counseling, all the generic things that are on offer, but again, nothing was giving me long lasting results and nothing was really getting to the root or even diving into any of that. It was all surface level covering up and it just wasn't helping me to feel any. She better really. So when that relationship broke down I was at this point of what do I do?  (09:14): I'm at rock bottom. There has to be more to life than this. And that's when the law of attraction found me. I kept saying this word everywhere and I thought, what is this? What's the law of attraction? So from that point, again, it was a bit like couponing where I fell in love with it and it was a really positive thing I put my energy towards and put my attention towards. And within three or four weeks of doing it, I felt so differently. So polar opposite to how I'd felt for so long because I was learning what self-care and self love was. I was learning to heal and I was learning to have a positive mindset, which I definitely didn't have prior to that. So I really feel like the law of attraction saved me in so many different ways. And then come 2017, I thought, right, this is shifting. My company I was running was huge at this point, so it needed a team of people and I couldn't keep running it just by myself. And I felt like I wanted, again, shift how I was helping people and actually, yes, talk about money, but also talk about the law of attraction and how we can manifest money and have a positive relationship with money. So I sold my couponing business in 2018 and I've been doing this full time ever since,  (10:25): Which I love this because I think it's important for people to hear out there that you can be having success. Because I think so many people think, Well, if I just have success in money and have this, then my depression will go away. Nope, not gonna happen. So I want people to hear that and really get that you were having a very successful business and you were still dealing with not feeling well, which so many of us do. We think if we just get that right relationship, if we just make enough money, if we just get that new home or if we just move to that different city, then it'll all work out and that's the lie. So let's dive deep into the law of attraction because I think as a Doctor Divinity that teaches, I have a book coming out as well, and Oracle Cards on Universal Law, which is a law of attraction, which is law of attracts a very small, it's just one concept of what everything is.  (11:10): It's a very deep dive into it. And I think for me, probably you as well, I listen to The Secret, I put the manifesting thing up on the wall, I manifested about half of the stuff, and it all became millions of dollars and things and all that stuff. And then half of it I couldn't manifest. But regardless, I was still unfulfilled. I was still, it wasn't enough. And I thought manifesting was getting things . And we know that manifesting is you, that's what we call it, man, right? It's the you're the manifestation. What to manifest is the highest, most expressed, connected, loving you. All these things are never gonna fulfill us. And yes, we believe in prosperity, but what does it mean for you? What is your definition of the law of attraction?  (11:55): And I think I've got two parts to that answer definitely, because I fully, wholeheartedly agree with everything you said because that's actually why I wrote my second book Positively Wealthy, because I'd gone along my manifestation journey for about three years at that point and I thought I'd manifested it all. I'd manifested everything off my vision board. So you'd think that would be great, Emma, congratulations. Amazing. You're great at this. Fantastic. But I felt, and I remember this really heavy moment, it was actually when I sold my couponing business, it was the final manifestation of my vision board. I'd got the relationship I dreamt of, I'd got the house that I dreamt of for this s