Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

DAILY INSPIRATION: The airplane, the iphone, the internet, etc.... were all created because someone believed it was possible.  DAILY UNIVERSAL LAW: Universal Law of Divine Will DAILY CHALLENGE: Let go of your limited beliefs DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE: Become fascinated by other people's beliefs.    Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your truth, live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron. We come together each morning to know the truth, live on S principle and align with the universal law and align with our truth. You have a specific truth and a gift and message to bring to the world. And so it is, we also come together as a community through society, uh, committed to being the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment empowerment and entrepreneurship. So we come together online in offline and all the above teaching truth, teaching principle, living our best lives. So let's do this. You guys today, let's talk about releasing and letting go, limiting beliefs, limited beliefs. So Oprah said, step out of the history that is holding you back step into the new story. You are willing to create history, his story that's right. (00:59): You have a story and now you get to, uh, embody your news story, create it, live it, love it. And so it is so on that note, uh, you know, the Wright brothers brings us to beliefs who had great beliefs, who has had these masterful beliefs of all of us, and, um, brings to, uh, bring us, brings me to, I can speak this more. I swear the Wright brothers, the Wright brothers believed they could build an airplane. And because of their belief, the very first flight took place on December 17th, 1903, Steve jobs believed he could create the most technologically advanced phone in history. And through his vision, the iPhone was born at a Lovelace, believed she could program a machine with mathematical algorithms and became her determination. Her first, the first computer was programmed. What a woman programed the first computer I had never, I never knew that. (01:55): Anyway, solar power pioneer, Dr. Maria takas believed she could heat a home entirely by solar power. And the very first solar only home was built in 1947. Edwin Hubble believed he could take a man to the moon and through his perseverance, he invented the first Hubble space telescope, which was the impetus to space travel. So there is the point is this is right. There are infinite beliefs. You guys, you can believe you can do it, or you believe you can't do it. And either way you are correct, right. There are so many potential creations. So many galaxies. It is infinite. There are so many beliefs, just as many beliefs a woman or man can or can't create whatever they truly believe. And this is the same thing called thought called belief took us to the moon. And it can also put us in a box into your own prison cell, which do you want? (02:59): Which beliefs are you gonna energize? Right? That's what we're up to here. So the entire physical and material world is made up of substance of form, which is created by the intelligence of consciousness, informing and directing energy into matter. And just like matter is created it too, is the experience of life, of our perception. And so your viewpoint, your individual use of the thing of the universal law is your greatest gift. You have this great playground that we get to create our consciousness in. And the reality is this energy is 99.9% empty space that is formed. It's informed by you by the observer. And it collapses this energy into either a wave or a particle, just like a binary code of the universal matrix. And so I just know this matrix I can speak today. I swear it's been a long, it's been an early morning. (03:59): I'm a little groggy still knowing that this matrix, this entire matrix, this binary code is what we, we direct this. And then we, we create this thing. It's almost like, uh, uh, you know, this computer matrix we're living in, and we know this, we know this by quantum physics demonstrates this, you know, there's a doctor called Dr. Fred Allen Wolf. And I re remember watching what the bleep is years ago. And it, and it showed us this thing. It showed us how we, the observer create things into a particle or wave. Like, we're that powerful? It's extraordinary. You guys, you have any idea, the power of even just how you perceive the attitude that you have, the gratitude that you have, all this, knowing that in this, that you have this thing called consciousness, you get to inform life and you get to actually affect this physical realm. (04:48): How cool is that? So the first step in really embodying and releasing limiting beliefs is, is going in and spotting them the first, like most important things to just become aware. What do you believe what's serving you? And what's no longer serving you. A lot of the work I do. One-on-one people to release their limiting beliefs is getting into trauma work. Oftentimes in trauma, we decide something. We decide the way we are the way life is the way people are. We decide and commands, and these commands play out like puppet streams in our life. And so I know today that whatever limiting beliefs have been trickled down through the programming in your D in your DNA or trickle down through the collective consciousness, the race consciousness, the cosmic consciousness, that you have the ability to redirect this, to choose something new, to see yourself in life as something that's never been born in this universe before. (05:42): And so what I know is that all limiting beliefs are limited identity. The greatest work spiritual work inner work is to shift the identity to the, I am to that all knowingness experience of being the creative factor. That's created this entire universe. So it is time to stop your, your ways of thinking anything. That's holding you back from the all powerful divine being that you already are releasing your limiting beliefs and setting a new creation into effect. And so on this day, the universal law is the law of divine will. The absolute truth is that God's will, is your will. The, this law works in direct proportion to your ability to direct energy upon universal law by the power of your mind. And the conviction of your heart, divine will has nothing to do with using force upon the physical realm control is influenced by the beliefs within your soul. (06:42): Yes, you can take inspired action. Yes, you can do those things, but no, that it is only going to be effective. The extent to which you truly believe it, to the extent to which you identify with whatever you're trying to accomplish. And so on, the no today's challenge is to become fascinated by people's beliefs. It's so fascinating what people believe and what they do with their energy. So becoming fascinated with people's beliefs. I remember my, a mentor of mine challenged me to do this years ago. Anytime I was frustrated with people, anytime I wanted them to be different than they were anytime I was getting upset, he would just say, become fascinated by what they're doing with their energy, by how they're using it and how they're creating it, what they believe. And it became like a big game. It was like, I was no longer like tormented by how people were being. (07:31): I, I basically got to this space where I was just able to like, just enjoy people and just, you know, have compassion and become fascinated, kind of giggle at what they were creating for themselves. So notice other people's beliefs. How do they view the world? How do they think, you know, it is, do they, what do they can perceive right. Is wrong. So what do you think other people should do? What limiting beliefs do they have? You know, how do they perceive themselves to be start to become aware of what people are focusing on due to their beliefs? Just become a witnesser of it. This is how you master, um, being a coach and being a leader is you begin to understand human behavior, looking at people and understanding, you know, questioning and, and just considering, you know, what do they find difficult or easy? (08:23): How do they perceive life? How do they perceive money? How do they perceive relationships? How do they view life? Do they view it as mundane or miraculous? And so, as you contemplate this, just beginning to perceive and allow people to have their beliefs, that's the daily spiritual practice, allowing people to have their own beliefs. They get to do that. You don't get to play God for them. You get to just simply know the perfection and their divinity. And so just on this note, I just, uh, never will for, I'll never, ever forget a mentor of mine saying that if you don't hold somebody for their true divinity and hold them in their light and know the perfection of who they are, you don't deserve to be in their life. And I was like, whoa, there's a game changer. So try that on for size. So on this note, I just know perfection, knowing that you are the, not your beliefs, you are the creative of your beliefs. And so you just get to create whatever you want, the new identity of yourself, knowing that you get to live your truth as together we say. And so it is (09:25): Thanks again for tuning in to Dr. Aaron and soul society podcast. I'd like to invite you to write a review on iTunes. Also, I have a free gift for you, a money meditation and worksheet, which you can [email protected]. That's www S O U L C I E or 30 guided meditations at Dr. That's www D R E R I We also hold monthly soul society events that are all about transformation and building extraordinary community. You can also watch me live daily on good morning, Lala or Instagram at Dr. Grab your free manifestation masterclass with a purchase of my international bestselling book awakening, a 40 day guide to unleashing your spiritual powers, life, purpose, and manifest in your dreams at Aaron book.