Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:00): Welcome (00:01): To society, the shift to the tragedy movement. So you did so truth (00:09): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in a community soul society committed to being the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. Our mission is to awaken a billion people and how we are doing that is by developing world class spiritual leaders. So let's do this thing you guys today, this is the first of a 12 series on living your truth. What does it mean to live your truth? We're gonna birth your true power, your true passion and your true purpose. And we're gonna teach you how to reprogram your subconscious mind. And this is the basis of all of this work. (01:02): So I want to begin with my personal journey of seeking and coming to what I consider the most important work on this planet within myself and for, for people to truly live lives that they love and, um, release their suffering and begin to live their truth. Okay. So my journey began as I'm sure many of you heard my personal story at the age of 22, having a stillborn, uh, son and giving birth to his body and the next day going to the mortician's house and having a moment where I felt so alone, I was looking down at his body and he was gone. His body was still here and I realized we're not these bodies. And in that moment, I made a profound commitment to seeking truth, to figuring out what I was doing here, what the meaning of life was and how to really release the suffering. (02:01): That was GLING me. So in that moment in time, I was 22 and I began to seek. And, um, my, you know, my parents weren't really around. I grew up in a sort of hippie commune in the Hills of Santa Barbara and I had zero structure, no religion and no organization, no support, truly. And, um, and here I was at 22, I was, uh, married to somebody that I had. I didn't even know who he was. I didn't know myself. I was dying inside. I literally, other than I was not suicidal, but I literally didn't, didn't see the point in this life anymore. And I really handed my life over to seeking truth. And I thought, if I can just figure that out and give something back to this world, then it will make my life worth something. So I began to seek and I was anti-religion. (02:50): So I didn't wanna go to any of the religions. Um, and I began to read books, of course. And one of the common denominators that I found in the books was that all the great minds did meditation. So I began to meditate and I actually set up a little place in my closet. I began to meditate and I began to seek other things. I began to seek conferences and seminars and workshops and individuals that could teach me. I had no money when I was 22. So most of it I did, you know, off of free books or books that people handed me or whatever. And I began to go to, I went to landmark forum. I, you know, multiple times I, uh, got my nine rights in shamanism without any medicine, um, just pure and, and re and learned how to master energy. I began to seek and seek and seek. (03:42): I began to look at Socrates's method and Greek Oracle processes and subconscious works and all kinds of things. And I ended up becoming a spiritual practitioner and a, uh, new thought minister, which is science of mind understanding the metaphysics of the world, and then finally becoming a doctor of divinity. So it's been quite a journey. It's been a 25 year journey. And I'm here to say that I truly believe that out of all the work I've ever done, one of the most profound works that has shifted and turned on. My superpowers is doing my inner trauma work. And in doing the inner trauma work, then once you've done your inner trauma work, then it was really about birthing my truth, getting clear of what my core values are getting clear of. What's true for me, and then birthing my true purpose and calling. And this is what I'm gonna take you through. (04:38): So today the first of this 12 series that I'm so excited to bring to you guys is how to reprogram your subconscious mind, because this is what the basis of all of it is. Okay. So how do reprogram your subconscious mind? So all spiritual work is the restoring of the true identity and birthing your power, passion, and purpose. The core inner work is to clear the soul of all limiting beliefs, limited identities and negative, energetic memory, which are stored in the subconscious mind. So in society, basically the community that I run, we use a process called the truth triangle. Okay. This is something that I developed over, you know, over the last 25 years, I, I looked at all these processes, the subconscious mind, all the work of getting clearer and really living the most empowered you. And I went, what is this exactly? What is the process of this? (05:35): Exactly. And this is the process that I came up with, which is called the truth triangle and it's to birth the individual's truth and deprogram the subconscious mind. So we reprogram the subconscious mind by knowing the truth, living on spiritual principle and aligning with the universal law, we create our daily spiritual practice and set intentional habits in for success. But before we do all that, we have to deprogram the subconscious mind, which means we have to rid the subconscious mind of the limiting beliefs. And so, you know, everybody knows this, okay. We know it's the subconscious mind. We know those limiting beliefs, but how do you actually get rid of the limiting beliefs in the subconscious mind? Well, this is basically the key and the secret of over 25 years of what I have come to, which is for me, what I believe is my greatest gift to leave this planet, which is really understanding the commands that happen in traumatic incidences and how they get programmed into the subconscious mind and how they play out in people's lives. (06:43): So, you know, you can manifest all day, you can try and manifest all day. You can use all the affirmations you want. You can pray, you can do all this, but I believe that most people just don't have a strong enough of consciousness to override limiting beliefs and their commands that are already in their subconscious mind. So it's not until you've gone back in and re-experienced and done this work until you can actually begin to, to begin to know the truth and align with it. Okay. So in order to reprogram the subconscious mind, we must ask the following number one is what is the subconscious mind? What is reprogramming the subconscious mind? Why, I'm sorry. Why is reprogramming the subconscious mind so important? And number three is how do you reprogram the subconscious mind? So, number one, what is the subconscious mind? So from a spiritual perspective, the subconscious mind is a huge memory bank that in it basically encompasses all energetic coding within the consciousness of the individual, which includes individualized memory, the collective consciousness memory, and the cosmic consciousness memory. (07:50): Okay. So the subconscious is the automated and habitual aspect of your psyche. It is the non-critical aspect of thought. This infinite intelligence of the subconscious mind includes what we call the Ko records, which contains all mental pictures of all type lifetime. So the subconscious mind is it's. I mean, we say it's probably 98% of everything it's breathing. You it's, it's doing mathematical equations, chemical equations right now that no mathematician can do it is the super conscious of living and breathing as you, the subconscious mind is everything. It is attuning you to all of life right now. I don't think that even science remotely understands how profound the subconscious mind, they can't even get their, how do you, you know, how do you measure it? Right. So next, the second question is basically why is reprogram a subconscious mind so important, right? So why is it so important? (08:52): You know, reprogram is subconscious mind is imperative because you can go out and you can, you know, set your dreams and you can, you know, hustle all day and you can do your to-do list, but there are limiting commands within your subconscious mind limit identities and limiting beliefs that are running the show. And so this is why so many people, they sabotage their success, or they just get stuck and they don't know why or whatever it is is because they just have a decision in mind, a command in mind, that's already set in place. And until they deal with that, it doesn't matter if they have the greatest invention that can make billions of dollars, or they meet the love of their life, or, you know, they find all the wisdom of the greatest supplements on the planet. They will sabotage it within their subconscious programming. (09:46): It's kind of like a set program that's going off inside of them. And so the third question is how do you reprogram the subconscious mind? Well, we're gonna get into that. We first wanna use some analogies. Okay. Some metaphors. So it's kind of like, imagine that on you're, you're on one side of a big mountain and on your side, you're in your reality, the reality of wherever you are financially, emotionally, um, you're wherever you are, relationship wise, you're all these things. And on the other side of the mountain is your dream life. You know, who you wanna be, all the success, all the abundance, flowing, love, expression, all that stuff. And you think if I just climb over this little mountain, then I'll get to my dreams. Well, what people don't realize is underneath that mountain, it's kind of like the picture of having an iceberg in the middle of the ocean that goes down, down, down, and actually 90%, 98% of the mountain is actually down underneath it. (10:46): Right? So when we think we're just gonna climb over the mountain to our dreams, what we don't realize is that when we're climbing over that mountain there's stuff, that's gonna stop us, that we don't even know that's gonna stop us. And it's a subconscious mind. So if you want to have success, live your greatest version, end your suffering claim, your birthright or prosperity, have abundance in the realm of love and even restore your health. You've got to deal with the subconscious mind. Okay? So there's a great analogy or metaphor for the subconscious mind. And, um, it's the computer analogy. I use it all the time. So let's j