Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to society, the shift to the tribe, the movement. So you did truth. (00:08): Live for Los Angeles is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in a community society to know the truth also to, uh, live from empowerment, enlightenment, and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And we are awakening a billion people by developing spiritual leaders and spiritual leaders are not just the typical spiritual leaders that are writing or speaking or doing, you know, events, the spiritual leader. In my opinion, the future spiritual leader is you. It's the person who impacts every single person. They come in contact with. It can be, yes, it can be a small business owner. It can be a mom. It can be anybody, the people who touch our lives. And I think that's where spirituality is going. (00:57): It has to live in our heart and it has to touch and impact and inspire people everywhere we go. So we are doing a series it's called live your truth. It's a 12 week series and we are on week 10 of 12. This is, um, all based off of, uh, a framework and technology. I've built over 22 years, which is called the truth triangle, which is based in processes from Greek Oracle processes, science of mind, metaphysics. It's really understanding how the subconscious mind is connected with the universal law and how we birth our truth. So it's based on Medix and Maddix is a word it's a, a Greek word that is considered to birth your truth. Just like midwifery is birthing. Your baby may UIX is birthing your truth. So we birth the truth and on the truth triangle, there's three sides and we are birthing your true power, the true power that you are, that divine all knowing all spiritual, infinite resources, powerful spiritual beam. (02:01): On the second side of the triangle, we birth your, your passion, your specific truth. There's ultimate truths. Like energy will never be destroyed and there's relative truths, and we're really birthing your truth. What's true for you. What's true for you in the realm of your relationships, in how you like to spend your days, how you sleep, what sleep patterns work for you, what food works for you, all these areas, what is good for you in the realm of money and career and your expression? That's what we're birthing here. Okay. And the third side is birthing your purpose. And your purpose is from all the suffering of all lifetimes to come to your why, why is it so important to you? Cuz I truly believe that you're here to complete your DNA. You've got memory of all lifetimes that come down your DNA and there's good memory and those bad memory. (02:47): And you get to complete those cycles for all your lineage. And then you get to create your legacy that you're leaving in this lifetime. Okay? So today we are dealing with, um, past life regressions and this is the third side of the triangle, which is really birthing your purpose and what I've found after years and years of working with, you know, all different types of clients, CEOs, celebrities, single moms, future spiritual leaders, all kinds of people. The past life progressions are profound. And what's interesting is I always think, oh, you know what? It might not work. You know? And sure enough, some huge epiphany that I never saw coming comes sliding on and smacks us all in the face to go, holy cow, this stuff is powerful. So I am going to, I'm going to attempt to walk you through a past life regression. I don't know how well this is gonna be able to be done within your, you know, your own home and whatever. (03:44): I don't think there's anything to fear here. This is more of an imagination process. As Einstein said, our imagination, our fantasy is the greatest faculty we have. And that's really what we're tapping in through past life regression. Okay. So let's do this thing. So past life regression. So past life regression is the process of pulling mental pictures from the ACA records. You could also say from just that's living in your DNA, right? So past life regression is the process of pulling up mental pictures from the ACA records that you have energetic emotions attached to neutralizing them. Okay? The truth is that all past lives are your lineage. All past lives. Are your lineage. The truth is that when you go into past life regressions, if you really started going deeper and deeper, deeper, you would break through the wall and realize all past lives are your past lives. (04:32): Okay? Many, many lives, many masters, right? You are one with everything and everyone. However, you have a particular DNA and a carmic lineage that your soul associates with. So we're first gonna deal with your particular soul and your particular lineage. If somebody's out there and they're like, you know what? I wanna go all the way down the rabbit hole. I wanna know everything. I want the entire veil to come off, then keep doing past life regressions. Okay. In my opinion, there are two primary reasons to do past life regressions. Okay? Obviously the ultimate goal is to have enlightenment, but the true primary reasons to do past life regression is to one. When doing your trauma work past life, regressions can assist in neutralizing the emotions associated with mental pictures from past lives that are projecting into this lifetime because we at, you know, my practice and our practice in society is to not be way out there as spiritualists. (05:26): The reality is everything is created from spirit and we wanna be able to have it applicable. How does this affect your immediate circumstances, your life? How does this affect the way that you are able to create money, your relationships, having deeper connections, your health, right? We don't wanna get too. Woo, woo. We wanna bring down to tactics and how you actually apply this stuff and how it makes a difference in your world today. So number one reason to do your past life regression is to heal the trauma in your DNA. Epigenics proves now that memory of all lifetimes is, is living your DNA. So the fears that you feel, those, you know, reactions that you feel, the sadness that you don't know where it comes from, that is all living in your, from your DNA. So we wanna complete and neutralize those mental pictures associated with that so that you can get freed up for more free will and enjoy your life more. (06:18): The second primary reason to do past life regressions beyond really woo woo stuff is getting when getting clarity on your purpose and calling helps to spot the patterns of suffering from past life, mental pictures, triumph over your trials so that you can have a gateway to burden your purpose and calling. Okay. So there's two primary reasons to do past life regressions. One is to get freed up from the trauma that's living on your track. And number two is to birth your purpose in calling. So more than anything, purpose in calling is really something that everyone wants to figure out. People are like, I wanna know what it is. And oftentimes they find that people need to stop trying to figure out what their purpose in colon is. And when they do their inner healing, it will be revealed. It's revealed it's spoken through within. Okay. (07:05): So past life regression is accessed via imagination and fantasy. Okay. So I don't want you to get to too caught up in, is this real? Is this not real? Do I believe in past lives or not get over it? Okay. The reality is this is that it doesn't matter if you believe in past lives or not. The reality is that you have memory stored in your DNA and in the collective consciousness, the mental pictures may be fantasy or reality, but it doesn't matter. What matters is the emotions that are attached to the mental pictures that are impinging upon your subconscious, right? So if you're able to pull up a fantasy picture, but you have a lot of emotion around it, then it's the emotion that matters. It doesn't matter if the it's like having a dream, okay. Dreams are the same way. Dreams are obviously not real, but the emotion attached to your dream is what we do in dream analysis so that we can see what's really going on. (08:05): Why do you have that emotion to you and what needs to be completed in your life and your track around that emotion? Right? So it's the same thing. So going into past life regression is really about fantasy and imagination. Okay? So once you have taken inventory of the suffering of this lifetime, you can pretend you're writing a film script with a story jumps from this life to the past lifetime. So this is what I tell my clients, okay. When we're going into a past life regression, first of all, you don't have to have attachment and believe those past lives. But what I want you to do is I want you to pretend like you're like a director, okay. Or rather a, you know, you're writing the script of a movie and you know how those, those great movies that they go from one lifetime and they jump to past lifetimes or future lifetimes. (08:50): Right? That's what I want you to do. I want you to look at the suffering and kind of the theme of your life in this lifetime. And I want you to pretend that you jump back to a past life and it all makes sense of why you're playing out this theme in this lifetime. Okay. So we're gonna do this. So example, imagine you're writing a movie script when the movie script starts in this lifetime and portrays the suffering and theme of your life. Then the movie jumps to a past lifetime and portrays a suffering that you went through, which is carried through in a bizarre and yet succinct manner. Okay. So (09:30): An example of this is taking on the theme of this lifetime. So what is the theme of the suffering of this lifetime? For example, my theme, when I started doing this was I'm constantly experiencing feeling abandoned and alone. It's like a romantic drama where the woman isn't able to accept people, loving her because she's afraid they will abandon her. Okay. So what was fascinating was when I started doing my past life regressions, I had thought my abandonment issue was from this lifetime. Sure. My dad, you know, and my mom got divorced. My dad went off and had another family and other kids and da, da, da. So I had this whole like, oh, it's, you know, it's from this lifetime. It wasn't until I started doing my past life regressions that I started realizing holy cow, there was some major, major, major trauma and major feelings of abandonment people having to go away. (