Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to (00:01): Soul society. The shift your movement say you do full truth. (00:08): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in soul society. We are committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And our mission is to awaken a billion people and how we're doing that is creating spiritual leaders. I truly believe that the future spiritual leader is not just someone up on the podium, the greatest, you know, author, the greatest speaker. I believe that the future spiritual leader is our next door neighbor. The person who inspires you, the mother or the small business owner, or your friend that truly lives and embodies their truth and is unshakable by the world. That's where I believe spirituality is going. (01:02): So let's do this thing. We are on number 12 of 12 of 12 week series called live your truth in this podcast series. And the today, the topic is creating your life purpose statement. And I did this topic, um, I think some months back and the difference of today versus that is that I have walked people through creating a life purpose statement. For many years, I've worked with little children doing it. I've worked with, you know, celebrities I've worked with, you know, people that are just trying to figure out what they're doing with their business. And this is the deal in my opinion. Okay, you can create your life purpose statement. There's an actual formula from last week of creating it through both your, um, your, whatever triumphs you've had in life, plus your passions, plus your skill set. Okay? But your life purpose statement, um, will change as you go through doing the truth triangle. (01:59): So in society, our framework and what the last, you know, this 12 week series is all on, is birthing your truth. Through the framework I created called truth triangle. And what I've found is that people can create their life purpose statement and they can come up with their purpose in calling. But if they haven't done their core, core work of healing and done their trauma work and basically making amends and pulling back their, their true power and, and getting clear of what their core values are and getting everything, they will actually probably intuitive intuitively know what their purpose and calling is at some level. And they will be able to design their life purpose statement, which I'm gonna walk 'em through today. But usually they end up kind of oscillating back and forth. They'll they'll know this, but they still get confused. They get overwhelmed. (02:47): They question what they're doing because they haven't done their core work to get really embedded in their truth. Okay. So today I'm gonna walk you through this, and again, you will be able to do do this. You'll be able to create your life purpose statement, and what's different about creating your purpose in calling versus your life. Purpose statement is your purpose in calling is, is a true calling in this lifetime based on your entire lineage and all the suffering you've gone through in past lifetimes in this lifetime, your life purpose statement is really getting clear in the four areas of your life, kind of your, your north star in those four areas of your life. Okay? So today that's what we're gonna walk through. So just before we do that, just to kind of go over the truth triangle again, this four week series walks you through birthing your truth, and there is called the truth triangle. (03:36): And the three sides is what we birth your true power. You are a divine infinite, all-knowing immortal, eternal, spiritual being, and restoring that is done through dealing with limited beliefs, dealing with the commands that you set in your, in traumas, dealing with, where you handed your power over in life. And shifting back to the true identity that I am identity. The second side of the triangle is birthing your passion and birthing your passion is all about getting clear of what your core values are and getting clear of what you're truly committed to in this lifetime. And in that putting boundaries around people, places and things, no longer looking to be the victim of anything and remembering that you're the cause of creating and living in alignment with your truth and your passion next and final side of the, of the triangle is birthing your purpose. (04:29): And that is what is done through past lifetime regressions. And whether you believe in past life or not, it doesn't matter. Epigenetics now proves that you have memory that lives in you as your, through your DNA. So we birth your purpose and calling through going through your past lives, understanding the suffering and the theme of the suffering and what really you need to do to complete the cycle of your DNA and complete the cycle for you to leave your legacy here in this lifetime. And then in the center of the triangle is living your truth. You've birth your truth on the outside of the triangle, and now you've gotta live your truth. And how do you live your truth in the middle? You basically are living your truth by having your daily spiritual practice. And that's not just having, you know, your 20 minute session in the morning and 20 minute session that eating your daily spiritual practice should be every breath that you take all day long, the principles that you live by the words that you speak, the thoughts that you truly energize it's your life is a prayer, as they say, okay, so today we are still on the outer side of the triangle and we are on the final 12th section of birthing your truth. (05:38): And that is, this is creating your life's purpose statement. So this is super fun. I recommend pausing this podcast. If you're listening to it and getting out a pen and paper, this is very, very interactive. Okay? So creating your life purpose statement is one of the most powerful things you can do for your personal professional development. Your life purpose statement is a declaration of your commitments and goals in the four areas of your life, along with the commitments to your mission. Okay? So this is going to be your life purpose statement is actually something you're gonna create and print out and all this stuff. It is gonna be the north star of your life, keeping you focused every step of the way. You know, today's world. We have so much information coming at us that when you start your day intentionally and remember what you're truly committed to, it's easy to say no to certain things and say yes, with clarity, purpose, and intention. (06:32): So you'll read this north star, your life purpose statement each day to stay powerfully focused on what you're committed to in your life. Okay? So it's gonna help you stay in alignment with your intentions, stay in your integrity and stay in your unique truth, because everyone has a unique divine truth. There's ultimate truth in relative truth. It will assist you in embodying that, which you desire to be. Do you get that? It assists you embodying that, which your desire to be. It's not about getting things it's about being to believe is to be live. It's what you are. And that is what that's, why, what you believe come true is cause of what you are. Okay. Personally, I create my life purpose statement in a platform called Canva online, which is a design platform. You can do whatever you want. You can just write it out and you're gonna actually write it out. (07:23): You can write it out on a three by five card and, um, or you can print it out and get it laminated. I personally create mine in a, in a platform called can C a N V. And on one side I print, I, I actually type out what I'm gonna help you walk through your life purpose statement. On the other side, I put a picture, whatever really helps me visualize what I really am embodying. So then I have it printed and I have it laminated. I print out five copies so I can make one on, on, I put one on the side of my bed, put one in my car, put one in the bathroom, put one in my desk, in my wallet. Okay. So let's do this thing. Your life purpose statement should be written in the following manner. Okay? So you're gonna have four sentences, four sentences each representing the four areas of your life. (08:11): The first area is health and wellness. Second areas, relationships and love. Third area is money and career. And fourth area is creative expression. And then there will be a fifth sentence and the fifth sentence states, what you will give in exchange for the financial abundance you, you want in your life. Okay. This is your mission statement in one sentence. Okay. So again, you're gonna have four sentences in the, for the representing the four errors of your life. And the fifth sentence is going to basically be your mission statement. That is really in ex what you're doing in exchange for your financial abundance. Okay. So you wanna write all of the sentences in present tense. Okay. Remember that universe doesn't know the past or the future. It only knows the present tense. Okay. As if it's already been manifested and demonstrated. Now you're gonna write your life purpose statement with measurable and obtainable results oriented language. (09:12): And you're gonna write your live purpose statement with a positive manner, with adjectives that reflect how you desire to feel. Okay. So I'm gonna give you some examples. Um, these are just examples and you can take 'em for what you want and, and create your own. Okay. So you want to also at the very top say on or before, so that you let the universe know that this is, you know, that this is who you are and what you're being and the embodiment. Okay. So state what you will give an exchange for your financial abundance as well. Okay. So basically you're gonna go like this. Okay. So number one, this is an example. Number one area, first sentence. This is an example, someone health and wellness. I will have, I have radiant health, eat whole foods and love fitting into my clothes with comfort sentence, two relationships and love. (10:06): I celebrate my thriving family and peaceful friends. Okay. How this is measurable is a thrives. You know, if you're family's striving or not. Okay. You know, if people are in peace or not, okay. Money and career, I live the life of my dreams with $250,000 a year for my writing career. This is an, an example of a client.