Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:00): Welcome (00:01): To society, the shift to the triage, the movement. So you did truth (00:08): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron doctor of divinity. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in a community society. We are committed to being the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And our mission is to awaken a billion people globally, and how we are doing that is by developing world class spiritual leaders. So I'm so excited today about this podcast. This is number four of 12 of a series called live your truth. So today is number four, and we're talking about trauma and releasing your limit beliefs, your limiting beliefs, trauma, and releasing your limiting beliefs. So this is probably in my opinion, one of the most profound, um, pieces of work that I've developed over the course of the last 25 years of my own spiritual seeking and diving deep into different processes. (01:10): I would say doing trauma work is probably one of the most important works you will ever do for your awakening and for, um, basically re-empowering yourself reclaiming the power that you already are because remember that all spiritual work, all inner work from a spiritual perspective is doing one thing. And one thing only, and it's really coming back to your true identity. Your I am the all powerful all-knowing spiritual identity that you have. So all the inner work is really peeling away. The layers of the onion of your consciousness, of peeling back, all those false identities and false beliefs. And so today is a process that I'm going to take you through. That, um, has been probably the biggest shift in the work that I've done, other than say meditation and prayer. I would say trauma work is even more profound than those in that it has fast results having people shift their life. (02:06): So also I wanna disclose that if you've been through a lot of trauma, it's important to go to a practitioner, go to a therapist, go to whoever to a professional that can help you with this. This is if you have mental disorder, if you've been through major, major trauma, don't recommend trying this at home, but you are your own spiritual. If you're doing spiritual work, you have the right to do anything you want for yourself. And we have the right as spiritual practitioners to do that as well. Also just disclosing that this is not a cure. We cannot disclose that also legally that this is a spiritual process. Okay. So we're gonna do some processes, right? So trauma, we have to first define what is trauma and trauma is there's different types of trauma. There can be physical traumas and there can be emotional traumas. (02:52): And today we are primarily talking about emotional trauma. Okay. So what is trauma? Trauma is relative for each person. Oftentimes we only think of trauma as something that like being in war or getting in a car accident, but trauma is something that most people experience. So according to the dictionary, one definition is it is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience physically or mentally. Okay. So again, today we're talking about the mental aspect, and again, if you're having mental issues, you should go seek a professional. Okay. But spiritually traumas persist in consciousness via a command that is declared into the subconscious mind at the time of the traumatic incident, which is called an Ingram. There's an actual definition of this. It's called an Ingram. And an Ingram is a neural encoding that provides a physical persistence in memory, Ingrams are linked and persist. Heuristically via commands. (03:52): So really what this means is in order for the mind to process all information, it has to collapse things into categories because we get so much information. Like I always use the analogy of when we first learned to walk, you had to use every single, you know, all your mind power, you had to, it took everything to move your feet and your legs and, and, you know, steady your self as a, whatever that was one years old or whatever. Right. So the subconscious mind is works for us and against us, right? Because it collapses all the information. So it has to recall incidents, um, you know, in clumps basically. So, um, it does the same thing in the realm of say love. So if you've been hurt or had some kind of trauma in the realm of love and you decided love hurts, then anytime something hurts, you also see it as love. (04:46): So it's this kind of bizarre collapsing of the subconscious mind that helps us and hurts us in many ways. So basically it also recalls incidents via things called commands. Okay. So I'm gonna break this down more. So basically what happens is, again, remember that the subconscious mind is, is already programmed through our DNA. It's programmed through all the, all of our, all of our heritage. Basically you're born with certain memory and epigenics, again is proving this all memory is stored in the DNA. So you already have memory. How do you know how to beat your heart? How do you know, you know, how are you afraid of snakes when you've ever never even seen a snake in this lifetime, right? It's memory that lives in you. And so in this lifetime, the subconscious mind is programmed via of course, new habits that you're doing, the movies that you see, the imprinting that you have from people that you witness your parents, da da, da, but it's also programmed through basically two ways, which is through high states of negative emotion, backed by a limiting belief and through high states of positive emotion backed by expanding beliefs. (05:55): Okay. So we are looking at those things, we're looking at trauma and the trauma is generally something that is within five minutes to 24 hours. Okay. So when I'm working with a client, um, how we define a traumatic incident versus just a general upset, general upsets are things that have been going on for long time, weeks on times, your whole life, whatever. And a trauma is something that happens in, in an incident. It's something that is, is done within five minutes or 24 hours. And it has high, high, high emotion, negative emotion backed by a command backed by a limiting belief about a statement. It's basically a statement, a declaration, a decision about yourself or others or life. Okay. And this is what I call commands. Okay. And this is super important because after working with, you know, I've had hundreds and thousands of clients through, you know, one on ones through groups through, through, um, you know, different, uh, retreats and seminars. (06:55): So basically the thing that I've found the commonality in human beings is that generally people have about three core commands that come through and these commands run their life. It's amazing what happens. So things, for example, I'm gonna tell you some examples of a command. I'll never trust again, I can't do this. I'm never enough. I don't matter. I'll always be alone. I don't care they're mean they lie. It never works out. Anyway. I fucked up, excuse my French, but that was actually my son's command. I fucked up again. Okay. So this is the thing is that it becomes an identity. It becomes a subconscious belief that plays out over and over again, like a veil that goes over life, like a lens that you look through life. Okay. So like, I mean, it's, it's incredible. As I witness, it's been the most profound thing as a practitioner, spiritual practitioner that is listening for commands, how once the client spots their command and they neutralize the mental picture, the trauma around it, they, first of all, they start to see how that command has been playing out in all eras of their life over and over. (08:15): It's like a theme. It's like, if your, if your life was a play and you have a theme to the play, it's like, you know, she'll never love. Right. Love hurts. And it plays over again in the drama of the, of her life. Right. That was mine. No. Um, and then it plays out over and over again. And when a client's spots their commands, they also are able to have it rise up from the subconscious they're like, oh my gosh, I didn't realize that was my command. And I, and now I hear all the time when I, if I get upset that command, I say it internally, right? A command is not necessarily something that you say out loud, it's something that you say within, in the middle of getting upset or the middle of that traumatic incident. Okay. So the intention of doing your trauma work and the truth triangle, cuz remember this series of this 12 series is really birthing your truth and living your truth. (09:06): So in this 12 series we go through and you can go back to one through three or binge forward if they're already available now, um, it's really about birthing your truth. And so if we take a look at the truth triangle on the first side of the triangle, we're birthing your true power, the power that you are, the true identity of who you are. We're taking back all the time. You handed your power over to somebody and decided that was more powerful than you. The second side of the triangle is birthing your passion, your relative truth. There's ultimate truths and there's relative truths and you are birthing and getting clear of what your core values are, what your truth is and putting boundaries and accepting people as they are looking at the failed expectations and looking at how you were trying to make people places in life different than it is. (09:50): And suddenly coming to the freedom and accepting people, places and things as they are, and reclaiming your power to create what you want from what the only thing you can really control is your own consciousness in your own thing. Right? The third side of the triangle is birthing your purpose. And we do this through going through your past life, um, and this life suffering and you don't have to believe in past lives, it's in your DNA. So we birth what is important for you to make a difference. And you're here to complete the energetic patterns within your DNA and leave the legacy in this lifetime and birthing that purpose. So again, we birth your, your power, your passion and your purpose. And then in the inside of the triangle is really who you wanna li it's living your truth. And that means your daily spiritual practice. (10:34): What principles do you wanna live by? And really having th