Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to soul society, the shift, your movement. So you do full truth (00:08): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity. We come together each day. Another truth live on spiritual principle and align with universal laws. We also to come together as a spiritual community in soul society, we are committed to being the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And our mission is to awaken a billion people go globally. So let's do this thing. But before we begin, I have a favor to ask. I am wondering if you guys would give this podcast a review, if you've gotten value out of it at all. I am wondering if you would give me the gift of giving a five star review and telling a friend about it. If you really feel like you've gotten value out of this. (00:57): Okay. So let's do this thing. We are in this series of live your truth. This is number five of a 12 series on live, your truth. And we are talking about the truth triangle. So what does it mean to live your truth, I guess is the first question, right? So this means that there are ultimate truths and relative truths, right? The ultimate truth is things like energy cannot be destroyed from a spiritual truth. An ultimate truth is that you are an eternal, immortal, all powerful all-knowing spiritual being. You are the spirit. You are, you know, one as God, not as your individual self, but as your true identity. Okay? The true identity of the I am that you are. And so to live, your truth is to live your relative truth. Each person has a unique truth. They have an, a unique perspective, what works for them in the realm of money, in the realm of health, in the realm of creative expression and the realm of their relationships is unique for them. (02:00): And so the process of birthing your truth and living your truth is beginning to deprogram, mostly from what the culture has told you and your genetic codes. You are, um, you have memory your DNA, epigenetics proven this, that you have all the memory of all the lifetimes. So the point is, is that even science says that it's something around 97% of all of your actions are just automated systems from your subconscious mind. They're, you're a habitual being. And so, you know, the goal is to get to choice and, and freedom of choice and free, well, as much as possible and begin to, um, live in alignment with what really truly works for you, getting down to your core values and understanding what you like and what you don't like. And living in accordance with your purpose and leaving the legacy in this lifetime. So in the first four of, uh, this series, we have walked you through, you know, how to reprogram your subconscious mind. (03:04): And we use the computer analogy around how you are very much. Your subconscious mind is very much like a computer system. The conscious mind, the creative process imprints upon the subconscious mind, which is considered the subjective mind, which is one with universal law. And so it literally goes out and reflects back life is the ultimate mirror of what's going on within your subconscious. It is, um, a great mirror for you to look at and reflect upon and contemplate and say, Hmm, where do I wanna shift? And where do I wanna stay the same? Right? We've taken you through the truth triangle, understanding that we are birthing your true power, your true passion and your true purpose. And this is done through everything from trauma work to, um, shifting back to your true identity and then getting into your core values and understanding where you need to put boundaries in your life and really living authentic and powerfully as, uh, what brings you joy. (04:08): And then we get into birthing your purpose. And that is all around understanding the suffering that you've gone through in this lifetime and past lifetimes, so that you can complete your DNA, um, you know, anything negative, any energetic negativity in your DNA, neutralize it, and begin to create what you do want to create for your line. So basically you're, you're here to heal your DNA, neutralize, anything negative on the DNA, use what works and leave the rest behind, as I say, so we are going to do this. We are still in the side of the truth triangle. That's about birthing your power. So again, the three sides of the truth triangle are birthing your power, birthing your passion and birthing your purpose. And then in the center of the triangle is living your truth. So you birth your truth on the outside of the triangle, and then you live your truth on the inside of the triangle. (05:03): Okay? So right now we are in the first, the first side of the triangle, still about power. We sort of birthing your power. So this, this podcast is called identity shifting. This is a process and working with, um, lots of one-on-one clients, celebrities, CEOs, single moms, and then now, uh, training and developing spiritual leaders within society. This is one of the things that the girls get trained in. There's a 300 hour certification program to become a spiritual leader ambassador. And this is one of the processes that they learn. So identity shifting here's the deal. All spiritual work is identity. Shifting spiritual recovery is a restoration of consciousness. Back to the, I am identity. The I am identity is basically the identity that really experiences and understands that it is everything that is the, I am the one thing, the one spirit that has created the entire universe, and that may be having the experience of being individual, but really the, the truth is that you're everything you are the oneness, okay. (06:15): It is the merging of the individual self into the divided self. So you're going, and you're basically all identity shifting is, is shifting from the divided self, feeling, lonely, feeling, different, feeling, divided, feeling confused, all that kind of stuff, shifting into the divine identity, which is the divine, right? It's like, it is one with everything it understands. It's connected. It understands that it is the cause it understands that it is love that it can never be divided or lonely or sad that it is the source. So this is the union of yoga of the mind experience in the wholeness and holiness within. So I, this is some of my favorite work because you know, when I began to seek spirituality years ago, I didn't know where to go. I didn't know. You know, there was all these books and they kind of give you some little distinctions here and there and, and they give you some great distinctions, you know, like intention is so important manifesting and all this stuff, but they never broke down basic. (07:17): Like, what is spirituality? You know, spirituality is the reality that everything comes from spirit and you are spirit, right? And then, so how does that create into existence through our mind? Well, we, we have this thing called the subject of mind, which is really the same as saying the soul. And so you have the individual use of all energy, basically condenses through the beliefs within your soul. And so you basically get an identity. It's a manmade concept, right? It's a manmade concept to have an identity. I'm a man, you're a woman. I'm somebody that's not worthy. I'm never enough. I'm a doctor. I'm pathetic. I have no confidence and so on and so forth. Right? So we wanna begin to take inventory again on what is, what are your identities? You know, what is your ID in the realm of, of money? What's your identity in the realm of relationships? (08:23): What's your identity in the realm of health. These become identities, people forget. And if they don't have a deep core connection to their true self, then they forget. They forget that they're having the experience as this body. They forget that they're having the experience of whatever story and, and stuff they've had around money. They forget. I always say the only disease there is, is amnesia, because if you understood and you woke up to who you are, you'd realize whatever you're experiencing is a relative experience, but it's not the truth of who you are. So in this process, it's all about questioning who you are and releasing the cultural programming and the identity that's been basically brought down through your lineage. Okay? So I invite you to get a pin and paper out and begin to, you know, you can either pause this podcast. When I ask a question and do some journaling and then listen again and pause again. (09:18): Or you can write down some of these questions and you can take it into your journaling for the week. Um, you can take it into your meditations and begin to do contemplative meditations, whatever you want, but I want you to really begin to really take inventory, really take a look at your life as if you are the observer, as if you're, you know, kinda looking at your life like you're watching a movie and I want you to really ask. And I think one of the greatest meditations contemplated meditations you could ever ask is one question, who am I, who am I? Who are you? And just beginning to let yourself intuitively, you know, answer that I remember years ago when I began to ask and ponder that question, every answer I had, wasn't the truth. And I knew it. (10:11): And so we wanna begin to look at the story and the beliefs, you have it by yourself. Are you somebody that is confused? Are you somebody that's sexy? Are you somebody that you know, is a hustler that gets stuff done all day long? Are you broke all the time? Are you a millionaire? Are you better then? Are you less than, you know, what are the things that you tell yourself? And what do you truly believe about yourself? And beginning to contemplate those and question those and, and begin to think about where did that come from? Why do I think that? And beginning to break down, you know, the truth of who you are, right? You are not your beliefs, even, you're not your body. You're not the circumstances. You are the creator of them. And so again, you know, in the area of money and career, you know, who are you? (11:13): Are you somebody that you know, is very successful? Are you somebody that's able to get stuff done or is somebody that goes around in circles and starts and stop things and, and is overwhelmed and just can't see things through, or maybe you're somebody that's like, you know, I'm just destined to have an eight to five job. And I just, it's just who I am. You know, people have identity. I'm just, I'm an entrepreneur. I can't help it. You know, it's just, I was born this way. Oh, you know, I'm just, um, I'm a CEO, I'm whatever, what is your identity when it comes to money and career, wh