Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:00): Welcome (00:01): To society. The shift to the movement say you do so truth (00:08): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in soul society. We are committed to be the number one spiritual leaders, community committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And our mission is to awaken a billion people and how we are doing that is by developing spiritual leaders. So we are on this great series right now. You guys, we are on the live, your true series. This is a 12 series and we are on week number six, all about self empowerment. And this is actually boy. Oh boy. I think that this sums up, uh, the entire work of spirituality, really in that we know that birthing your truth is all about the shifting back to the, I am consciousness. (01:04): That's the entire work. If you take, I don't care. If you'd read whatever book, if you meditate all day, if you go to the seminars, if you do anything, that's spiritual, you're really doing one thing. And one thing only, and you're shifting your identity back to the I am, which is the all powerful, all-knowing eternal, spiritual being that has the ability to create from free will. And so, um, this is exciting cuz this series live, your truth is based on the truth triangle. It is a framework that took me 22 years to come up with, um, after really going through so many processes. And one day I kind of sat down with myself and I thought, what the hell are we doing here? Like, what is the gist of all this work? If you were to sum it up into, into, you know, what are you doing? (01:52): So number one, of course you are restoring and birthing your power, your true power. And uh, we know that we're such powerful spiritual beings. That actually we are the only ones that can create the experience of not being the all powerful spiritual beam. It's a disempowerment in mind. And the second thing we're birthing is really the, your passion, your, your relative truth. There's ultimate truths. We know from a spiritual perspective, like energy can never be destroyed. There are truths of, of axioms, of how we manifest, how we demonstrate, how we create and form the relative truth is your unique truth. What's true for you. What do you like? What don't you like? What works for you in the realm of fulfillment and creativity and money and relationships and health. That is what we're birthing. We're birthing basically our core core values and making sure that you're staying in line with those and putting boundaries on people, places and things so that you can be the best version of yourself. (02:53): And then next on the side of the third side of the triangle is birthing your purpose. And we do this through a process of turning your suffering into your triumphs. We basically look at the suffering you've had in this lifetime and past lifetimes and we birth. What really matters to you. I truly believe that you're here in order to have an experience yourself as your total, uh, most powerful, you know, divine self, you've got to move past your lineage. You know, epigenetics brings down the memory. And so you have a genetic coding and an energetic field that you're born into basically. And if you wanna experience more and more free will, you've gotta complete your own DNA. So doing your inner work and your trauma work and all that on the first side of the triangle and the power triangle power side triangle, you've got to restore and, and get more and more free, will experiencing more and more free will. (03:43): The reality is that you always have free will, but you can experience not having free will. Okay. So again, the truth triangle has three sides, which is power birthing, your divine power. The truth of who you are, the second side is the, is your passion is your relative truth and birthing. What's true for you and living in accordance with that. And the third side of the triangle is birthing your purpose, really knowing what you're here to do, completing your DNA, and also leaving the legacy that you wanna leave. And then there is a fourth part to the triangle. It's the mineral, the center of the triangle, which is really your daily spiritual practice, your discipline, your habits, your new ways of being that set into motion, new automated system, but in what you want automated, not the bad habits, but the good habits, right? So today we are still on the first side of the triangle because the first three parts of the series, we're really the introduction to all the work going over. (04:36): You know, why is the subconscious so important? What is the truth triangle, um, and really looking at taking inventory of what you really want to shift in your life. So the, um, fourth one was on, um, trauma and basically shifting through limiting beliefs. And then we got into, um, uh, shifting. And then now we are self-empowerment. So this is number six of 12, and let's do this thing. So self empowerment, okay. This is probably the most important thing meta physically. And we know that we are such powerful spiritually. You are such a powerful S being that the moment you even consider yourself to be the effect of anything, this world, you create yourself to experience being disempowered instantaneously. Do you get that like really? And really I'm gonna say that again. Okay. You are such a powerful, spiritual being. You create at the speed of consciousness, that the moment you even consider yourself to be the effect of anything, one, any circumstance in this world, you instantaneously experience being disempowered. (05:44): You do that. That's how powerful your consciousness is. Okay. So what do we do about this? How do we, you know, wake up? How do we begin to what we call, um, you know, cutting ties, cutting cords. How do we take back our power? How do we do that? It's also just by the power of consciousness. So you don't have to go out in the world and do anything it's all in your mind. And it's all in doing session work. It's all in getting clear of what this is. So this is never the truth. You can never be disempowered. It is a pretense and experience, but it's not the truth of who you are. So taking back your power, taking back, your power can be done at the speed of consciousness. So first you must acknowledge when you have handed your power over to something or someone outside of yourself, it's really in the first in recognizing that you did, that is the first step to, to restoring the truth of who you are. (06:38): So the moment you look to the world for validation, joy, love, or anything, you instantaneously and subconsciously assign your power outside of yourself. You make that your higher power, right? We know this about codependency. We know this about addiction. We know this about anxiety or about people who are insecure or need validation or blah, blah, blah. Right? That's why so many people go through midlife crisis. They're like, I thought this was gonna be, make me happy when I got to this final place. That's why they're now having, uh, quarter of century at 25 years old, people are going through, you know, uh, basically another thing it's always, always, always something it's comes into one thing. And one thing only people are looking to the world to find joy, to find happiness, to find all that. And it's gonna be a roller coaster if you look to the world, right? (07:23): So the first thing is to really acknowledge where you've handed your power over. What have you assigned? People do this all the time in money. People make money more powerful than them. And the instant that they do, that the moment that they even conceive Monday, be more powerful than them. They instantaneously feel disempowered. It's really simple, right? And it's imperative to reclaim your power in mind and know the truth that the only source is within. We see this in love. I need to find somebody to love. No, you're, you're gonna just pull in another experience of, of feeling like, you know, it's gonna be dysfunctional. It's gonna be a roller coaster. You're gonna be projected on this person, right? The only source is within love can only come from within prosperity. Innovation can only come from within value begins within you. Can't bring anybody value. (08:17): If you haven't learned tools to help bring people value. If you don't know the truth of who you are, if you haven't tapped into that part of yourself, charisma and all those things love abundance health. We now, the medical system is even beginning to recognize that mental health will take down people. It's the number one disability in the world right now, you guys, right. Health starts in the mind. Disease is caused by discord within the mind, and also discord with your higher self, which is mother earth, which is the oneness with all that. So in this process of self empowerment, this is a process of taking inventory of the times you handed your power outside of yourself in the four areas of life, money, and career relationships and love health and wellness and creative expression. This is really about you acknowledging it's really like it's even in 12 step, they do this. (09:16): It's called inventory, right? You take, you, you take, I think it's the four step in there. You literally take and recognize where you cause something you don't want to to experience. Right? So taking inventory, where have you handed the power outside of yourself? Okay, so let's do this. So we're gonna basically go through your life real fast. The areas I want you to acknowledge, you can do this more extensively on your own, but I would recommend, you know, getting out a piece of paper, get turning off everything around you. You know, if you're driving, you may even wanna like pause this and pull over whatever that is, but get focused, right? This is your life. This is your empowerment. People say, oh, I wanna be empowered. I wanna, you know, do all this stuff. I wanna become a speaker. I wanna blah, blah, blah, blah. And they can't even stay focused for an hour. How are they ever going to get focused and actually complete that book, launch that company, you know, staying focused. (10:18): So I want you to begin to do this in mind or write it down and you can write this down and do it later if you want, but name a time, you handed your power over to money. And I want you to really keep asking you this qu