Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:00): Welcome (00:01): To society, the shift, your movement. So you do so truth (00:08): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in soul society, which is committed to being the number one spiritual leaders, community committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And our mission is to awaken a billion people globally and how we are doing that is creating spiritual leaders. So we are in a series right now. We are in a series of live your truth. We are in number seven of number 12 in this series. So you can go back and binge all the other ones. And if we have completed all them, then you can binge ahead. So live your truth. This is a great series. (00:54): This is a series of something that is a framework that I use in soul society for training in basically birthing someone's truth. It is based off of a 22 year process that I went through in all different modalities, Greek, Oracle processes, Socrates method, um, doing all my inner spiritual work and sitting down one day and saying, what the hell are we doing here? How is this, you know, what is the overall spectrum of what we're doing when we're healing ourselves and birthing our truth? And the core work is to birth the true essence that you are your true identity, which is the, I am identity. The part of you that is the true self letting go of all limiting beliefs, letting go of all false identities. And the second part of the truth triangle is birthing your purpose, really your relative truth, you know, those ultimate truths and relative truths. (01:49): So how do we bird that we gotta get clear on your core values, your core, you know, what you value, what, who are you, what, what do you care about? And knowing that you need to be able to put boundaries and be able to no longer, you know, be the victim of life and placing the responsibility or your power out to the world. The third part of the triangle is birthing your purpose. And that is basically looking at the suffering that you've gone through in your past lives and this life, because all memory is stored in your DNA and being able to understand how to shift that into a triumph and understanding that there's a formula for birthing that purpose. And then we basically create your life purpose statement and in the center of the triangle is living your truth. And it's very different to know your truth versus living your truth. (02:35): And this takes discipline. This takes a daily spiritual practice. That's this takes being the spiritual badass that you really are. Okay, so let's do this thing. So number seven today is on confusion problems and quandaries. Okay. This is in the second part of the triangle of birthing your passion, birthing your, your relative truth. This is really what it is. So I've had many clients over the years, you know, they come with with problems, confusion, quandaries. Okay. So we, first of all, need to understand what these are. Okay. So a confusion is a lack of understanding or a state of disorder. You know, this is one of the most common. I remember being like this when I was in my twenties, I was so confused and overwhelmed. I didn't know what the hell was going on. I thought, how do I, how do I navigate this thing called life? (03:21): You know, there's so many different things going on. I didn't know what my purpose was. I didn't know anything. Even though I was obsessed with spirituality and consciousness and everything, I still didn't. I didn't know what to do with it or where it was going. I had no idea whatsoever. Right? So confusion is one of the most common things that I have come have people come to me with. Um, I have people come with quandaries, for example, I've I have people that come, um, I have one gal that she was married and she, you know, didn't know what to do. She, there was parts of her marriage that worked, and there was parts that were very dysfunctional and she didn't know, should I stay? Should I go dah, dah? Right. So went through a lot of processes, getting clear of what she was really committed to, what her core values were. (04:01): And then she had to live on those principles within her marriage and was able to actually have the, the marriage begin to work because she knew who she was. And she began to put those principles and embody that instead of making her husband wrong, she started embodying what was working for her. And it, uh, you know, went on the path of what was right for her. Okay. So confusion is something that we all deal with, especially in today's world with overwhelm, with so much information. You know, I remember years ago I was in Los Angeles. I was, um, I was doing, uh, my finishing up my doctorate. My son was still in Utah. He had graduated from high school at this point in time, but I still was really confused cuz like, well, do I go back and you know, be there for him, even though he is outta high school and he's doing his own company and whatever, but I had to really get clear of again. (04:50): And remember, it's not like, it's not like you do this one time. These, these formulas you do 'em over and over and over again, anytime you're questioning anything. So I had to go back and do a process. Remember that my core core value was, um, you know, getting clear of, of the growth and, and what my legacy was here and what my mission was here. And in that it re it reminded me that there's a reason why I'm in Los Angeles. You know, I'm here to spread the word through media, through the show, through, you know, networking through being an influencer. So confusion is, again, the definition is a lack of understanding or a state of disorder, a problem. You know, many people come with problems. Um, I had, you know, CEOs and celebrities, I deal with everything from problems of, of addiction to, you know, having problems with not being able to get money or keep money or, you know, all kinds of problems in their businesses. (05:41): Right? So the definition of a problem is a source of perplexity distress, or a challenge. Okay. And a quandary. That means that basically people are having two different goals that are butting up against each other. For example, you know, I want to become a millionaire, but I don't wanna hustle. I want freedom. And I want whatever. Right. So that becomes a quandary. It's like there's mixed goals going against each other. So a quandary is a state of being able to decide what to do about a situation in which you are involved. Okay. So example is I wanna have financial freedom, but I feel like I have to hustle all the time to get there. Okay. That's very typical. Very common thing I deal with with coaches, especially another one is I love my boyfriend, but I don't know how he, I don't like how he treats me. (06:25): Right. This is a quandary. Like, how do I love him? But I don't like him. Right? That's a quandary. that's confusion. That was overwhelmed. That's a problem I wanna live. This is another one. Okay. Another example I wanna live in the city, but it's so expensive. Okay. How do you deal with this? Right? How do you deal with this? Another one is I want financial security, but I don't like my job. Okay. These are all the examples of a typical things of confusion, problem and quandary. And I want you today to be able to, when you walk away from this podcast, to be able to have some tools that you can begin to problem solve in your life, you can begin to deal with the confusion. You can begin to deal with quandaries in your life. Okay. So we're going to basically break this on down. (07:05): So all confusion, all confusions are the opportunity to get clarity on your core values in your core commitments. Okay. So all confusion. So anywhere in your life for your confused, it's about getting back down to your core values. For example, somebody may not know their purpose in calling yet, but what they can get clear on is that they're committed to growth. Okay? So a lot of times, cuz people will come, they'll go, oh, I wanna discover my purpose in calling, but they're still number one. They still haven't done all their inner healing. So they haven't had triumphs over their trials. And two, they haven't developed themselves enough to understand what that purpose is. So at that point in time, the core value and core commitment is growth and healing. And so that is that answers. It. It's not about necessarily developing their business yet. It's about still doing the inner healing and still learning and growing. (07:56): Okay. So all problems. The next thing is the next problems are the opportunity to awaken the innovation within all problems are the opportunity to awaken the innovation within this is the deal from a spiritual perspective. There's no such thing as a problem. A problem is something basically I think for me anyway, when I think about a problem, I think about something that I'm the effect of that it can't necessarily do something about it, something outside of myself, right? It's really the opportunity to awaken the innovation within. So whether we're dealing with the problem of money, whether we're dealing with the problem of, in a relationship, whether we're dealing with the problem of health, there's always innovation. There's always choice. There's always something new to create a new potential. Okay. Right. So a problem is something almost like a shift in perspective. So this is where we gotta look at the innovation. (08:43): Instead of looking at the, being the victim or being the, you know, the effect of something out there in the world. Number three is quandary. A quandary is basically, um, the opportunity to get clarity on your core goals. Quandaries are, again, there are two goals that have that counteract each other, right? So for example, um, I want money, but I want freedom, you know? So it's like, okay, well you can't quite get freedom until you get money. Right. But in order to get money, you gotta, you know, hustle, right. So it's this constant like tug of war within the consciousness. Okay. So we're gonna break this on down. So get out of pen and paper, turn off, you know, your ringer or whatever it is, you know, pause this for a minute, get your tea. If you need to get settled in, okay, we're not gonna, this is a very long podcast, but still I want you to write this down. (