Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:00): Welcome (00:01): To society, the shift to the tribe movement. So you did so truth (00:08): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in society. We are committed to being the number one spiritual leaders community in the world. And that doesn't mean just spiritual leaders that are writing books or on stage or teaching, but spiritual leaders who are the people that literally impact every single person that come in contact with it might be a mom. It might be a real estate agent. It might be whatever the new spiritual leader is. You. It is not just the spiritual leader that is on stage. It's someone who truly desires to embody truth, to live it, to speak it, and to really impact and be inspiring everywhere they go. We also develop spiritual leaders, people who are on stage having podcasts, writing books and all the above, but we live on spiritual principle and we are committed to awakening a billion people globally. (01:08): And how we're doing that is creating world class spiritual leaders. So let's do this and you guys, it is we're on the truth triangle. We're teaching live your truth. This is a series we are in number eight of 12 of a 12 week series. Unlive your truth. This is for me work that took me 22 years to get together. This is based off of Greek Oracle processes, Socrates method, um, deep spiritual coaching, and came to a process, a framework to walk you through step by step for you, birthing your truth and living your truth. Okay, so let's do this thing. So again, the truth triangle has three sides to it. The first side is birthing the truth of who you are, you are, which is a divine, spiritual, powerful, amazing, infinite all-knowing spiritual being, right? So the first side of the triangle is power. You birth your power, restoring who you are. (02:04): And we walk through trauma. We walk through shifting back to the true identity, releasing all limiting beliefs, releasing those limiting, uh, false identities. And coming back to the truth of who you are taking back, our power, cutting the cords, whatever you wanna call it. Right. Second side of the triangle is birthing your passion. And that is really coming down to your core values. What do you really care about? What matters to you? Who do you wanna be and how do you live your truth in that area? Right? So we talk about placing boundaries on things, getting clear of what really works for you, and doesn't work for you letting go of all expectations and basically accepting people, places and things as they are so that you can live passionately and always be in peace and, and love your life. Right? So the third part of the triangle is your purpose. (02:51): And this comes down to understanding what you're here to do in this life. I truly believe that all the suffering you've experienced in this lifetime and past lifetimes are some of the greatest blessings ever for you, because it's really what burs your purpose in calling. It's really that part of you that is here to complete within your DNA and leave the legacy that you wanna leave. So today we are on the second side of the triangle, which is passion birthing your relative truth. There's ultimate truths and there's relative truths, right? So we're getting into birthing your truth. And part of that is getting true of what makes you thrive. So today we're talking about dealing with upsets sadness and depression. And so we first wanna define, you know, these things. And I want to disclose that if you are someone who is experiencing depression or someone that, you know, please seek medical help, we cannot ever be a cure here. (03:47): This is a spiritual community and spiritual practices dealing with the subconscious and the soul. And so it is really, we have to disclose that if you're having, you know, mental illness or suicidal thoughts, please seek a professional. Okay. There, there's amazing resources. And I know there's a lot of people going through it. Okay. Please reach out to somebody also, if you feel like they're going through it. So first of all, upset sadness and depression. What is it? And how does it happen? Right. So when a person has been upset over a long period of time, or has repetitively experienced intense times of getting upset, it often turns into a condition of sadness. And then when someone has been sad over a long period of time, or has experienced intense times of sadness, it often turns into a condition of depression. So again, it's like a gradient on one side, imagine like on the right side, there is somebody who's blissful and happy and their life they're, they're fulfilled, it's working right. (04:45): And way on the other side of the gradient, the line is really depression and mental illness and all the above. And how do you go on that spectrum? Cuz we're on that spectrum. It's not like you're only one or the other. You can go up and down that scale throughout your life, depending on what you do with your consciousness. Right? So upsets happen generally when we basically feel like we're the effect of life they happen. When we feel that we, you know, aren't having things work the way we want them to work, right? Upsets are they can be failed expectations. They can be disappointments, they can be all kinds of things. Right? And as those compound, they begin to turn into someone begins to get more and more sad, which basically means they feel hopeless. They don't feel like they're the cause of their life. (05:29): And then as sadness goes on, then someone can become depressed. And that is where they, they go past apathy. They go into, you know, a state of, of even below apathy. So we wanna look at this and, and start to be able to break down, how do we deal with this? Right? How do we deal with this individually? How do we deal with this as spiritual leaders? And so we wanna first acknowledge the most important thing is really to acknowledge. I think in our culture, we often, um, shame any kind of negative emotion. You gotta be happy and you gotta be positive all the time via social media. Right? So the first thing we wanna do is really release the suppressed emotion, like acknowledge them and accept, um, things as they are and then create a new possibility. Okay. So trauma work, of course, on the other, the first side, the truth triangle dealing with the previous, um, series in this, we deal with going into, going into the trauma and the trauma work is imperative. (06:28): Before you do this kind of work because a lot of depression actually comes from traumatic incidences and deep, deep wounds happening basically really advance limiting beliefs and limited identity going into the subconscious mind being commanded in. So we wanna deal with that first always. Okay. But if you're just dealing with a little bit of upset status and depression, you know, um, there's a little depression, right? If you're dealing with some upsets, this is a really good kind of process to go through. Okay. So let's do this. So remember that trauma work has done separately from this process. Trauma work must be done in conjunction with these processes and preferably before in order to reprogram the subconscious mind from upset sadness and oppression. So it depends upon the client whether to do trauma work or go to prior processes. Right? So, you know, I think for anyone out there, if you have a lot of trauma, you definitely need to seek a professional or you can seek, you know, one of the ambassadors or, um, work with society in doing your spiritual trauma work. (07:33): Um, if you, if you don't feel like you have huge, huge traumas, like they are something you could handle going into it, you can do some processes. You can go to that one. Okay. But this is really about getting upset. You're upset. Say your boyfriend upsets you. You're upset with your boss. You're upset with whatever you're upset with life. You're upset with something that happened today. This is a great process to go through. Okay. So let's do it. So what I want you to do is again, I want you to get out of piano paper and I want you to begin to take notes, turn off, um, you know, whatever distractions you have, you know, pauses for a minute, go to the bathroom, get set up, get a tea, do whatever it is. I want you to stay focused. This isn't a long podcast. Okay. (08:11): But you deserve it. If you truly, truly wanna have your best life, you gotta commit to investing in your consciousness and doing your inner work. This is a free podcast. I mean, it's like seriously set down everything, take the next 10 minutes to do this. Okay. So you're gonna write down these questions. And what I want you to do is after you're done with this podcast, I want you to go in and either go into meditation, begin to think about these questions and really contemplate them in your mind. Or if it helps journaling them out and beginning to really ask yourself these questions and really repetitively answer them. Okay? So all the questions you can repeat until all emotions and statements get fully expressed. So this could, I mean, you could do it five times. You could do it a hundred times, right? So asking these things repetitively until there's an epiphany or breakthrough in perspective. (09:05): So if you're upset first, we wanna just acknowledge all the upsets. So the question is, what are you upset about? What are you upset about? What are you upset about? I don't want a lot of backstory. Don't get backstory. Just say I'm upset about the event today. That happened at my work. I'm upset with my boyfriend. I'm upset instead of going into a hour long conversation about why you're upset, not the why, what are you upset about? Okay. Regarding this upset with X, with your, you know, friend, your mom, your sister, your, the world, your car, whatever it is regarding the upset with X, what are you upset about? So that means something like I'm upset that the fact that, you know, my boss, um, didn't, you know, pay me on time or whatever. Right? So what is it about you need to acknowledge, acknowledge it. (10:02): Not you need to first get out. What are you really upset about? Because sometimes people think they're upset about one thing. They start doing this work. And they're like, actually, that's not really what I'm upset about. I'm upset that I really miss, you know, um, my son and, you know, X, Y, Z, or I'm really upset because I don't feel connected to my husband right no