Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:00): Welcome (00:01): To society, the shift to the movement. So you did full truth. (00:08): Live from Los Angeles is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in soul society. We're committed to being the number one spiritual leaders community. And that doesn't mean traditional spiritual leaders that are writing books and on stage necessary. We truly believe that spiritual leaders can be the mom, the person that is, you know, being the best version of themselves. It can be someone who is in a traditional corporate job. It can be whatever. Yes. We also train spiritual leaders in a certification program who truly desire to embody this particular work and take this out to the world in their unique expression, but would truly also believe that spiritual leaders at every single one of us is the future spiritual leader, because when you're have done your work, when you live and breathe, your truth, every single person you come in contact, you will impact. (01:04): You'll be impressed. Trust me. Okay, so let's do this thing. So we are on, um, the truth, triangle living your truth. This is a series of 12. Um, we are on the second side of a triangle dealing with passion. So the truth triangle, just to give you a little back, uh, work on this, because if you haven't listened to the other podcast through other podcast, we've gone through the truth triangle. And this is really about birthing your true power. The truth of who you are really, this is you are an all-knowing powerful spiritual beam. And the second side of the triangle is birthing your specific truth, which is really your passion. What works for you? What doesn't work for you, where are you in alignment with life and where do you need to put the boundaries on people, places, and things to live that truth. (01:49): The third side of the triangle is birthing your purpose, which is about understanding that all your trials, all your tribulations, all the suffering that you've gone through has served you. You've chosen that at a soul level to be, to birth your purpose and calling in this lifetime. And so living your truth, this series is really about giving you the tools to understand what it means to know th self, what it means to birth your truth, and most importantly, what it means to live your truth. And so that's what we are up to in this. We are on number nine of 12, we are doing what is called values, commitments, and alignment. It's super important. If you wanna live your truth, you have gotta know what your core values are and what you're really committed to and how to align with those, right? So in today's podcast, I'm gonna take you through this. (02:39): So what I highly highly highly recommend is for you to get a pen and paper out, turn off the distractions, you know, just really take a couple deep breaths in and just begin to know and get clear right here that your mind is powerful. That as you direct your mind, you inform energy and inform energy goes onto the universal law, which is your subconscious, the subjective mind, which basically reflects back life is the ultimate mirror of what's going on in your consciousness. So if you don't even know what you want to direct, you, haven't got clear of what your core values are, what you're truly committed to or aligning to that. Energy's gonna just go all over the place and you're gonna feel the chaos. You're gonna feel the overwhelm because you have not directed it with clarity, with certainty, with passion. So let's do this stuff. (03:34): You guys, we truly believe as a community and society that every single person has a gift and message to bring to the world when they awaken. And our mission is to awaken a billion people globally, and how we're doing that is again by developing world class spiritual leaders. So let's dive into this. Okay. So, you know, I've worked with, um, celebrities, CEOs, single moms, and then most importantly, spiritual coaches and spiritual leaders, developing spiritual leaders for years and years now. And there's very common things that I come upon within each session. And that's why I decided to create society, to put all the work into group sessions and into automated systems, because, you know, I just found that I'm doing the same work over and over again. So people might as well just have this. And then if they wanna work in a group or one on one with me, they can, okay. (04:25): So getting clear of your values is one of the core things that has had my clients break through and live extraordinary lives and live lives that they love in power with certainty, with passion, with purpose. Okay. So the number one thing that holds most people back from success is in their personal life and their professional life is of course their limiting beliefs. This has to do with the trauma work and getting into their core, core decisions that they made in traumatic incidences in this lifetime and past lifetimes. Okay. So before you do this process, you've gotta go back to, um, I think it's day four of the 12 series, and really understand the trauma and understand how you've got to neutralize your trauma, spot, those limiting beliefs and bring them up from a subconscious. Okay. So, but today we're gonna talk about the next thing that hinders most people from success is being at alignment with their core values. (05:23): And this is like, duh. Okay. One of the questions I always ask people is if you want, if you won the lottery tomorrow, let's just pretend you won 20 million in the lottery. Would you be doing what you're doing? Would you be doing the line of work you're doing? Would, how would you be spending your days? Are they, is it different than how spend your days today? And of course, you'd be able to buy more material things, but how would you be spending your day, right. And if it's not what you're doing today, you know, obviously some things would change a little bit, but if it's not really what you're doing today in your, in your, your career, and it's not how you're spending your free time, then you got it all wrong. Okay. And for example, people are like, well, what do you mean? I mean, if I had won the lottery, I could, you know, be on a jet and I'd be doing this and that, whatever. (06:09): Well, if you'd be adventuring the world, then go adventure. The world, you know, you can meet friends that have a lot of money and hang out with them and do that life. Do whatever it is that you would do if you won the lottery. Well, I might, you know, live in a huge house and I wouldn't be able to afford that now. Well, great. But what would you be doing? Who would you be? Who would you be being, right. We're not talking about, you know, the, the amount of, you know, dollars that you'd be spending that might change, or you can, and you can pull in big material things without actually having to make that money. What would you be doing? I want you to actually take the time after this podcast and write down what would you be doing, because that's gonna determine a lot of your core values, right? (06:49): So getting clarity on your core values and commitments is imperative to becoming empowered, aligning with your core values, and commitments is a key to becoming unstoppable in your termism and success. Okay. So oftentimes a lot of times when I get into a one-on-one session with a coach, for example, like teaching many different, um, high level coaching programs, and one of the core things is a common complaint I've had from big coaches is they say, I, you know, I wanted to do this. I left my, you know, traditional job, or I launched this coaching, uh, company. And I thought I would have this laptop lifestyle. I want financial freedom. That's why I did this entire thing. But instead I'm working 24 7 and hustling, and I see no end insight. So again, I asked them, if you won the lottery, you know, would you be doing what you're doing? (07:44): And they're like, no, I would, I'd be off like adventuring and taking people on adventures through, um, you know, the Amazon. And I would, you know, do smaller, you know, groups of people and, and experience different things. And dah, dah, da go, well, then do that. You know what I mean? Like, you don't have to do social media. You don't have to do all these things you're doing. You don't have to get, you know, these one-on-ones teaching them about money. If that's not your passion, it's like, oh, I could actually go make a coaching career, going to the Amazon and, and have it be word of mouth and have it be, you know, doing all. So this is the point you guys is it stop living for someday, right? We go over that in my other book awakening. But in this session, we're gonna go of how to get clarity on your core values and commitments, how to align with your core values and commitments. (08:35): These are the true questions. You should be asking yourself, what are my core values and what are my core commitments? What am I committed to? And how do I align with my core values? And how do I align with my commitments? It's like amazing that so few people actually ask themselves this. Most people be asking 'em what their core values that they don't even know what their core value is like, what are you talking about? And, you know, there's different types. A lot of this comes back to mythology. You know, I'm a total warrior. So my core value is growth and expansion, right? A lot of the coaches out there that's, they are warriors at heart. There's. Other people are literally, their core value is just love and connection. And they are the supporters a lot. They, they just wanna love and connect, you know, and yes, some of the great leaders are also, um, core values, love, but generally they love, you know, growing in evolution as much, otherwise they wouldn't be as you know, motivated to get out there. (09:29): Right? So there are two primary subconscious processes to bur someone's core values and commitments, number one, break down the quandaries and problems in one's life. And so why, why does this help building, you know, discovering your core values, because when you look at the problems in your life and the struggles and the quandaries mean youve you've goals that are going against each other, you can take a look at what those different goals are. Why do you, why are you even doing those things? And then you can get clear of which one is really the core goal. And that is where you discover your core value. Okay. So for