Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to (00:01): Soul society, the shift to the movement. So you did so truth (00:09): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to another truth, live on S principle and align with universal law. This is Dr. Aaron live from Los Angeles and it is a beautiful day. So we come together also as a community in soul society, which is basically our vision is to be the number one spiritual leaders community in the world. We're committed to enlightenment empowerment and entrepreneurship. We develop world class spiritual leaders because we truly believe that when anybody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And we are on the mission of awakening, a billion people globally. So let's do this thing. The topic today is mindfulness, and I'll never forget a morning. I have lots of mornings. It's like, I think I can really measure my life by my mornings. And I got up and I immediately went and sat down at my desk and I was like all stressed out. There was papers everywhere. I was like stressed about what I hadn't accomplished and how many sales I hadn't had. And I was projecting into the future of like, this is never gonna work out. How am I gonna do this? And it was like, all of a sudden I was able to like have an out of body moment looking and witnessing myself. And I was just like, it was automatic. Like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow, slow it down. and then (01:37): It was almost like I was so helpless in that moment that I just went, like I took one breath and went, fuck it. And the point of it was this. It was like, if I can't enjoy this moment right here, I'm completely doing it all wrong. And then like a tornado, all the, all the teachings, all the lessons, all the spiritual principles streamed in. Remember just stay present. Remember non-judgment, non-attachment remember the miracle of listening in this divine moment. The intuition, the knowing that you have, remember who you are. (02:32): And so then the breath came in. All of a sudden I took a deep breath and, and looked out. And one of the processes when you are overwhelmed that we teach in society is, is really going external. So what you do when you're overwhelmed is instead of staying in your thoughts and your, and all the mental stuff, you look out to the world and you become present through your senses. So I looked out and I looked at the beautiful candle that I had on the table. And I looked out at the room at the chandelier, the beautiful chandelier and all the beautiful, you know, interior design that was in my office and looked out the window and saw the sun. And I heard the birds and I came back into the presence of my desk and saw the papers that could easily be organized. And my asked myself, you know, in this present moment, what's the most important thing for me to do and how can I do it and really enjoy it. And so that day was of course, to get organized, you know, because it was really important that all the overwhelm was coming from disorganization and feeling overwhelmed. And so the most important thing in that moment was to just enjoy the moment, (04:03): Get organized and become very intentional in each divine moment. (04:12): So let's talk about mindfulness today, you know, as a, as a spiritual practitioner, I mean, that's really what we teach. If you're gonna become a world class spiritual leader, the most important thing is to get your mind right. And keep your mind, right. Which means living on spiritual principle, not just in your morning daily, spiritual practice or your evening daily spiritual practice, but really all day long in every breath and in every way. So for me, mindfulness is really staying present to living on spiritual principle. So let's break this down. What, what does it mean to be mindful and how do you live in that, in that state? (04:55): So, mindfulness is, is funny that they call it mindfulness, because I feel like it's the opposite because oftentimes we identify with our minds, with our thinking, with everything. And for me, mindfulness is really letting go and detaching from the brain, from the mind, from our thoughts and it's coming and practicing the presence is really what it is. So what does it mean to practice the presence? Number one is there's a distinction which is called being the observer. So it's almost like you pretend like you are observing your life as if it's like a movie, right. And you observe the movie, you know, and you can observe your thoughts. You're not your thoughts. You're not your beliefs. You're not the circumstances of your life. And so when you begin to just observe it and become fascinated and not have attachment to it and not judge it, you can simply observe it (05:55): And know that you're not the effect ever of any of it. You know, basically you can, you can explain what the observer is by explaining what the observer is. Not the observer is not, you know, in a frantic state wishing you were somewhere else. You know, there was a kind of a famous cartoon years back. And I think it had like a guy in bed with his girlfriend and it had a little thought picture of him wishing he was golfing while he's laying in bed with his girlfriend. And then the next picture is him golfing and having a little thought thing that shows him wishing he was in bed with his girlfriend. And the point is, is that if you're really mindful and becoming the observer, you're really super present to hear now, cause from a spiritual perspective, there's no past or future or whatever. (06:44): That's really just right here now. And even science is proving that the mind can't multitask, the mind is powerful and the mind directs energy. And it can only, I mean, it can direct a bunch of energy if you flip flop all over the place, but it's not gonna be very powerful in it, directing energy. So becoming present right here right now is super imperative in becoming a spiritual practitioner and becoming someone who's powerful and someone who's really enjoying life. And isn't that the point of all of it. So, you know, practicing being present, you know, if you're in the past, you usually have regret or, you know, uh, something around that. If you're in the future, we say you have anxiety or could have, uh, you know, you could have depression in the past or future depend if you're not hopeful of the future. And so, you know, when you are being mindful because you're present you're right here, you're right now, you are in your senses and you are intentional of what maybe just may be that you're present that you're so intentional about being present, that you're focusing on the breath, or it may be that you're working on a specific thing and you are being very intentional to stay in that presence. (07:59): So being mindful means you don't pick up your phone and be reactive. Every, you know, 10 seconds, you stay intentional, you stay intentional right here right now. And you observe and see, what am I creating? And what's the effect of what I'm creating right here, right now in every breath and in every way. So mindfulness is really being present. It's being present in and, um, practicing the principles we teach, which is basically, you know, realizing who we are. We're not our bodies. We're not our thinking. We're not our beliefs. We're not our, you know, thoughts. We are divine, spiritual brains. And so recognizing that and recognizing the power that be of our cause and effect of everything we think and everything that we do and everything that we are, meaning that it's all identity. We practice non-judgment non-attachment and we really practice the power of directing energy upon mine. (08:59): We, we practice knowing that we are here to, to direct energy. So what are you directing in this divine moment right here? Right. Right now you're listening to a podcast. Your intention is to expand your mind and to learn and basically embody wisdom. That's what you're doing right now. And I don't know, maybe you're doing a hundred other things while you're listening to this podcast. And my invitation is to not, maybe you can be walking while you're listening to that, but maybe you can't do clean a house and, and get your emails while you're listening to this podcast. You're not really going to absorb it. So why are you wasting your time? You know what I mean? Like, why not do one thing super powerful? Why not? Right. So again, today is about becoming mindful and there's many different spiritual practices. There's meditation, there's visioning, there's doing prayer and affirmations and all kinds of things. (10:03): For me being mindful is all the time. You're always, it's all the things you're being mindful right here right now. And if you can practice this, it becomes a muscle that can build exponentially. Being mindful is a practice at first, you're gonna try and do it. And you're gonna notice just so I can meditation your, your mind wants to take you to the future. It wants to take you to the past. It wants to take you to your cell phone. It wants to take your social media. It wants to take you all over the place. So mindfulness is constantly, constantly coming back to the present moment. And as you do this over and over and over again, it's going to become sec, second nature. It becomes automated. All of a sudden, you are just here now. And all of a sudden you get lost in the vortex of now. (10:52): And that's where we say, there's a, there's like a timed tunnel. There's a vortex that happens there. You can collapse time and you become very, very potent and very, very, um, effective in what you do. You can walk into a social gathering and sit and have a conversation with another person and actually have one of the most powerful, beautiful connections ever because you're so present. We've all been on the other side where people aren't present, they're wandering off. And what they're looking across the room while you're talking to you. Um, there's a saying in self development, you're not listening. You've never listened and you will never listen because generally when people are listening to you, they have their own thoughts, their own. They're thinking about what's in it for me. What am I gonna say? How am I gonna respond? What do I think about this? (11:42): They've got judgment. They've got, you know, attachment of where it's going, all that stuff. So the point is