Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your truth? Good morning from Los Angeles. We come together each morning to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with our own truth and universal law. So today I wanna talk to you about serendipity, basically miracles, every moment. So Florence shovel, she said the game of life is a game of boomerangs. Are thoughts, deeds words returned to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy. So on June 22nd, 1998, the universe rotated 180 degrees in my perception, not in reality, but in a multiverse kind of way. I was watching the classic movie, the wizard of Oz late one night when I had a major, major epiphany. This famous movie is, I don't know if you I'm sure most of you guys have seen it, but maybe not. So it's about a young girl from Kansas and her name's Dorothy, and she's swept away in her house by a cyclone with her dog Toto. (01:11): Okay. Her homes is dropped on top of the wicked witch of the east of land of Oz, where she met. She meets the good witch of the north and the witch, which gives her a pair of red Ruby slippers. And it tells her that the only way for her to return home is for her to visit the Emerald city and ask the wizard of Oz for help. So the entire movie is basically following Dorothy down this re yellow brick road. And on this re yellow brick road, she meets a scarecrow who wants a brain and a tin man who wants a heart and a cowardly lion who wants courage. And she invites them to all go down, to meet the wizard of Oz at the Emerald city and hopes that he can help all of them. And so it's this fun adventure and their dancing and going through all their emotions. (02:00): And it's this beautiful classic classic, uh, iconic movie. And after a long stream of events and realizing no one can help them, they literally get to the Emerald city and they can't be helped still. Glenda, the good witch tells Dorothy, you've always had the power to go back to Kansas. And then the scarecrow asks, then why didn't you tell her? And Glen to the good witch says, because she wouldn't have believed me. She had to learn it for herself. And the point is, this is that right there. In that moment, watching that movie directly on the television screen was a secret of awakening. It summed up in the greatest statement I'd ever heard. You had the power the entire time chills, trickled down my arms. And it was the answer I'd been waiting for and seeking for. And I had known, but it wasn't until like I watched that movie and it just like hit me. It hit me so hard that basically in that one clear statement backed by one thing that unlocked the power belief. The only thing that holds us back from awakening to the power within is our beliefs. And so on that, I just wanna talk to you a little bit about serendipity miracles in every moment. (03:29): So when I first first heard of serendipity, you know, I had, um, basically thought a lot about, you know, having these moments in life, where you're walking down the street and, and everything you feel like can flow with all of life. And you literally feel like everything is happening for you. And, and there's signs from the universe and everything is like birds chirping and all this stuff. Well, the word serendipity was first coined in 1754 by hos wall pull to describe a fortunate happenstance, a pleasant surprise wherein one discovers something serendipity within in sight or whatever it may be. And, you know, we've all had those moments, you know, moments where say, we really were desiring to, you know, move to a new town. And it just happened that we got a promotion or something, and it happened to be moving to a new town or, you know, you always wanted to have that one person ask you out and you just happened to be going to the same event that they're at or whatever that may be. (04:32): Right. But the point is, this is as you go down your own yellow brick road of life, experiencing the good times and the challenging times really saying that every drop of life is designed for your fate and for your awakening. And sometimes it feels very serendipitous and sometimes it feels completely the opposite. But the point is, this is that, you know, miracles, I think about miracles or, or serendipitous moments, these, these things that just feel so miraculous, that miracles are only glitches in your current belief system. I really want you to take that on like miracles are only glitches in your belief system and your current belief system, right? So Dorothy and that, and that saying that, that everything comes down to the belief, you know, that you had it in you the entire time, but you had to believe that you had it in your entire time. (05:23): So if you look at how thought and thinking and how powerful it is, it's like literally our beliefs create our thoughts and our feelings and emotions, and then the circumstances of our life. And really belief. If you take it down, it's actually identity is what beliefs are. It's like is actually identity. You're such a powerful believer that the moment you consider yourself to be something you are, that you put a whole stream of events into place. And you know, so, so we have to ask ourselves, you know, what is serendipitous? What is an accident? What's not an accident. You know, there's things that happen that do not feel serendipitous at all, like terrible things happen or things we don't want to happen, or, you know, breakups or our, job's not going the way we want our health, isn't going the way we want. And so we have to understand, and, and coming to this place of awakening, because we really, until we awaken knowing that our consciousness is creating everything and we have to know it's not just our individual consciousness, it's the, our consciousness is the collective and it is the cosmic. (06:23): And if, when you take a look at it like that, then you can begin to see how everything is serendipitous. It's all the out picturing of what's happening in consciousness. And really it comes down to the belief because we're, we're putting all of the circum. What we see through the lens we see through is through our beliefs and our identity, right? Dai Lama, you know, wrote a book called basically the perception of the universe. You know, it's, he was so incredible in that he saw that the entire world is, is like an organ or like an organism. This entire universe is an organism, you know, perception of the universe is being it's it's imagine that we are, that it's like a cell that you can't have one thing and a cell happen without affecting the entire cell. That would be impossible. So it really sums us up knowing that we are, that we are one, we are one with all this. (07:14): And the law of correlation really shows us this, that the law of correlation basically says that the universe has to, has to react and respond and show you and directly result and mirroring back that, which you, that, that you are, right. So all of this is this encoded thing, this, this total certainty of a symphony that we are, there's another term coined, and it's called Zen bla. And Zem bla is basically a term that is used to describe when unhappy or unlucky or negative things happen. And just knowing this, that, you know, sometimes say there's a car accident or something like, how could I have created that? But it's not the I that you think you are, right. It's not the I that you think you are. It's the, I am that I, the big I, and so in just knowing this, that it's, there's responsibility in understanding that you are responsible for all of it, of course, right? (08:18): But knowing this also is where the freedom lies, because if you understood how powerful you really are, and that really we've created this entire thing here, that when we get there, we don't have resistance. We don't, we don't feel like we're the effect of life we begin to and inquire into how we are causing it, how we have caused it from, from the standpoint. And so in the law of correlation, we really get to begin to see the serendipity moments and the nity moments and all this, and understand how the good, the bad and the ugly is all here for one thing, and is to help us awaken to help develop our consciousness and choose to make new programming and, and put new beliefs in so that we can experience more and more being in that flow more and more being in the serendipitous moments. (09:07): Cause we all wanna be there in that flow state. So the question is, are you ready to tap into your own personal power? Are you ready to experience serendipity at a level you've never experienced because that's really the joy of awakening. You know, it, it, there's a high in there of experience and being one with the universe that, that no drug can give you that no high can give you that no material belonging can give you that there's a flow and, and a relationship with yourself with your higher self in the entire universe. That is literally the space that is miraculous all the time. So today I invite you to wake up, to decide, to wake up, to, to see life as the out picture and to question and inquire into what is my consciousness, the law of pure potential states that at the core of you is infinite consciousness, the connection between your individual consciousness and your cosmic consciousness. (10:10): There is an unending divine source within all energy is pure potential until it is observed and informed your beliefs set the limit of demonstration of this principle, which of itself is without limit. It is ready to fill everything because it is infinite. Your ability to have abundance is entirely a question of your own reciprocity to this universal intelligence. So however much you're able to have it, how much you're able to receive it, how much you're able to really let yourself go and, and accept, receive, right? So just questioning and asking yourself today, you know, how committed are you to waking up? How much are you ready? How much do you believe that you have the power to create your reality and inform, and create and, and actually inform and, and, and actually like make a difference in the collective culture, the collective consciousness, right? How much do you believe that you can create financial abundance for yourself and health and amazing relationships? You know, do you believe because if you don't believe that you're worthy of these things, how are you ever gonna receive them? (11:28): And so just coming in this moment into, you know, the daily spiritual practice around this is to just simply observe to just pretend like you are and have created every last drop of the universe. And just stepping into that, like you're putting on an outfit for the day and just trying it on. You don't have to believe it a hundred percent, but maybe if you try it on, maybe you'll see something new or see how, if you shifted your beliefs or your thinking that maybe you'd actually see a circumstance or relationship or a health issue