Monetize as a Spiritual Coach

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth, (00:19): Just taking a deep breath in through the nose and exi out and just knowing the truth ask, and it will be given to you seek and you shall find knock, and the door will be open to you. What I know for sure is if you are on this podcast, you most likely have had a divine, spiritual calling. I recognize that that, that desire, that seed that has been planted in your heart would not be planted there if it was not your full potential. And so today I want to break on down how to monetize as a spiritual coach. I recognize for myself, I had a calling for many, many years, but I had no idea how to monetize. I was frustrated. I was overwhelmed. I was a young mother. I was actually waiting tables of all things, and I just could not figure out how I would ever turn my passion for spirituality into a career. (01:20): I realized that money was something that I really needed to take a look at that it was something that had been programmed so deeply through the culture, through my lineage, through my parents, through myself of realizing how much scarcity I really had. And when I began to do my inner work and my inner healing, I recognized that that was out picturing in my life. It all came down to my own self worth. So today I just wanna say welcome. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law so that we can truly, truly bring our greatest product here in this lifetime, which is ourselves, our highest version of ourselves. And so I recognize that the reason why eight out of 10 coaches fail is because they're subconscious limited beliefs. We recognize that is that like common, common knowledge now in the, um, you know, in the coaching world, in the psychology world, and even in science understanding, epigenics understanding it's all energetic ties here. (02:20): So the reason why eight out of 10 coaches fail is because they're subconscious limited beliefs are blocking them from success. And secondly, they don't have a proven sales and marketing system, a strategy. And so today I wanna break on down my personal methodology. I have been seeking truth for 25 years. And as a doctor divinity, I have really dive deep, deep, deep into of course, all of what it means to transform your trauma, everything that it means to re subconscious mind, everything that it means to really be an empowered spiritual being here, living our purpose, leaving our legacy. And I am going to share that, that actual framework with you here today. And then I also have dived deep and spent, you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars on my self development, um, and diving into a, a methodology and the most trusted, proven system in the industry. (03:16): Um, an actual step by step, uh, process truly and truly. Um, and so here today, this is all for, um, what I am super excited to announce, which is a three day challenge of free three day challenge on how to monetize as a spiritual coach. And it is really in what we teach, which is serving, serving, serving. We, we understand the law of compensation. We, we, we understand that whatever we give out to the world, we have to be compensated. If we want value, we have to give value. If we want love, we have to give love. If we want vitality, we've gotta give energy and so on and so forth. And so today I just invite you. I invite you to open your mind. I invite you right now to put away everything. I invite you to take this time to invest in yourself truly, and truly you deserve it because if you really truly have had a divine, spiritual calling, and you really want to make a difference on this planet, it's not about the money. (04:09): The money is the effect. Okay? I'm not one of those like, oh, let's tell you all about the things of how to become a seven figure coach. That's great. We do that also. But what I know is that that is all the out picturing the only abundance, monetary like the true abundance, true prosperity always is just source. It is source is a true essence of who we are. And so if we're having a lack of abundance, as far as monetarily money material, any that it's because there's a lack of where the true source is. That is it. We have placed a power out there. We've made it. We've made our, we've created ourselves less empowered than what we've handed our power over. We've handed our power over to the world. We've handed our power over to money. We've handed our power over to keeping up with the Jones. (04:51): We've handed our power at some level. And right now, right here, invite you to declare within your heart that it's possible. It's only possible. It is destiny. If you truly desire it and you commit to service and bring in your purpose and legacy to the world, monetization is part of that destiny. That is just, that is just the effect of the cause. The first cause which we teach, which is spirit, which is you, which is the true essence of who you are. So today I'm gonna break on down. And for the first time ever, I'm actually pulling back the curtain, my entire methodology, you know, and this is a system that now has been, you know, it's been massage, it's been worked, it's been proven. We, we recognize that this is a proven system now. And so I'm really excited to basically show you the strategy of how to become, you know, your CEO of your personal professional life, but the strategic plan. (05:43): And so recognizing as you know, I have helped develop many women and a few men, um, to become 10,000, uh, monthly coaches, you know, doing what they love to do. And so believe me, I know a thing or two about what works and what doesn't work after 25 years of seeking truth, I've developed a methodology that really works developed spiritual coaches, soul entrepreneurs, and so on, and world renowned spiritual leaders to grow their there's coaching business. Okay. So I invite you to really take some notes, really think about this mastery and whether you choose to get involved with society in new thought global, or whether you take it out to your, to your own practice and your own methodology that there is there's gems here. There's gold here. There's diamonds here. And the, the system we use for business development is used by the top 1% of coaches in the industry to grow their businesses. (06:36): 6, 7, 8 figure coaches use this exact system. Okay. So this is why I created a three day live online immersive challenge. This is why I created the three day challenge to monetize as a spiritual coach. Okay. It's everything you need to grow your spiritual coach business online this year right now, right now. So for the first time ever outside of my high level coaching, um, I'm revealing the exact system I use to develop and train coaches. Okay. And how I've used it on celebrities and top CEOs and why I was able to get the Walden wisdom award next to Oprah Winfrey and Greg Braden and people like that because I've worked hard. You guys that's the truth. Okay. I was a broke young single mother, um, struggling to even, you know, put food on the table, literally went to the thrift store for, for my son's clothes. (07:29): Okay. So trust me, if I can become a self millionaire and a world renowned spiritual leader, it is possible for anybody. Trust me. Okay. I was dyslexic growing up. I did not have great education in my elementary school. I did not have, you know, a great, um, support system, none of the above. So let's break this on down. Okay. So let's take a deep breath in and XON out. And if you're writing notes, I want you to put three circles on your paper right now. Okay. And those three circles inside of the circles, these are the three pillars that we use within society and in my methodology, okay. There's been developed for years and years and years. And then the first circle is spiritual mastery. We recognize that everything is built upon our spiritual nature without awakening ourselves, without transforming trauma, without repro with a subconscious mind, without releasing the limited beliefs, nothing is possible spiritual mastery first, because it's important to birth your, your purpose and calling birth your legacy. (08:29): I've worked with so many seven figure coaches and top CEOs, and we do the exact same work. They actually have to shift and pivot from what they're doing, because they haven't gotten clear of what they really care about in this life. They haven't gotten clear of what their core principles are. They haven't gotten clear of what their actual legacy that they wanna leave. So this work has to be done. So you might as well do it first. It's always best to do it first, right? Spiritual mastery, as a saying goes, but seek first the knowledge, the sorry, but first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added onto you. And of course, you know me, I gotta change it, but seek first, the queen of God and her righteousness and all these things shall be added onto you. (09:21): Righteousness. Isn't like better than righteousness means that you're in right mind if you're not in right mind. And if you don't know that all abundance and all prosperity begins within and only is created from within then, I don't care how much skillset you get in the business. It's not going to, it's not gonna be built on a good foundation. It's like building a house with a really crappy foundation. It's gonna start crumbling. It's gonna start giving you a lot of problems. It's not going to work and it will not be sustainable. So in the first circle is spiritual mastery. Okay. In the second circle is business mastery. We recognize that business mastery, we have to have skill set. You know, we can be all awaken. You can be up with divine. You can have all these supernatural, natural abilities turn on, but if you don't have two feet on the ground and understand strategically how to do this, it's not gonna work. (10:11): Okay. So I'm gonna actually, we, we teach, uh, trusted system, okay. That 6, 7, 8 figure coaches use. You're learning, you know, the whole system of what it means to build a funnel, whether you are a brand new coach and with just a,