Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your truth. Live from Los Angeles. We come together each morning to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in soul society. We have the vision of being the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift, a message to bring to the world. Our mission is to awaken the billion people globally. So today, as we align with truth, it's important to talk about money. It's such a big, uh, symbol in our culture and in America, it is huge. We are obsessed with money. And so let's dive into this conversation around money and consciousness. So knowing that money is a symbol of consciousness, that's what it is. Money is worthless. (00:56): It literally the actual physical money is worthless. It's backed by nothing. It is a cultural agreement. Henry David Thore said wealth is the ability to fully experience life. So I have a story around this years back, I was working with, um, a very top like prominent figure in Los Angeles and he contacted me. He was in the one of the leading firms in Los Angeles. He was young, attractive, um, incredible personality, well known, respected in the top tier of his industry. He he'd been on the cover of magazines. He was in the center of media and he was just a perfect textbook model for the definition of success, right? Uh, high energy, very positive, but little would you know that he spent many sleepless nights time on end battling anxiety and recounting stories of broken dreams and wasted opportunities. He felt trapped by his self created prison cell. (02:00): He literally was miserable inside. So he came to me because he was sick and tired of suffering from a deep rooted internal pressure. He had this major, major pressure to perform self-judgment frequent dialogue in his head that he's not good enough. And they would never produce enough fortune. He was literally in a, a prison with him and no one would know it on the outside, right. He felt like his entire life was contingent upon the bank balance in his bank account. So he felt like he was constantly drowning and battling the insecurity that he wouldn't be able to pay for things that he was gonna run outta money. And, you know, he felt a very, very high standard, very pressured, um, in a pressured industry. And he began to get anxiety and feel just angst all the time felt very inferior. So we began to dive into his subconscious work. (02:57): And of course, we began to take, take a look at his belief systems surrounding money and decipher the correlation between constantly feeling, not being enough and not having enough. So this was a quick epiphany. He, you know, saw this right away, clear in his head. He knew that this was his reality. His belief system is BS system, right? So it was really driving his, it was a good thing and a bad thing because it was driving his success, right? The same insecurity was also driving his success from a cultural cultural perspective. But it was also the obstacle that was keeping him from his full potential because what resist persists, right? So he began to see how he fell into this visual cycle. The cycle of being overwhelmed, the cycle of not producing enough and simultaneously he engaged in the core self-destructive behavior. It was preventing him from doing what he truly desired, you know, seeking and having peace of mind and just abundance of wealth. (03:54): He wasn't even able to have it right. He was obsessed with making money. He focused on the feeling of not having enough. And he sent this message to the universe constantly of scarcity, which had to reflect back. So he was not able to keep money. He'd get money, he'd lose money, he'd get money, he'd lose money. And it began to out picture in his life. So we began to dive deeper, right? We began going into his trauma work, which means basically we'd go into the trauma and with money, we don't know, we don't know where the trauma is gonna be. That links in with the, with the concept of not being worthy enough, right? So we just go into all trauma. So we dove deeper and dismantle his thoughts around money and identified the root belief early in his life. He was indoctrinated to believe that money is hard to get that you must fight to keep it. (04:43): And that money is scarce. And in fact, he realized in one of his trauma, uh, sessions was that he believed that money, that people had to kill for money. He remembered. And re-experienced a time when he was a little boy in South Africa and witnessing somebody being murdered over money. And in that session, in that moment, he realized he no longer had to fight for money. He was free. He received, he literally received this part of himself that he realized that he had commanded that into the consciousness and it was playing over and over and over again that he had to fight and die for money. So months later, I received a thank you letter. Um, it was really sweet and it was raving about how, you know, his life had majorly transformed, how he felt free and how he was actually able to save a lot of money. (05:35): It wasn't, you know, a fight for it. Wasn't having like disappearing and coming back. And for me, you know, of course it's great that he is able to save money, but what was even more, you know, miraculous in my opinion, was that he was being able to live in peace that he wasn't having this tormented life. And so knowing the truth that you're not here to win the rat race of materialism, you're here to experience the depths of your soul and form. It should be a beautiful dance, you know, but we have to know wherever there's resistance that we have to accept it and not make it wrong, because if we make the battle wrong, if we make that limiting belief wrong, then we will have prevail because what resist persists. So it's really in accepting all of the dynamics of ourselves as counterintuitive process, right? (06:20): So the reality is this, okay, money is just another form of communication in this world. It's literally a flow. It's a fluence is a way of being okay, a mindset that is based on relationships. And co-creating an innovation. You know, your perception of money is based on the reflection of your relationship with it, yourself, your self worth, your self love money is love and expression of giving and receiving, right? So do you believe you're worthy of abundance? Do you believe you're valuable? The universe reflects your beliefs regarding money. It has to. So take a look at it. You know, what is your perception of money? What does money represent for you? Our culture and, um, you know, is, is very obsessed with money in America. And we know the truth. The truth is that even multimillionaires can be miserable, you know, money does not equate to happiness. (07:15): Um, you know, there's stats on the amount of money where, where out over like $70,000, it doesn't equate to any more happiness. I'm sure that's different in, in say California where money, $70,000 doesn't go very far. Right. But the point is, is that there's a, there's a point where you have enough money that doesn't feel like you're living in scarcity. And beyond that, it doesn't, it doesn't make or break someone's happiness. It doesn't make or break their fulfillment. So you have to define that for yourself. You know, what is it that, that you really are trying to create with money? And what's the game of money what's that giving and receiving? Because if you can't be happy as you are, as long as you're not living in, you know, not being able to put food on your table, money is not going to make you happy. (07:58): It's literally a symbol of your consciousness. And we know this, we know this by, you know, scientific data research of knowing that money does not equate to happiness. So, you know, living out of fear, anxiety, and pressure to produce money and need for status, all tells the universe that you're living from scarcity that you want, and you do not have. So when you live in anxiety due to faulty thinking, you're sending messages that you're not enough. And the truth is that you are enough, you're worth more than all the money in the world. More than all the goals in the world, you have this creative factor that is infinite in its ability to create that creative factor, that innovation money is simply as simple of your consciousness. So when you do spend time investigating and taking a look at your relationship with money, you need to think of where did it come from, what's going on? (08:54): What do you believe? You know, know as you empty the consciousness or you're limiting beliefs surrounding money and wealth, what is the first step to awaken is to become conscious of what your beliefs are? You know, we, we begin to wake up and identify our beliefs. We begin to see what's there. Number two is we begin to reprogram, you know, going into your trauma, work around money, around all the things that link to it, beginning to release the limiting beliefs beginning to wake up to the truth of who you are. And then number three is aligning, aligning to the truth, aligning to the fact that you are the innovative factor aligning to your personal truth of what works for you. And doesn't work for you in the realm of money and career and all the above. And then finally is affirming, affirming every single day in every single way, and knowing your worth, knowing that money is a, an illusion, right? (09:44): So we have to do these four steps over and over again, knowing that awakening in the realm of wealth begins with awareness awareness always first. So what's the next step is really embodying the mindset, the mindset of gratitude receiving and giving aligning with all that aspect of the flow, the fluence, the current of money. And sometimes you just gotta let it go. You know, Deepak Chopra said the word affluence means to flow in the current of life. So this currency is in an energetic exchange of energy. It's the way of being a mindset that's based on relationships and your ability to innovate. And co-create the law of attraction dictates that the secret to wealth is embodying that, which you seek. So the instant you declare money, more powerful than you. You become disempowered. So where in life has you have you handed your power over to money, where have you declared it more powerful than you? (10:41): And you need to take the inventory of that. And beginning to take back your power today is a great day to do it, right? So today the, you know, challenges to choose abundance, the law of abundance or supply the today's daily, universal law is the law of abundance