Money Breakthrough [1 of 12 Series] Introduction

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello Spiritual Community!  Money Breakthrough [1 of 12 series] Introduction:  Money is an illusion Money is the exchange of energy Money is a currency of giving and receiving May you know the truth!    I'm Dr. Erin - Doctor of Divinity, Founder of New Thought Global and Soulciete, 2020 Walden Wisdom Award Next To Oprah, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, and Mother.    Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to have an extraordinary spiritual community? Are you ready to transform your trauma and transform your life? Are you ready to turn your love for spirituality into a career?   I'd like to invite you to take bold action today:   1. Become a member: 2. Join the FREE 5-Day Challenge To Monetize Your Spiritual Gifts: 3. Grab your FREE meditations and Gifts: 4. Join a FREE Breakthrough and Discovery Call With Dr. Erin: 5. Join me in prayer over on    Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Are you ready for a breakthrough in money? I know I am. We always can breakthrough to higher and higher consciousness of a flow of a currency of recognizing that all wealth is created from within. So let's do this thing life from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron and we come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and definitely align to universal law because we are universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, if a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So let's do this thing. This is a new series on the podcast on money breakthrough. I am so incredibly excited for this series because I know it's going to transform so many people's perspective, their consciousness, their way of thinking around money around the flow around the currency. John Randolph price said money is my own natural energy field. (01:14): So M O N EY represents my own natural energy field. So we're gonna break on down you guys, the metaphysics of money, the metaphysics of how to get in flow and in the currency of the truth of the expression of the energy that you are backing. So let's break this on down. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity, and we teach metaphysics. We teach universal law. We teach the science of mind. We teach how the subconscious mind is connected with a subjective mind, which is one as universal law. We are here as spiritual beings demonstrating form. We are literally using this masterclass to develop our consciousness, to really be able to experience the depths of our soul inform. And so I just wanna say, thank you for being here. I had the best week, such a great week, such a transformative week. We had so many people in the challenge and, and we celebrated this week because what happens is we train everyone as CEOs of their personal and professional life. (02:17): And we go through 12 week cycles each quarter. And at the end of the quarter, we celebrate, we celebrate all the wins. We take inventory, we take a look at what worked, what didn't work. We recreate our life purpose statement. And then we, you know, take some time off to rejuvenate and just gain perspective on life. And then we come back, you know, next week, uh, the following week, we will come back the first of the month and, and really launch into another quantum leap in this next quarter. And we had some huge celebrations this quarter. We literally had one, um, incredible woman. Claire's a spiritual coach and she had a $42,000 month. You know what I mean? It's like, it's so amazing to watch. And she's a brand new baby. She's a baby. That's under one years old. It's, it's like profound to watch. (03:03): We had lots of women hit 10,000, 10,000, 10,000, 10,000, you know, 20,000, 30,000 months. And I have to say that it's not about the money because we celebrate just as much when someone's had a huge breakthrough in doing their trauma work and having a great, you know, relationship with their mother, another woman in our group. And she had a incredible quarter. She said, her life is gonna be completely changed with her lineage. She did lineage work this quarter and just her relationship with her mother and who she is and who she's showing up with for her family. Like it just the biggest transformation. And we celebrate all of it. But money's important to celebrate, especially we have majority of women, we have a human, and it's important to understand our worth money comes down to worth. And we're gonna break on down how to break through the stuff, how to really transform our MI our money mindset, transform our action and our, our identity around it truly and truly. (03:58): And so I just wanna celebrate everybody, everybody that listens to this podcast, everybody in our community, everybody that was in the five day challenge. Everybody, I know that if you're on this podcast, it is because you've had a spiritual calling and we believe in you. It doesn't mean that you need to be a spiritual entrepreneur, but I know that we believe in you, that you can really know myself, that you can be enlightened in this lifetime. I know that for sure, shouting out to Miriam as well, who is in our, in our community. And Miriam is she's wrote a book this month. Her book came out on poetry, um, all of her trauma and how she transformed it and bunched stuff. It, this woman's been so amazing to watch cuz I first did trauma with her in the beginning and just watching her bloom. And I swear, this woman was like enlightened. (04:44): Like the stuff that comes out of her mouth now is like, she just gets it. She so gets it. It's like amazing to watch everyone in our community. So let's break this on down. You guys, money breakthrough, we're in a money breakthrough. We're gonna be doing a podcast series on this and you're gonna be learning everything like today. We're gonna go through the metaphysics of money. I'm gonna also go through, uh, some different books like abundance book and um, and a bunch of different prosperity. Metaly based metaphysical based books on money. I'm also gonna teach you some, uh, great prosperity principles, things that the distinctions I use to become a self-made millionaire and the flow of money and all the above, and also breaking down your trauma around that, around how it really plays into your ability to have money and make money. So let's do this thing. (05:33): We start by knowing the truth. Let's take our hands and put 'em together. You can run 'em together. If you want, take a deep breath into the nose, hold it in the air. As much as you can, allowing the pro of the intelligence of the breath to energize every cell, allowing yourself to receive and give all that energy flowing as one thing in and out, right? You can exhale out whenever it works for you inhaling again through the nose, an excellent out. And I just recognize this one thing. This one thing called energy. I recognize even behind the energy, if you will, is spirit is consciousness, directing energy. I recognize that as the untouchable, that part, that true essence of all of life is the presence. And in that field, in that gap in that place is it's beyond all form. It is consciousness. And in that consciousness, I recognize that that one first cause is spirit is divine is God is your true identity. (06:36): And I recognize that that one source has created every last drop of all abundance, all prosperity, all wealth, all money, all gold, everything on this planet. In this universe, I recognize that the truth of all abundance and prosperity is remembering the truth of who you are. You are an infinite, prosperous abundance being, you only know abundance. The universe only knows abundance. And I recognize in this that we also can Inver it to create scarcity. We can create lack. We can CA create fear because it's the one same source that can be used in this relative world for an inverted experience. But I recognize that that same energy that has created bills that has created fear that has created, you know, all the things that in a flash of light of recognizing the cause of that all is restored. And so I claim my birthright and your birthright of prosperity of abundance, of love, of have an amazing, incredibly dynamic life of currency of giving and receiving, recognizing it is all one thing. (07:51): And so I just say, thank you as I feel into the energy around this community and all the people on this podcast, listening, I know who you are. I know the abundance. I see you now having aha moments, having breakthroughs, being able to be in flow with money and having a big smile on your face. I feel it right now, the ha I'm never, ever fearing money because you are the creator of money. I say, yes, I say yes to prosperity abundance, cash monetization, all the above, being able to serve and give and receive all as one as together we say. And so it is amazing. Okay. So, oh my gosh. Money, money, money, honey. So I wanna tell you a little bit about my own personal story around money. So I grew up in basically a pseudo hippie in the Hills of Santa Barbara. (08:42): It wasn't exactly a commune, but it was the leftover residuals of the SI sixties. I was born in the seventies and I mean, we had, you know, I think we had some crappy little television that had one channel on it. We watched things like three co threes company and, and, um, you know, fantasy island. And I think we watched maybe three shows throughout the entire weekend. You know, we just didn't TV. Wasn't a part of our life. We didn't have computers. Of course computers were created, but we never had a computer. We didn't have phones. Cell phones were not even available. Right. We went to the thrift store for our clothes. Okay. So it was an interesting childhood. Actually. I had a, my father, mother got divorced when I was two years old, but my father's side of the family was, uh, wealthy. So I call it rich dad, poor mom, rich dad, poor mom. (09:27): And I always think one day I'll write a book about that, right? Is that rich dad, poor dad for, um, Dr. Kiosaki that's such a great book on, on prosperity and wealth distinctions, but my life was rich dad, poor mom. And I grew up in the Hills of Santa Barbara in somewhat of a hippie commun. And we had very, very little money and, uh, my mom did not work. She lived off, I think a $300, uh, you know, child. Uh, what's it called? Um, when you get money from your ex, from your ex-husband, I don't remember what a child, that's what it's called. I never got that. So I don't know what that's called. Uh, yeah, I think she got something like $300 a month. And of course I think that her, um, mortgage was paid for, which was this kind of like shack kind of a home. (10:09): I mean, it