Money Breakthrough [2 OF 12] 3 ways of reprogramming your subconscious mind

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Are you ready to break through all of your money beliefs? Are you ready to be repro your subconscious mind around money and truly live a life of prosperity abundance? Yes, yes. Yes. If you are, this podcast is for you. This is Dr. Aaron and we come together to know the truth, live on Spiritu principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that your birthright is to live a life of true abundance. So truly expressing the depths of your soul in form. And we recognize when somebody awakens, they definitely have prosperity and abundance and love to bring to this universe because they are this universe. So let's do this thing. We are on a series of money breakthrough today. We're gonna talk about the three ways of reprogramming your subconscious mind so that you can truly claim your birthright of prosperity, abundance, money, monetization, and all of the above. (01:17): So let's do this thing. So in the first podcast of the money breakthrough series, we just went over the metaphysics of money. I told a little bit of my personal story around money, and I think it's important for you guys to, to kind of look back your life. What was your money story? You know, what has been your story around are your, what are your beliefs around money? And then secondly, the homework was to make a list, make a list of everything you could ever desire in this lifetime. Imagine that you actually won the lottery. What would you do? How would you spend your time? Who would you spend your time with? And recognizing that that now is like a list of what you go into mental treatment for spiritual mind treatment, prayer, what you go into meditation for to say, who do I need to become to really be the true mentally equivalent of this recognizing it's not some list of a bunch of material things based upon what you thought you should have, what the world told you, but from a true deep, you know, calling from a true, deep, authentic place within your soul, you know, and recognizing that we all watched the secret and the issue with the secret was a few things. (02:31): One, I mean, obviously the documentary was amazing and, and it went, it went around the globe and it really helped people begin to open up to understanding universal law, but it was a little bit constructed. It was all about like, let me see if I can, you know, sit here and attract a red, you know, Corvette coming into my, you know, driveway having a check to show up in my, in my mailbox and that's fine and dandy. And those things can happen with manifestation, but that's not truly what we teach. We teach actually that it's about clearing out the soul and getting authentic to your true purpose and calling this lifetime so that you can align to that so that you can attract and become the embodiment of really being a stand for something in this life to really be the creative, unique, divine expression, unique to you, cuz there's only one of you in this entire universe and material wealth is great and we absolutely celebrate that as well. (03:24): But when it comes from an authentic place that we really align to, that really aligns with our true deep desire. Not trying to keep up with the Jones, not trying to keep with an influencer online, but truly coming from a place of authenticity and bringing your love and your expression to this lifetime. So three ways of reprogram your subconscious mind around money, cuz you wanna have a breakthrough around money, has to happen at a subconscious level, right? We understand and recognize that, you know, 97% of everything we're doing is happening out of the subconscious mind that it is like puppet strings playing out in our life. And so if we take a look at the story around money, we can begin to understand what our beliefs are. Are you somebody that believes that money is the root of all evil? Are you somebody that doesn't believe you're enough that you really aren't, aren't worthy of having abundance in your life? (04:14): So for me, as I told my story in the, in the first, um, podcast of the series, I recognize now my story around money is it's really about being the expression of the depths of my soul. You know, I went from being somebody who had no money waiting tables in my, you know, teens and twenties being somebody who saved a million dollars and still felt like scarcity. I just remember, I remember a day when I actually began to feel totally prosperous and it was funny because I actually paid for, you know, an expensive meal for some friends and stuff. And, and I felt like this little resistant, like I wanted to do it, but I also was like, Ooh, you know, it's a lot of money. You know, I had to consideration as we call it. Right. And I knew in that consideration that that was my indicator that I absolutely needed to pay for that, that meal because I could, because I had the money for it. (05:13): And I loved all my friends. Why would I not want to give that money? Knowing that there's abundance of money, I can create as much money as I wanna create. And in that I re recognized, you know, it was not, it wasn't about getting to bloated ego of saying, oh, I paid for something. Look at me. I'm so good. I get to pay for my friends. For me, it was more a Testament for myself to recognize that I give away. I give away with such, I give right. I give in service. And it was like, I get to cuz I get to do that. I got more out of paying for that expensive meal than any of them got. And I recognized that I began to recognize that energy. I would give money away to say a homeless person on side of the street or I'd give, um, you know, to somebody in wherever. (05:59): And I would recognize I would get a little bit of a high off of it because it was just that recognizing that I could give away or be in service at whatever level. And that was bringing me more joy and more love than say, if I went out and bought myself something with that money, I recognize the more I would feel that energy, the more I recognize the true source and feeling of prosperity, anytime I'd go shopping is fine. I don't, I don't really have a problem. I'm not a shopaholic by any means, but I, you know, buy something for myself and it's cool. I was, you know, ni I like nice things, no problem, but I still wouldn't get that kind of spiritual spark from them. It wasn't until I began to recognize that I got to give and I got to also pay for experts, you know, in, in their field or pay for somebody. (06:49): That's a incredible masseuse. That's worked their entire life to become somebody that's a master of their craft. And I became so honored to pay for things. I also had the shift around taxes, you know, I used to hate doing taxes. And then I began to think about everything that I get in my taxes, right? I mean, we have luxuries, we have streets. We can drive on, we have utilities and yes, we pay for it in other ways. But I began to shift my mind and think about all the people that work so hard for all those things. And as I shifted into that perspective, my relationship with money really changed. And so today, of course, we recognize that it's all in the mind, it's all in the subconscious mind. And so we wanna go back into those beliefs because I know for me, I had so many beliefs around money. (07:37): I wasn't worthy of it. I'm not enough. I'm not worth, I have to, you have to work hard for it. I don't, I'm not somebody that you know is worthy of having an abundant life. I'm not worthy of having support. I'm not worthy of having team. I'm not worthy of having luxuries. I'm not worthy of that. I'm not worthy of being able to exchange money. All those beliefs that we have in our subconscious mind are generally from trauma, from trauma of this lifetime and past lifetime. And it comes down our lineage, all of the beliefs of our parents. And so part of your homework was really taking a look at that. So the three ways to reprogram subconscious mind around money, there are three ways. And if you're listening to this or if you're taking notes, I want you to envision three circles, okay. Three circles next to each other. (08:23): And in the left circle, it has a negative symbol. And in the middle circle, it has a zero. And then on the right hand circle, it has a plus sign. And this is the metaphysics of, of all creation. Okay. This is a symbol of universal law. On the left side, we can reprogram, we can reprogram and reprogram our subconscious mind negatively, right? We do this through say for example, the subconscious mind is all programmed through frequency and vibration and how we generally create frequency and vibration is through a positive or negative feeling, right? And you are such a powerful, spiritual being. The moment you assign a positive or negative meaning to anything you create a positive or negative feeling, right? Your thoughts, your beliefs create your thoughts, your thoughts create your emotions, your emotions create the experience of your life. So in that high state of a negative state say it was during a traumatic incident or something like that. (09:30): You have a negative emotion. The adrenaline pumping, you're feeling anxious. You're, you're pissed off you're, you're screaming, whatever it is, that negative negative emotion. And then you make a decision. You decide I'm not enough. I'll never love again. Something's wrong with me. I don't wanna live whatever that is. And that programs into your subconscious mind, generally with a command and, and programs that end right in the second circle in the middle circle. The second way of programming the subconscious mind is through the zero factor. The God factor, if you will, would call it. And it is the into neutrality. Zero is a neutrality. The God factor, being able to just be one with all of life merging. This is the yoga in mind. This is the place where we, we program our mind by the merging. We either download the entire, you know, truths of the universe, all intelligence, infinite intelligence, right? (10:33): That is that way of that we program in the consciousness. And then on the right is the positive symbol. And the positive symbol is basically what we use is a firm of mind treatment. You can say spoken word, you can do whatever. It's a high, high state of an ecstatic state. We might get there in our lineage. In our ancestral times, you know, beating the drum around a fire under the moon, right? Or we may do spoken word. We do a friend of mine treatment. Tony Robbins might call it incantations a place where you get in a high, high, ecstatic state, oftentimes we're exercising or doing something like that. And we get all high in endorphins and we're in this blissful state and we decide our greatness. We decide truth. We expand, put a belief into the subconscious mind around programming, around something that's positive that is expanding our consciousness. (11:23): So those three ways that we program our subconscious mind and three ways that we reprogram our subconscious mind, which is through the negative, the neutral and the positive. So if you wanna reprogram your subconscious mind around money, we first need to take all those negative programmings in our subconscious mind and get them neutral and then create something new. So we do this through the E four trauma method, which is basically we go back into that negative state of whatever incident happened because there's no such thing as time. And the spiritual realm. We go back into that incident as if it's happening now, which is the first EU, which is experiencing it. The second is what we stand for is evaluation, which means no evaluation, how trauma and how that negative pro