Money Breakthrough [3 of 12] Shifting Your Perspective

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Are you ready to break through your limited beliefs about money, transform your entire mindset, and truly begin to get in flow in the currency of life, this beautiful dynamic universe that is all abundant, all prosperous. Then this podcast is for you. This is Dr. Aaron, and we come together to know the truth. We are doing a series on money breakthrough, it's honey, money, money, honey. Let's do this thing. I'm so excited. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens you the truth of who they are, they absolutely live a life of prosperity because they are abundant. That's the true nature of who we are. And we know that each and every one of you deserves and has the birthright of prosperity, abundance, monetization, and money and all the above. So let's do this thing. (01:11): You guys, we are, um, on the money breakthrough series of this podcast, and we have gone over some really cool things. We went over, um, the first podcast on the money breakthrough. We went through all about the metaphysics of money. I told a little bit about my personal story of growth of understanding, um, how money does not necessarily equate to prosperity. I remember, uh, I told you guys a story about becoming a millionaire and still feeling very scarce, feeling a lack feeling, not in flow with the world, and really having the shift of going to understanding that the truth is within and that service and giving and receiving its all of flow. When we get in that flow, we are truly in, in truth and living and living in prosperity, living prosperity, living abundance as that, not looking to the world for our source, not looking to the world to think we will be, you know, rich, once we have things out there that it truly is an embodiment of the truth within. (02:10): And you had the homework of basically writing down all your story and your limited belief systems, your BS about money, everything from looking where you got, you know, programmed through your lineage and through, you know, the imprinting from your family and, and all the media and everything, and then making a list of everything that you truly really want in this lifetime, what you want to, and, and then praying and meditating and visualizing on asking yourself the question who do I need to become to be the mentally equivalent of, of, of that out picturing of the expression of the depths of your soul and form on the second, uh, money breakthrough podcast, we went through the three ways of reprogram your subconscious mind around money, looking at, um, how we imprint it through negative things like trauma, how we can get into that neutralization, the zero factor, the God factor through our daily spiritual practice and how we can program it in, in a positive aspect, through the declarations and spiritual mind treatment and spoken word and affirmations truly, truly in those three ways of reprogramming went through the entire process of what that looks like to reprogram how we get programmed through our epigenetics and through trauma and everything else. (03:21): And so, um, on that homework, you had a homework of looking and really committing, deciding of doing your trauma work, whether it be through society, through someone else, having a spiritual practice and then really declaring the truth for yourself every day and every way. So today's podcast, we're gonna talk about shifting your perspective around money, the great shift to money, to prosperity, to abundance, right? We're gonna go over the 10 principles, 10 statements of principles in the abundance book. So I remember, uh, when I was going through, you know, practitioner my practitioner program and becoming a law of attraction minister and a doctorate divinity, I'll never forget. There was an actual course. It was an abundance course. It was one of the prereqs back in the day for becoming a spiritual practitioner. And it was based upon the book, the abundance book by John Randolph price. (04:14): And in this book, we had to read the book and we had to do a 40 day practice of shifting our mindset around prosperity. And we recognize that 40 days is a, you know, it's a biblical reference. It's also astrological planetary. Um, Buddha went and, you know, meditated for 40 days in the desert, right? So, um, I'm sorry. Buddha went and meditated, Jesus went and meditated. We all have the same theme of 40 days. So there's something in the 40 day factor around understanding that we're reprograming the subconscious mind. And the point is that whether you can reprogram the subconscious mind right away, or some people say it takes, you know, a thousand days, it doesn't matter. The point is that when we do things over and over again, we recognize that we are, um, we are imprinting and reprogramming our own subconscious mind. That is one with a subjective mind. (05:06): That's one with the divine mind universal law. And so the point of doing a 40 day prosperity plan is to reprogram ourself, to really shift and make new habits, new ways of being and program in our automated system. So it's just how we view life. So here I was in this class, I was in this abundance prosperity class that we had to do a 40 day practice. And what we had to do is we had to start on a specific date and you had to start with, um, with doing one thing. And for us, it was two things we had to, we had to think about these 40 principles of shifting our mindset and perspective, what it means to have prosperity, what it means to be prosperous. And then we had to pick one thing that we were gonna do consistently for in total 40 days. (05:50): And so for me, I was actually writing blogs. So I actually wrote a blog for 40 days straight. And I meditated on these, these principles, a statement that I'm gonna reach to today. And I remember at the end of the 40 days, I actually completed the 40 days. And I realized at that point in time that I had never done anything consistently for 40 days. And that book changed my life because out of that book, I actually wrote my book out of that 40 day book. I began to do 40 day challenges online and which changed my entire, um, you know, um, you know, viewership and everything else. And I began to do this. I would do it with my son, we'd pick 40 day, um, things that we wanted to do and we'd check in every day for 40 days and things like that. (06:33): So this 40 day prosperity plan, and this book changed my life for sure. Something that we refer to in the new thought movement all the time. So let's just know the truth together. Let's take a deep breath into the nose and excelling out. We start always with a firm of mind treatment, setting the atmosphere, our attitude, and all of it. We're literally knowing the truth for ourselves and energizing every cell of our body and energizing our subconscious mind, which is a subjective mind, which is universal law. And so I recognize right here, right now, the power that be the power of what we say. And I say right now, and in this, I know the, the oneness that I am, the union that I am, I recognize my word is speaking into the eternity of all of life, into every cell and to the entire universe. (07:19): I know the power that be the, I am factor. And in this I know our true identity, your true identity. My true identity is divine is God is the creator is one. It is all because your true identity is not just the individual self. It is the collective self and it is the cosmic self. That's the truth. We are the universe. We're not these bodies. We're not our beliefs. We're not any of the circumstances of our life. We're the creator of all of it. And I recognize this truth. And I know in this truth, we are also abundance. We are prosperity. We are all of it. We have created money. We've created gold. We've created all that. It is who we are. It is the essence of what we created. And there's only abundance in this universe because there's infinite ways of creating infinite ways of putting mathematical equations together. (08:01): Infinite ways of, of, of putting the elements of the universe together. And therefore all of it is ours. Every last drop of it, all prosperity is yours. And so I just say, thank you, thank you. Thank you for knowing the truth as together we say. And so it is. So today we're gonna go over the 10 statements, principles to state because as we know the truth, we teach as a doctor divinity, we're considered doctors because we heal through revealing the truth. So today let's just do this real quick. As we dive into this, I'd like to just start with, with, uh, something real quick, let's see through Anne Messant the world with all its beauty, its happiness and suffering. Its joys and pains is planned with the utmost ingenuity in order that the powers of the self may be shown forth in manifestation. And so I understand that as we pray, we purposely rise and yield P R a Y we purposely rise and yield. (09:10): I know that the truth of who you are is prosperity is abundance. And so I understand in this Ernest Holmes said in the science of mind, prosperity is the out-picturing of substance in our affairs. Everything in the universe is for us, nothing is against us. Life is ever giving of itself. We must receive, utilize and extend the gift. Success and prosperity are spiritual attributes, belonging to all people, but not necessarily used by all people. So let us learn, let us grow with all the, all the great masters. This book is so good. You guys all the great masters of new thought movement. Um, and if you don't know what new thought movement is, it's basically was stemmed out of the mental cure movement that happened, um, over in Europe. And it all linked us back into true consciousness, which is the powerful consciousness, which links into Buddha and Christ and all the great masters links us into all science, all philosophy. (10:15): We teach oneness. That is our primary principle. So let's do this thing in a money breakthrough. We have to reprogram the subconscious mind. We have to understand metaphysics and universal law and we have to begin to, um, transform our trauma and have a spiritual practice. And we have to have a shift in consciousness of what we perceive prosperity to be. We can no longer look to the world for our prosperity. We only know and look within to the true self for all abundance, all prosperity, all creation. So in this I, if you wanna do the 40 day, uh, challenge, you can pick a specific date and start. Um, and if you miss one day and you don't do it, then you technically need to go back to the very beginning and start again. And then this is gonna teach yourself to build trust, to build integrity around your practice so you can pick a date. (11:06): And so then you, you do that. Okay? So I'm gonna read these 10 statements of principles, but first we wanna state that this day, whatever day you choose to start your 48 practice, I cease believing invisible money as my supply and my support. And I view the world of effect as it truly is simply an out picture of my former beliefs. I believe in the power of money. Therefore I surrender my God-given power and authority to objectified belief. I believed in the possibility of lack, thus causing a separation and consciousness from source of my supply. I did that. I believe that I was separate, right? You guys. And therefore I created myself in scarcity.