Money Breakthrough [4 of 12] 4 Principles of Prosperity

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea, coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): What would it be like if you had so much residual income, passive income that you were able to spend the day meditating, what would it be like if you truly had freedom of your time to do whatever it was that you desired to do, whether it was working or whether it was, you know, painting art or whether it was taking a walk in nature for the day? Well, if you truly desire to have freedom in your mind and financially prosperity, abundance, all the above, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. We are on podcast, number four of the money breakthrough. So welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. This is Dr. Aaron and we come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they awaken to the truth of who they are, which is abundance, which is prosperity, which is all encompassing of all the wealth of the entire planet. (01:16): And so I recognize right here, right now that money breakthrough is all an inside job. So let's do this thing. You guys, we're on number four of a 12 series of money breakthrough today. We're gonna talk about the four principles of prosperity from the external world, how to really work money and prosperity and abundance in a principally based way so that you can be free so that you can be, uh, have passive income, residual income, and really be able to free up your time in all aspects and be able to exponentially grow in the abundance of who you are internally and externally. Okay. So let's break this song down. So I always say that, um, I came from, instead of the book, you know, there's a book called rich dad, poor dad by Robert T Kiyosaki. And it was a huge influential book on me in my prosperity in my twenties. (02:11): I, as I, as you guys know from podcast, number one, how we went through the metaphysics of money, um, breaking on down how really the truth of restoring our consciousness around money and the dynamics of how we create our scarcity or abundance. And in podcast two, we broke on down the three ways of reprogramming your subconscious mind around money and then podcast number. I'm sorry, that was two number three. We broke on down, basically how to shift to perspective, uh, through the statements of principles, understanding that all wealth has to begin from within that we cannot make anything of the external world, our source of abundance. So in my twenties, um, I thought abundance and prosperity was all about getting rich. I was very poor. I grew up poor. I had a, as I say, I had a, a rich dad, poor mom, and meaning from the external world, my father's side of the family was very wealthy. (03:06): They came from a lineage of a lot of money. And, um, my mother's side of the family was the opposite. She came from a very poor family. And, um, and, and so it was a very interesting, interesting childhood. Being able to witness all the different dynamics of all it and trying to find my own truth within it. And so I thought that if I just became wealthy, that all my problems would be solved and it declared very early on. As I stated in the first podcast, I decided in a traumatic incident when I was a young little girl, it was on my sister's birthday and she went off to go ice skating, and my mom could not afford to pay for my sister, her two friends and me. So I stayed home. I was very, very upset, crying hysterically, and I decided that I would be rich when I grew up and so low and behold, I started working at like, well, I think like 14, actually, I worked through my whole childhood, like doing little, tiny, random, little, you know, jobs for parents. (04:06): And then in junior high, I began to clean my mom's friends homes. And then I began to wait tables at 15 years old, lying about my age and, and waiting tables when we were supposed to be 18 back then. And so I decided, and I, I decided, and I began to reach for how to become rich. So I reached for a book which was called rich dad, poor dad by Robert Kiosaki amazing book. I'm sure most of you guys have probably read this book cuz it's like a huge New York times bestseller. But the point in the principles are that Robert te Kiosaki, he was raised by what he would consider his poor dad, meaning that his, his dad was not, was poor in the sense that he had to do time exchange for his money. He was, I think he was a professor, but he still was in a job that didn't, you know, pay much as far as he could never really truly get ahead. (04:57): And his dad would teach him to get a job and have security and, um, and settle him. And his rich dad was kind of his best friend's father, I believe. And he was a big investor and he invested in real estate and he taught him the principles of investing, how to buy assets versus liability, how to get a ROI, a return on your investment, how to leverage by, by borrowing money and, and so on and so forth, compounding your money and, and becoming somebody who has a lot of passive or residual income. And so I became obsessed with this. And in fact, I, I used the principals, uh, so much so that I was able to save a million dollars. And as you guys know that, I basically figured out that even with having a million dollars, I still felt very scarce. I did not have any kind of a flow whatsoever in money. (05:47): And, um, and it was, it was really not until I was able to begin to let go of money and begin to understand the principles of true abundance and true currency and a flow of money. So, you know, I think it's really important today. What we wanna do is, is base the principles of a rich dad, poor dad, principles of prosperity and how it relates to universal law, because the truth is, you know, rom DAS as a great talk. Oh my gosh, you guys, I think Ron dos is my mentor from the other side. I love him so much. He's such a profound speaker. So he has this great talk where he is basically breaking on down the kind of rat race of, of trying to get ahead in this world and how it's never enough. So he talks about this. He says, he is in this, in this beautiful Cessna airplane. (06:39): He's with a buddy and his buddy has a lot more money than him. And they, you know, land in this airport and they, and they pull up next to this, like, you know, jet next to him and his friend kind of looks out the window and looks at the jet and you can see, he's kind of like his bloated ego kind of, you know, deflates and rondos is like, are you okay? Like what's going on? You know, he goes, oh, well, that's my uncle's plane. And he just has so much money. And I just like, feel like I'm inadequate and all this stuff. And rondos is sitting there going, he had rondos had money as well, but he had like a little tiny little, you know, prop plane or something. And he was thinking, I was feeling a little, you know, like, so anyway, rom dos felt very inadequate in, in who he was in there as well. (07:23): And he realized like, it's never going to be enough. When is it enough? And he went on to say that he had met another gentleman and he was down in Florida. And he was speaking with this man who had, you know, a ton of money, like a hundred million dollars. And he was asking him, why, why did you do it? Why, what keeps you going? And he kind of looked up and he said, what else would I do? You know? And the point is, this is that for so many of us, we have an identity. We have an identity around who we are in the realm of money. We are either somebody who always has money. We're somebody who can never afford it. We're somebody who struggles with money. We're somebody who X, Y, and Z fill in the blank. And so as we begin to take a look at what is your identity and recognizing that really it for majority of human beings before they've done their inner spiritual work before they've awoken, they get to a place where they pretty much are on a hamster wheel of their identity. (08:34): It's like puppet strings playing out in their life. And so I remember with my mom, she would say things over and over again. She would say things as I can't afford it, we can't afford that it's too expensive. Right. And it became an identity. It's like, it was just her way. And, and she was a slave to that identity. and I remember my dad, my dad actually has never become very wealthy. He came from a very wealthy family, but my dad, in my opinion, and my mom now is, is very prosperous. Now she's, you know, done a lot of her inner work, but my dad always had the conversation of what's possible. He had done a lot of spiritual work in his twenties. He'd actually, you know, gone off to find himself, which is a whole other thing, but he be, he always was intriguing because he would always open up to more possibility. (09:26): What's possible. You know, how could you make money? What, what can you do that you love? You know, he'd always have that conversation. And it's important to recognize for yourself who you are being in the realm of money, because you can learn the rich data, poor dad principles. You can learn about cash flow. You can learn about ROI. You can turn, learn about leveraging and compounding and assets and liabilities, but none of it is going to matter if you don't understand that it's all for expression, it's all for the experience of this human condition. It's all for understanding the dynamics of you and how you are energy and how you are directing energy upon universal law. You're the backing of energy. So let's break this on down some of the four core principles of prosperity from a universal law perspective, from a perspective of how to actually work with money and, and really align to it so that you have passive income so that you have residual income so that you understand and are building upon understanding that what we give attention to 10 Xs, so you can make money and just flow of money, or you could actually have money and have it work for you. (10:39): And it's not, one's better, or one's worse. It's literally just a choice. And I truly believe that because some of the happiest people I know do not have a bunch of wealth com that, you know, hoarded wealth or investments. So I'm definitely not