Money Breakthrough: Creating Your Rich Inner Circle [11 of 12 series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): What if I told you that your net worth is going to be the average of the five to 10 people you surround yourself with, if you're ready to create your rich inner circle, you wanna listen to this podcast. This is Dr. Aaron welcome. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. Our mission is to awaken a billion people. And now I know that we're gonna fulfill upon that mission is by developing world renowned, spiritual entrepreneurs, spiritual coaches, spiritual practitioners, law of attraction ministers, and yes, doctors of divinity. So let's break this on down. You guys, we're on number 11 of 12, a money breakthrough podcast series. This title is creating your rich inner circle, and yes, there is a saying your net worth is going to be the average of the five to 10 people you surround yourself with. (01:14): I'm not sure if that is a scientific , you know, data or not, but boy, do I know how much the influence of the people around me make in my life and my consciousness and yes, in my bank account. So let's break this on down yesterday. I was actually at the Rosewood up in Montecito and I was at a brunch. I was with, there was nine women around this table in this beautiful, gorgeous room at the Rosewood. And Montecito had this beautiful chandelier with crystals over it, beautiful roses in the middle of the table. And I had a moment where I kind of looked around the room and I kind of almost had like a moment of imposter syndrome. But then I realized it was actually just a pinch me moment of realizing that I clearly had manifested this, that I had chosen within my own soul, that I wanted to surround myself with women that were extraordinary women that were soul based women that were committed to making a difference on this planet and every single woman across this table. (02:20): I don't think there was, there may have been somebody that made under seven figures, but regardless, I don't know, some of them probably made multiple, multiple seven figures. One of which worked with Oprah Winfrey, building her entire brand, other coaches in the room, doing deep, deep conscious work with clients, profound, profound spirit. Let's just put it that way. And what I knew in that moment was I was like, whoa, this is such a recognition, a reflection of a consciousness and a choice that I'd made years ago. And I remember there was a moment in my spiritual development that I had to let go of some friends, not because they weren't good enough or whatever, just they weren't in alignment with what I was, was truly committed to. And I know today as I sit here that my life would never be as rich as it is, my life would never be fulfilled. (03:08): My life would never be at the level it's at. If it weren't for the people that I surround myself with. So I just wanna give acknowledgement to my own coaches, to my own girlfriends and guy, friends that are making a difference that impact my life in every conversation we have. I'm just so grateful for my inner circle. So on that note, you know, we have to recognize that our network equals our net worth truly. And truly, if you think about it, we're one, we have mirroring cells, we have all these things. And so today I wanna help you create your rich inner circle because it's not a passive thing. It's a very active thing to get clear of what works for you. And doesn't work for you around the people that you are have in your life. If you're truly committed to claiming your birthright prosperity and having a money breakthrough, it goes into all areas of your life and definitely around the people that you surround yourself with. (03:59): So let's just say, you know, that, that people either they either rise, raise you up or they bring you down, like truly. And truly, if you think about it, like your life either gets better and expands with somebody you're hanging out with, or it gets more dramatic and chaotic and dysfunctional period, you know, and you have to weigh out the pros and cons. And I remember doing this, there was a, I had a really dear friend years ago and it just was, there was a lot of drama and I know it wasn't just her. It was probably both of us together, but there was a point in time where I had to release her to the universe. And I was like, you know what, I'm gonna release her with love. It's just that whether it be us together or whether it be that she's just committed to her drama, I to let it go, there was other friends that were good. (04:44): I mean, they were up to something, they were up to some growth. Um, and I would find that when I was around them, it was fine. You know, whether it be girlfriends I grew up with or girlfriends, I went to high school with, they're amazing. And they're still in my life and I do love them. Okay. But there's a whole other level of relationship that I'm really committed to. And it doesn't mean it can't be with the women that I grew up with or high school friends, cuz some of them absolutely fall into this category and some don't. So what I had to get clear is that what my own core commitments are, and we go through this, whether it be in an intimate relationship you're in, or whether it's in your girlfriends circle, guy, friend circle, or whether it's people you hire in your company, there has to be a level of core values that you're up to for you to truly thrive and be you. (05:33): And so I've gotten really clear of what mine are and I'm gonna help you get clear of what yours are, so that whether you even have those people in your life or not the people that you really truly wanna call into your life, you can begin to manifest this inner circle for yourself. Okay. So, you know, it's interesting because years ago, when I talk about how in my twenties, I saved a million dollars, I had read the book, what, you know, the millionaire next door and some of the things that were in those books, I actually live by, right? And I'm gonna read the list of what this was. So the millionaire next door, uh, was all about saving money, living under means and slowly moving up truly. And truly that's really the concept of it. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's wonderful to be a millionaire and have passive income, but it doesn't mean that you're living abundantly. (06:20): And so the, I wanna read these characteristics for you so that you can decide for yourself who you wanna hang out with and who you don't wanna hang out with. Right? So some of the characteristics of the millionaire next door is they leave. They live beneath their means. They use their time and money efficiently to build wealth. They prioritize attaining financial independence over displaying social status. They're skilled at identifying investment opportunities. They choose the right line of work. They didn't inherit their wealth. They built it. 80% are first generation millionaires. Many have self are self-employed. Um, and they are extremely frugal and budget their expenses. And then an average, they invest 20% of their realized household income per year. Okay, cool. Sounds good. Not necessarily my inner circle anymore. Okay. It doesn't mean that I would not have somebody around me that has all these means, but I, there is a distinction for me and the distinction is yes, it's good to save wealth. (07:19): Yes. Maybe it's good to be conservative to live beneath your means. Yes, that's all good and fine and Dany. But the difference is, is the women that I'm really, really into circling surrounding myself with are women that are, are willing to live on the edge, to grow exponentially and allow the universe to create miracles in the process. So the, the issue for me with the millionaire next door conversation is very linear. It's like, I'm gonna make a little bit more money. I'm gonna save 20% of my income. I'm gonna build a little bit more asset and then I'm gonna get financially free so that I can, you know, die a great, comfortable death. Right. It's like, cool. That's cool. There's something wrong with that. It's just that it's not really, it's it, there's a level of going even beyond that. And so we have to take a look at the billionaires mindset instead of the millionaires mindset. (08:14): And it's very different. It's very different. Okay. The billionaires mindset, and this is maybe not totally factual. This is based off a book. Um, the billionaire mindset. And, um, it is basically, these are five unique kind of parts of it. But the key billionaire mindset is there's, there's confidence. There's creativity, there's ambition, there's passion, there's adaptivity, there's scalability, there's energetic and there's leadership. So the billionaire thinks a little bit different than the, you know, somebody who's just trying to save, right? Anybody could save a million dollars. These days is not that hard to do, um, a millionaires millionaires, not much money these days. Right. But to become, somebody has extraordinary life and living into the billionaires way of thinking. It's more about how they think they think truly deeply, right? One of the most important facts of a billionaire is the traits that they think they don't think of. (09:05): Like, I wanna make another billion dollars. They're thinking of basically, how can I get more free time? How can I help others to get more free time? Right. They're thinking of how do people spend most of their day? How much time do they spend at the office? How much do they do they get into the deep depths of like, how do I make someone's life better? How do I solve problems for people so that I can begin to help them? And also claim my birthright prosperity. Right? I did this in society. It's like, how do I help enlighten people? How do I help them become the most able in their life? How do I help them from, you know, becoming codependent to becoming empowered? How do I help them end their suffering and the trauma to transform, to birth their purpose and legacy? How do I do all that? (09:48):