Money Breakthrough: How to have true financial freedom [9 of 12 Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This (00:01): Is live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Are you ready to move past the rat race and start living abundantly? Are you ready to have financial freedom truly and truly well, if you do, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to the doctor, Erin podcast, come together to know the truth. Live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly know the truth that whenever somebody awakens, they have a, a voice and a message to bring to the world. And together we are awakening the world. Our mission is to awaken a billion people, and I know for certain that we will fulfill upon our mission by developing world renowned, spiritual entrepreneurs, spiritual coaches, spiritual practitioners, love attraction, ministers, and doctors of divinity. So I'm so thrilled to be with you. I'm Dr. Aaron, if you're the first time to this podcast, I'm a doctor of divinity. I teach, um, obviously universal law, re Roman the subconscious mind and develop amazing human beings, bringing truth to the world. (01:15): So let's do this thing. You guys, we're on a series of a money breakthrough series. We're on nine of 12, number nine of number 12 series. And this is the name and the title of this podcast is how to have financial freedom, man, moving past the rat race and starting to live with total abundance, claiming our birthright of abundance and prosperity. So let's break this one down. So I want you have vision for a moment, and I want you to vision that you are on your deathbed. I love the, the vision of deathbed, and I want you to take a look at your life. What did it, what did, what was your life like? Were you just keeping up at the Jones? Did you have a lot of debt? Maybe you got that great little house in that picket fence and 2.5 kids, and you put your kids in the right school and you did all the right things, but somehow you felt like you died a little bit more along the way. (02:11): Maybe, maybe you decided to go for your dreams, took the path and the road less traveled and listened to the call. That doesn't mean that you didn't eventually have that home that you wanted and that picket fence and those kids. But what I know for sure is that there is always a choice that we always have to make that our economy and our culture sets us up to be in a rat race of borrowing money for the things and the identity that the culture has told us and programmed us to think that is gonna fulfill us. And oftentimes more than not, people end up having midlife crisis, they end up feeling unfulfilled and they truly feel at some point that they gave up on their dreams. And so I don't want you to do that. You know, Ray Dalio, I don't know if you guys know who he is, but I'm, I'm, I'm a, you know, I'm a spiritualist that loves to teach universal law principles, all this. (03:11): And I like to relate it to really tangible things out there in the world. And if you know, Ray Dalio, Ray Dalio is, um, an economic genius. He runs the largest venture capital fund in the world and, um, has written an entire series of books and things on spiritual economics and principles and things to, you know, to develop a, a life that is abundant and rich and, um, and building assets and everything else. So it's really fascinating. He's got this great video series on economy, and he is one of the best of having to understand what the economy is and why I'm telling you about this is because everything spiritually, everything we teach about universal law always should always add up to science, to economics, to philosophy, to even religion all the above. And so today I wanna break on down, what does it mean to break out of the rat race break outta trying to keep up with the Jones and truly live an authentic life that is fully expressed and fully abundant and prosperous because what I see a lot also is spiritual people that renounce and don't have any wealth and are broke and can't have the impact and the power that they want to be able to bring truth to the world. (04:29): Or I see people who are kind of like, you know, kind of sold their soul if they will and do whatever it is to get the material world that they want, but yet they're still kind of bankrupt in their spirituality and their fulfillment. So what I want is the goal is for you guys to have both, I want you guys to be able to fully live your truth, break out of the rat race, and to really, truly understand that you get to have prosperity monetarily wise, as well as spiritually and in your relationships and in your health and all the above. Okay. But we need to really take a look at the cycles of what, what does it mean to be in the rat race, to be able to understand and say, mm, not gonna do it. Okay. So Ray Dalio is really brilliant at teaching us, um, about the economy and what is the economy? (05:12): You know what I mean? What is the economy? And what's the productivity growth within it, right? There's short term cycles. There's long term cycles. There's transactions of marketplaces. And on the SumTotal of all marketplaces of all transactions equals basically the economy and the economy is based on so many things from interest rates and credit and all the, you know, spending and transactions and everything comes to this place called the economy. And what happens for so many people is there's cycles in it, right? So a lot of times we will, you know, you're young, you're told by your parents, by the schools, by the, you know, world at large, that you should grow up that maybe go to college or maybe not get a job and begin to build, what's gonna make you happy, you know, get that car, get that house, get that career. And most people end up borrowing money to do it. (06:06): And then what happens is they end up getting, almost creating like a jail cell for themselves, because if they have so much debt and they, you know, are kind of stuck, they gotta keep in that job because they have so many bills that they have to pay per month. So they just don't have as much freedom of choice. Right. And we're such a fast paced, like instant gratification that instead of making the money and buying something, once we, you know, have enough money to buy it, instead we buy on credit and we get ourselves into some sticky situations because the economy changes and real estate falls, the, um, you know, uh, stock market go up and down, all these things go up and down in flux. And the reality is that majority of human beings spend more than they make. And they get themselves in bad situations, majority of human beings. (06:56): Okay. So we call this a rat race, right? It's like the rat is on this, you know, this wheel that's going around around. It's not actually going anywhere. It's just going around, around on a wheel. It doesn't even know it's not going around on a wheel. So I want you to kind of look at your life right now and ask yourself, where are you at? Are you on that treadmill of trying to, you know, have yourself look and identify as something really more than you really are at this point in time, or you, someone that just said, you know what, I'm giving up all that. And in fact, you're denounced and you don't even have abundance or flowing money at all. Right. Where are you at in those? Maybe you're a little bit of both, whatever that is, but the truth is that you're neither of those. (07:36): You're, you're neither, you know, you are a divine spirit that has desires and has a purpose that has been written on your DNA for you to express and realize in this lifetime. And you're also not somebody here's just to, uh, you know, suppress yourself and not fulfill upon those desires and just renounce everything and think that, you know, money's a root of all evil, which we went over another podcast, but you're here to truly be reborn past all those, those different cycles past all those identity, past the rat race, past keeping up the Jones to truly live and express life. And so as Ray Dalio goes on, it's really fascinating. Cuz when you take a look at the economy, what happens is the more people spend, the more quantity the price equals the price, right? And so all markets of all sellers in all industry equals the marketplace and equals economy, right? (08:34): The, the economy's also, you know, guided by the amount of interest rates and the amount of debt and all this different stuff, all come into this one machine called the economy. But what's fascinating is it's really, you have a good economy when there's flow. And when it's restricted, then basically you have economy that is beginning to, to uh, contract and basically begins to go into a recession and even potentially depression. So it's the same exact thing. What happens with all of us, right? We're either in flow in the currency of money or we begin to contract, not spend not flow. And then we don't also have money cuz wherever you spend money, then that's someone else's income, right? So it's a direct correlation. You're either giving or receiving in the flow of the economy. You're either giving and receiving in the flow of the economy. (09:28): So you have to understand that it's um, and then it gets tricky though. Cause when you're actually spending on credit, then that's like using your energy in the future. And so then imagine you've spent a bunch of energy that's in the future in buying, you know, a house on credit, a car on credit credit card debt, all this stuff. And then imagine that all of a sudden, the entire, you know, economy goes down. So you've already spent your energy ahead of time. Right? We understand then right? The stock market might go up and down real estate markets might go up and down, people start cutting expenses and everything begins to contract. We've been to these cycles 2008, you know, about every 10 years or so these cycles happen where things contract and the economy goes down, we may, we've a bubble before. And then it bursts basically. (10:17): And then everything kind of stops. So we wanna take a look at this, right? We wanna go past these cycles. What do we learn from this? We wanna go past these cycles as spiritualists and as entrepreneurs. And you're like, well, what does this mean exactly this or as an entrepreneur, this means that you have got to take a look at the bigger picture. This means that depression and recessions all begin in the collective consciousness of our, of the, of our economy. That always there's a mentally equivalent. And that's what we teach that imagine that actually depressions happen when the sum total of the collective consciousness begins to have, you know, no hope in the economy, everything contracts. And we've all been there personally, right? We've been to where maybe we have no, we've had an experience around money where we had no money. We began to fear not having money. (11:06): And then we got even more sad, more hopeless. And then we went into like maybe a mini depression or big depression, right? The exact same thing happens in the collective. And so how do we get outta the rat race? How do we get outta the rat race? And you know, as the title of this, of this podcast go have financial freedom. How do we have financial freedom? So it's interesting cuz there was a point in time I had become a self-made millionaire and I had quite a bit of passive income, like a lot of passive income actually, and I didn't have to work. And it was fascinating because as we know, uh, most people that don't work at all or don't have a purpose