Money Breakthrough: Supply & Demand [8 of 12 Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Live from Los Angeles. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We truly believe when somebody awakens, you have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakened in the world. We are the mission of awakening, a billion people. And how I know we are fulfilling upon that mission is by developing world renowned, spiritual entrepreneurs, spiritual coaches, spiritual practitioner, law of attraction, and doctors of divinity, helping all of us come out to the world with our voice, with our message, helping bring truth and helping people thrive on this amazing planet that we have right here right now. So let's do this thing. If you are interested in money, money, breakthrough today's podcast is for you. Uh, today is all about supply and demand, which is one of the basic principles E economics of monetization, and also understanding how we're creating, how we're manifesting, how we are calling upon universal law to create and demonstrate specifically what we want to experience. (01:20): So let's break this on down. This is number eight of a 12 series of money breakthrough. You definitely wanna listen to this podcast, put everything down, put it away, get your notes out. This is going to change your life. Change your business, change the way you take a look at what's going on in the world right now and change the way you're gonna begin to market and monetize and help people deliver them the life that they truly desire their dreams. Okay, so let's do the thing. So supply and demand, uh, it's interesting because we teach in universal law that there's a law of supply and demand. And what the demand is, is the demand is the part of ourselves that we demand upon our subconscious mind. That is one with a subjective mind, and we call upon this, right? It's how we've created the fifth finger, right? (02:10): It's we demanded it by what we needed, right. We needed it. And there's a life force, an unlimited resource for an unlimited energy. And so we understand this principle, but let's break this on down from a perspective of business. How does this work? Exactly. So in economics, basic principle, if you went to any business school, you learn the law of supply and demand that everything is really about what people need and the supply and demand around it. There's a great book that's called clipper ship. And it basically talks a lot about there was these ships and they're called clipper ships. And it was during the gold rush. Um, when the gold rush was coming on. And basically there was items that on the west coast, primarily in San Francisco, the people that were, you know, finding gold, if you will, they had certain things, they needed, they needed jeans, they needed pickets, they needed shovels, they needed all these things they're they needed these things to make money. (03:09): So they were willing to pay big money for these things to make more money. So they built these clipper ships because on the east coast, they basically had, um, they had, they had those items, they were able to make those things. They were running out of them on the west coast. So what they did is they got all the jeans, all the shovels, all the picks, all the things they needed for the gold rush on the east coast. And they would put them on these ships and they would port them across, uh, the north all the way around and, and to San Francisco. And there was probably something like a 1500, 1500% markup from what they would buy on the east coast to what they were able to sell it on the west coast. And to point is that, is that there's a supply and demand, right? (03:58): What will you pay for something that you truly need if you'll probably pay more for it than something that you don't really need? So we have to understand the same concept when it comes to supply and demand of, of what's happening in the world. And we recognize there's only one cause which is spirit, which is our true self. And we get to use it to either create the supply and demand of helping people bring more harmony in their life, helping them fulfill their dreams, or, you know, basically creating heaven on earth or we can invert it. And we can really create the supply and demand to create hell on earth and manipulate people and create, you know, a discord, if you will, it's all the same use of the law, but it really is truly the same principle of supply and demand. So I don't wanna get too political today, but I do want have to have people understand, um, why people are kind of, um, having, you know, fear around an agenda around what's happening on with the pandemic and with the vaccine. (05:00): Okay. And I'm not for, or against it. Okay. I'm gonna keep a neutral on it. And I believe that each individual gets to make their own decision. But the point is is that some people are stating that there is an agenda that they they're able to put the demand up for a vaccine by making it, uh, more fear in the news and everything else to create the demand. And the people that are in charge of the supply of the vaccines are being scrutinized and looked at to wonder if they had this agenda. And so big corporations are take, uh, you know, people take a look at them, how much are they actually authentic and transparent in what their, you know, supply and demand is versus how much are they manipulating the marketplace to, to have that demand. So those supply, so everything goes up in price, right? (05:55): So it's a really important, important conversation. It's an important conversation. And the reason why is because you can take a look at it from all perspectives, obviously, as I develop soul entrepreneurs and people that truly desire to make a difference in a good way, they wanna help people fulfill their dreams. They wanna bring truth. They wanna in discord, they wanna help them transform the trauma and so on and so forth. But what I find a lot with a lot of the spiritual, um, industry and, and people that are really in this, in this field is there's some naive team. There is, there's not understanding the basics of life. For example, they will, they will say, for example, I'm gonna help people, um, you know, feel better or I'm gonna help them get more enlightened or I'm gonna have them. Um, you know, I wanna have them feel less overwhelmed and it's very ethereal. (06:46): It's very like broad in what, what they're actually, why would somebody buy that? Right? Generally, yes, we think, well, I would buy feeling better or I would buy not being as confused or whatever, but it's not tangible enough for people. The demand comes when you realize that you have to have something, right. If you're gonna do say you're gonna transform your trauma just to feel better. It's one thing. But it's another thing to say, look, understanding that if, if someone doesn't do their trauma work, if they don't do their inner work, what's the reality. The reality is they're not gonna be able to, they're not gonna be able to make and sustain the relationships that are gonna have them have a, a good fulfilled life. They're not gonna be able to make the money at the level that they need to. They're not gonna be their expression out in the world. (07:31): Their life is going to not add up to what they truly desire in life. So when you put it in that perspective of what it means to do your trauma work, what it means to do your spiritual work, what it means to do your subconscious reprogramming. And you really realize what the reality of it. Like if you don't do this, let's take a look at if you did do your inner work, or if you didn't do your inner work, it's a huge, dramatic difference of the quality of someone's life. Huge dramatic. How much, how many hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars does it cost you to not do your inner work? Because you're not gonna be as able cuz you're not going to be able to, to, you know, be consistent in your life. You're not gonna be able to run a company. You're not gonna be able to show up to your clients cuz you're hot mess. (08:12): Right. You know, I've been there. Trust me. Okay. So what's what is it worth to do your trauma work? What's it worth to do your inner work? What's it worth to do your subconscious programing? Let me tell you, it should be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars when you take a look at what is actually worth. And so that is what's called juxtaposition. That's, what's called having a supply and demand. Real having people realize through, you know, through your, for your copy, through your social media, through your emails, through your ads, what is the result? And what's the cost. If they don't do something, right? This is building the supply and demand. This is building, having someone realize the value of something. Okay. Cuz supply and demand is all about the value and value is relative value is relative. Okay. And a good example of this is say, um, gasoline, okay. (09:06): Gasoline, for example will go up and down according to the demand, the supply and demand and there's things in the economics. There's things of when people are driving more there's things that drive these prices because the supply, the demand is goes higher, right? That drives prices up. And that also has the, the people that are creating the fuel, like the gasoline, they wanna produce it more. And so it's like you level it out. You wanna bring it into that equilibrium. So it's the same thing, whether you're a sole entrepreneur or not, it's not about manipulating it, but it's about really getting that part of our job is to one of our most important jobs is to help people get committed to their own dreams. That's probably one of our biggest jobs as entrepreneurs is helping our clients get committed, demanding upon themselves and the universal law that their dreams like they demand their dreams through reality, they demand. (10:06): And this is a law of demand. This is a law of a why emergent evolution happened, why we created the fifth figure it's because we fricking demanded it. We had to, we had to survive. And so part of our job in even, you know, selling with soul and really truly wanting to have service in someone's life is to demand, to have them realize and, and get clear that they are worthy. They're worthy of their goals. They're worthy of, of fulfilling their life. They're worthy of doing their inner work. They're worthy of bringing their message and doing what they love as a career. And when they get that, the demand becomes so great that they are willing to pay for something that they may have not seen it. They may not have perceived it as something that was absolutely they demand in their life. Okay. So we have to understand that it all works. (10:54): It all is supply and demand. How we use that supply and demand depends on if we're creating harmony or discord, right. We would never want a client to join one of our programs or work with us one on one, or join a membership or do anything. But wasn't in their highest good. That would be manipulative. That would not be good. Okay. But if you truly, truly believe that what you have and what transformation you can help someone go through and what your services are, will benefit and help them fulfill. There's a match of what they need and what you have then. Absolutely. But what I see over and over again with spiritually based entrepreneurs, spiritually based, you k