Money Breakthrough: The Big Leap [10 of 12 series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Are you ready to take a big leap, a quantum leap in your money breakthrough? Well, if you are, this podcast is for you. This is a Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We truly believe and know that when somebody awakens a have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awaken the world. In fact, our mission is to awaken a billion people. And how I know we will fulfill upon this mission is by developing world renowned, spiritual entrepreneurs, spiritual coaches, spiritual practitioners, law of attraction ministers, and yes, doctors of divinity. So let's do this thing. We are on a series, a money breakthrough series. We're on number 10 of 12. So today's title is the big leap. Are you ready to conquer your interfere and take life to the next level? (01:06): This is the question. Yes. If it's not a hell yes, then this podcast is not for you. So the big leap, it's a very well known book in the coaching world by gay Hendrix. And it's all about your upper limit mindset and really getting out of your comfort zone and looking at what fears are there. What do you need to let go of and how are you gonna get to the next level? Right. So gay Hendrick says each of us has an inner thermostat setting. When we exceed our inner thermostat setting, we will often do something to sabotage ourselves, causing us to drop back into the old familiar zone where we feel secure. So my question for you today is what's your comfort zone, right? We've all seen that little, little symbol that has a, a circle that says comfort zone. And then it has an arrow pointing out of this of the circle and it says magic, magic and mystery lie beyond the comfort zone, right? (02:02): Don't confuse comfort with happiness, right? We all think, and I remember thinking this as a little girl, thinking that one day you'd like arrive to some place in your life and it would all work out and like, you know, you'd have enough money, you'd have the house, you'd have the kids you'd have whatever. And, and I just remember that was like one of the biggest like aha moments as I was adulting, right. Was realizing like, oh, life keeps you keep having to grow. You keep getting uncomfortable. You keep having to, you know, we're just, we're not designed to stay in one place we're designed for growth. Life is a masterclass. And so let's break this on down. This book is an interesting book because it really does talk about what does it take. And so I wanna, I wanna just have you kind of break this down within yourself, what's your thermostat, right? (02:51): If each of us has an inner thermostat, when it comes to money, what's your thermostat? My thermostat used to be that I, I would, anytime I shopped, I had to either go to the sale rack. Right. I had to always, um, save, I couldn't afford full retail. Like that was my kind of like, just the way it is. You know what I mean? What's your thermostat around, right? My thermostat, you know, for many years when I was in my twenties, before I began to save and saved a million dollars and was still feeling like total scarcity is I, you know, I was, I never allowed myself to eat out because I was saving money. I would never do certain, I never ever pay for a trip. There's no way, how would I, why would I ever spend anything that wasn't going towards saving money, right? (03:38): Where's your inner thermostat. Maybe your thermostat is always to be in debt. And you're like, I love to shop. And my thermostat is that I'm always in debt. And then I get stressed and stressed and stressed about debt, right? What's your thermostat? What are you comfortable? What's your identity? And one of the reasons why fear is such a big part of having a, a big leap, a quantum leap in your money breakthrough is because we recognize that fear is kinda like a thermostat, right? What is it that what's your normal, what's your identity and why fear is so interesting in taking the quantum leap. And the big leap is because it's actually a threat to your identity. Who would you be if you weren't your money problems, right? Who would you be? If you weren't saying I can't afford that, I can't afford it. It's like, it's so fascinating cuz I have all these different friends and we're actually gonna get into this in the next podcast. (04:27): Um, creating your inner circle of abundance. Right? But it's really interesting cuz each person I'm around has different conversations of their comfort zone and you can listen to their identity. So my question for you is what's your identity around money? Right? Um, Dan Sullivan, uh, is one of a great life coach, one of the OGs in coaching and he talks about the glass ceiling and each and every one of us has to take a look at what is our glass ceiling and as entrepreneurs, spiritual entrepreneurs, generally our, our glass ceiling might be, you know, maybe it's a hundred thousand, maybe it's 200,000, maybe it's 300,000 and you're constantly like staying in this one place. You can't quite break free or pass that comfort zone, that glass ceiling. And it's the same with your own, your own, your own way of being in money. What's your comfort zone. (05:16): I want you to write, you know, you can pause this podcast if you want, but I want you to think about what is your PO, what's your, what's your comfort zone? You know, is it okay if you, you know, are making whatever $3,000 a month or maybe you're someone who's used to making 10,000, but you can't quite break through that, whatever that is. What's your comfort zone. Are you comfortable when you only eat out? But it can only be a, you know, lower end restaurant. It can't be a high end restaurant or I can only, you know, I can't afford X, Y, and Z, but I can't afford X, Y, and Z. Right? What is your comfort zone? What's your comfort zone. And we wanna take a look at what's the fear. And I've been noticing and taking inventory within myself of when I'm getting outta my comfort zone, cuz we recognize there is this law of supply and demand, which we already went through in one of the money breakthroughs. (06:02): But the law of supply and demand is like until you push yourself and get outta your comfort zone, that demand that you demand from yourself, from your subconscious mind that you demand from the universe can't work, its magic, right? So where's that fine line. It's like almost on the edge of the comfort zone. So say your comfort zone is, you know, I'm comfortable with having X amount of a mortgage or rent. I'm comfortable with making X amount of money. I'm comfortable for only paying for these amount of services. I'm comfortable only eating out once a week. All these things are like comfort zones. So what happens when you push yourself? What happens when you commit to something, right? What happens when you go, I'm going to, you know, take on that personal assistant, I'm going to take on that bigger team. I'm gonna take on, um, a bigger place for, you know, the company or for my family or for whatever it is. (06:53): And I don't know how exactly, but I'm gonna figure it out. Right? And we don't want you to do financially. You know? Um, we would never give advice if someone to go spend money when, when you're not comfortable with it or whatever it is in your, uh, this is your decision. This is what's up to you, right? For me, I've been really looking at this because if I stay in my comfort zone and, and move real slowly, that's fine. But what if, what if you took that quantum leap and you committed to the CEO of your company? What if you committed to, to taking on a, having someone come into your business or something that was, you know, gonna free up a lot of time, what's possible, right? If you could stay in your comfort zone, you're gonna stay exactly where you're at. So in order to have a money breakthrough, this is why, you know, um, having to coach or mentor or whatever, usually when you invest in yourself and we're gonna get into that and actually the 12th podcast of money breakthrough. (07:46): When you invest in yourself, when you put yourself in a uncomfortable situation of coming up with money, to invest in yourself, things happen because you have to rise to the occasion over and over again, right? Deepak trucker says commitment is the ultimate assertion of human freedom. Commitment is the ultimate assertion of human freedom. It releases all the energy you possess and enables you to take quantum leaps and creativity. When you set a one pointed intention and absolutely refuse to allow obstacles, to dissipate the focus, quality of your attention, you engage the infinite organizing power of the universe. Do you get that? Like what if you decided, I decide today that I'm going to live in prosperity. Right? So what would that look like? Let's just try this on for a minute. Who would it be that you hire that coach that you've always wanted, but you think I can't afford that, right? (08:42): Would it be that you move to a city that's a little bit more expensive than you're used to, but you know, there's something in your soul. It's like, I know I would expand. I know it would grow. Is there something like, say it's that you're, you know, needing to have a new environment and up your game and in even your automobile or having somebody come into your company or whatever that is, what would it look like? Like just paint that picture for a minute. What would it look like if you got, if you didn't ask how you actually just committed, what if you just committed and you, and, and you just had faith right on the front of the book of this, of this, um, the big leap. There's a picture of, uh, a goldfish in a small little round, uh, fish tank, right? Uh, like a, what do they call a goldfish tank? (09:31): I don't even know, forgot what it's called. And it's a, and they're jumping. The little fish is jumping up to a bigger, a bigger little fish tank. And the point is, is that when we take the jump, it's the unknown. It's scary. It's actually really uncomfortable. But we have to know that the universe is going to catch us, right? This is wh