Money Breakthrough: The Greatest Investment... YOU! [12 of 12 series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Are you ready to own an investment that has an endless supply? Well, if you do, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. Our mission is to awaken a billion people and how I know that we will fulfill upon that is by developing world renowned, spiritual entrepreneurs, spiritual coaches, spiritual practitioners, law of attraction ministers, and yes, doctors of divinity. You heard me, right? Yeah. We have people lining up for it. Are you kidding? So let's do this. We are on the money breakthrough. We are on 12 of 12. You guys, this is it. This is it. We've done so many great conversations around money breakthrough. (01:05): I hope that you are just experiencing so many things. We've gone through everything from supply and demand to understanding consciousness, to understanding your subconscious, to understanding how to create your inner circle back and forth all over place. And I'd love to know what breakthroughs you've had. If you could DM me or tag me in Instagram or on Facebook, or you can slide it into my DMS, whatever you want. I wanna hear, we wanna hear your money breakthroughs because it's super important. We learn from one another and I'm telling you that the biggest money breakthroughs I've had is witnessing my girlfriends. My amazing, uh, girlfriends have breakthroughs watching them have their first a hundred thousand dollars months and being like what I don't even know that's possible. Right? And then all of a sudden you do have a hundred thousand dollars month, right? It's important to understand that you sharing your breakthroughs, you sharing your wins helps one other person on this planet and that trickles into a butterfly effect. (02:02): Okay? So today we're talking about money breakthrough we're on 12 of 12 and the title of today's podcast is the greatest investment. You, your consciousness, right? The greatest investment you. So if you're ready to own an investment that has an endless supply, this podcast is for you, right? If you're ready to be the owner of a multi billion dollar investment, that's the possibility, that's the potential of a strong consciousness of understanding and innovating and knowing the truth of who you are. So just sharing a little bit about my, my journey, my journey into investing in my own consciousness. So I remember when I was in my twenties actually had someone give me a gift of going to landmark forum. And it was great. I went, um, I got a lot out of it. In fact, what I got was making everyone else wrong, kind of one of those spiritual elite things like I'm starting to have my, you know, I know everything and therefore I'm gonna make everyone wrong. (03:05): Right. But the point is is that I actually didn't get much out of it. And the reason why I think I didn't was because I didn't pay for it. And it's really interesting because I find that now we've tried different things. We've tried given people scholarships, um, into society. And every last time I've done that. It doesn't work. People don't show up a hundred percent because when you pay for things, you got skin in the game and you actually get a lot out of it. So as I went along in my twenties, I began to invest my own money. Yes, I invested, of course, in tons of books, I invested in seminars, in leadership programs, in coaching, in spiritual advancement. I actually ended up investing, um, having, I worked with a shaman that I would fly in, not any Iowa. So anything like that, just straight understanding metaphysics and energy and all the different work with that I invested in of course, tons and tons and tons of leadership programs. (04:01): Um, I invested in becoming a KMI teacher. I invested in subconscious repoing techniques. I've invested in obviously becoming a spiritual practitioner. I invested in becoming a law of attraction minister. I invested in becoming a doctorate divinity. I've invested in training and coaching with seven figure coaches I've invested with, um, going to Tony Robbins events and other miscellaneous things from David data events to, you know, going on retreats with people to meditation, things, you name it, I've spent well over $250,000 on my own consciousness, not to mention the tons and tons of hours that I've put into it. I've invested. Of course, you know, probably I don't even know. I have never even calculated how many hours I've put into meditation and my spiritual practice. But what I know for sure is that every time I have ever invested in anything that advances my consciousness, it always comes back exponentially any time that I've invested in my own consciousness and expanding my consciousness and my mindset or skillset, it has always come back exponentially. (05:05): So tell me, is there one investment that has always come back exponentially, right? Maybe what it's a 4% gain. It's an 8% gain. Maybe if it's really good, it could be like 12 to 20% if it's in the stock market, that's like over the top. Right? Well, I would say that investing in my consciousness has always come back at least tenfold. What percentage is that? Right? It's not even a hundred percent. Is that a thousand percent? Right? Is what is the return on your investment? The ROI return on investment is exponential every last time when I put it into my own consciousness. And the coolest thing about our industry, you guys, I mean, the coolest thing is I have, uh, you know, a lot of girlfriends that are coaches and things, and I will invest in their programs because them or someone, another friend of mine will invest in my program, right? (06:03): So there's always a way, and every time I have invested in anything, it comes back exponentially. And what I know is that this is the law, it's the law. So we have to take a look at what is the cost of not investing. What would be the cost? Let's just say today, you know, I'm in my late forties. Imagine that I hadn't done my inner work. Imagine that I hadn't done my trauma work. Imagine that I still was what I consider. I was a hot mess, right? What if I was still co-dependent what would be the cost of my sanity? What would be the cost of my happiness? What would be the cost of my health? If I was getting upset every day of the week, what would be the cost of my life? If I was upset and I couldn't show up to, to coach, I couldn't show up to even build a business. (06:51): If I hadn't done my inner work, right? What's the cost millions upon millions of dollars, the cost of not having a life that you love, the cost of not being able to have my son, witness his mother, become an extraordinary, and having that role model for him, what's the cost of not investing in yourself. And I really want you to get that. Like, if you don't overcome the codependency, if you don't overcome, you know, not loving yourself, if you don't overcome and you end up having your parents transition before you can actually heal and be at peace with everybody in your life. What's the cost of that. Right? Recently, I have so many friends that are into Bitcoin and, and I'm not, I'm not obviously I'm for it from a technology perspective, a thousand percent, but as far as an investment perspective, um, you know, I'm not educated enough to make that, that choice, but it has never really added up to me because isn't, I've always been like, isn't that the point of Bitcoin is to have it be something that is, is just a stable thing that actually makes it, so it can't be manipulated by a few people on the planet. (08:03): Right. And now they're doing investments at Bitcoin. I'm like, oh, cool. Like if that speaks to people, that's fine. But recently it's taken a big, um, a big, uh, hit right. Went down. I don't know how much exactly, but have a lot of friends in it. And this is my litmus test. Okay. If you lost all of your investments, let's just say, you're like, I don't have any investments. What are you talking about? Like, let's just pretend, let's pretend that you invested money into real estate or into Bitcoin or into whatever. Right. And let's just pretend for a minute that you lost the entire investment, that the Bitcoin that you went into went away or the real estate, whatever you lost it all, cuz the whole market went upside down. You couldn't pay the mortgage and you had to let it go. The litmus test for me is if you lost all of your investments tomorrow, would you regret the investment? (08:56): Meaning that say some of my friends that are into Bitcoin, they actually truly love Bitcoin. They like the conversation around it. They learn about it. They learn about technology. They learn whatever. And maybe they would say, even if I lost all Bitcoin, I wouldn't regret it because I love the process of investing in Bitcoin. Whereas the next person would be like, I would be so bummed because I didn't really care about Bitcoin because I just invested cuz I thought it was a good investment. But if I lost all my money, then I'd be really bummed. Right. Or someone who invests in real estate might be like, no, I don't regret it. Cuz I understand real estate now. And I can go out in any market, whether it's the top of the market or the bottom of the market and I can invest again and I can make money because I love the conversation and the growth of investing in real estate. Right? So the litmus test for you is where you putting your time and energy and money. And if you lost all the things, would it in advance you in your own consciousness? Right? (09:55): And so whether you are, you know, you're probably you're listening to this podcast. Look, you've had a spiritual calling and you care a lot about your spiritual development and you probably are a spiritual coach at some level. And you care about being able to become the best coach. You can be. You care about making an impact in the world. And so we have to ask ourselves, right? What is the best investment for you to make? Would it be in being Bitcoin? Would it be in real estate or would it be in your unconsciousness to become the embodiment? Because whether money comes and goes, no one can take away my consciousness, no one can take away