Money Breakthrough: The Science of Getting Rich [5 of 12 series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Life from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth (00:19): Life from Los Angeles, we come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly understand and know that whenever somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. So today's podcast is number five of the money breakthrough series. I am so incredibly excited to do this series because the message is coming in the flow, the currency, all the above. It is really abundance at its best. This life is so amazing. So let's do this thing. So let's give a little recap on what we've gone over. We went over on, uh, the money breakthrough. Number one, we went through the metaphysics of money. What is money? And what does it mean to really be somebody who's living abundant? How are we creating abundantly in, in scarcity or in prosperity, give you some homework of how to write down all of your belief systems, your BS around money and making a list of everything you could ever want and be, and do in this lifetime to be fully expressed, and then asking ourselves, who do I need to be to be the mentally equivalent of that in the number two series of the money breakthrough, we went through three ways of reprogram the subconscious mind around money, because what I know for sure is working and developing spiritual entrepreneurs and coaches and practitioners and doctors of divinity and working with CEOs and celebrities. (01:40): I recognize that 99% of the work that we do to become prosperous is all in mind. We have to deal with the subconscious mind. We have to birth our truth. We have to really be in alignment to get in the currency of money. And so doing trauma work, transforming that trauma, birthing our purpose, having a spiritual practice and declaring the truth every day in every way is imperative to live a life of abundance podcast. Number three, the number three of the series we went through shifting perspective, really shifting and living with every word that we, we speak and energize referring to the book of abundance, abundance book, really getting into what is a spiritual practice that you need to do every single day and every way to shift the thoughts. We are programmed in our world to think that everything is external, that wealth is out here, and we have to have some type of spiritual practice to re re kind of wire the brain around understanding that all abundance comes from within doing, uh, you know, daily, spiritual practices, 40 day practices, um, invoking our subconscious mind when we're going to sleep and we're waking up and so on and so forth. (02:55): And then the number four series podcast, number four, we went through my story, which is rich dad, poor mom. And what are the principles? The four principles of prosperity to really take into our lives of understanding, you know, how to buy assets versus liability, how to get in flow with the, with the currency of money, how to exchange and leverage and compound and build assets and all these things that are directly in alignment with universal law. There's no difference between money principles of the world versus spiritual principles. We know in science and mind and new thought movement, that it all should be one thing going on, which is through law of cause and effect. And we recognize that the first cause is mind is consciousness is the backing of all, but which is spirit. And so let's break on down what we're gonna do today, which is the science of getting rich, actually referring to the book by Wallace D waddles. (03:47): I believe it was, um, written in 1907. And what is the science of getting rich? So today let's just take a deep breath into the nose and ex sign out. And I recognize there is a cause and effect that everything is the out picturing of mind. And I recognize in this riches that I know my birthright is to be rich. And I know that for you, I recognize that your highest expression of life is to fully live life, which means to fully be expressed, which means to have all the riches of the mindset and skillset and material wealth and spiritual wealth and amazing abundant relationships to express and support you in bringing your voice to this world, to fully bringing the depths of your soul and form. So I recognize that the highest product produce in your business is you the most fully supported, expressed expression of the unique divine that you are. (04:48): And so I say, I claim my birthright to be rich. And I claim that for you right now. And I know that this is the highest expression, the greatest expression, which is all of it, which is oneness, which is opulence prosperity, flowing in the currency of love, giving yourself fully to life, giving your values, giving your expressions, giving your treasures, giving your talent, giving your genius, giving your heart and soul. I simply know this in mind as together we say. And so it is, so this book you guys obviously can be, is, I mean, it's a staple in the industry of new thought movement. And it's something that can be really misunderstood. Just like the secret, just like the law of attraction that this book is mostly philosophy. It is, you know, mostly philosophy of understanding how everything begins in mind and what I think. (05:49): So when people kind of don't doing in this work, they don't apply it. They don't take action, right? So we can think about it all day long. We can evaluate it. We can do all this stuff, but the, the point of the law of attraction is the action. And we create the, we, we teach the creative process, understanding that everything comes from consciousness and everything comes through pure consciousness into the subjective, into the sub subconscious mind, and then it reflects out into one's life. And yes, if we are all powerful, all knowing we could sit on the top of the Himalayas and just be, and make, you know, things shift in the entire universe. We're doing that regardless. But, and if we want specific things in this universe to, you know, tangible things, we have to energize it and actually be, do have, which means we take action as well. (06:41): So let's break this book on down. You know, it's a fascinating book in that he brings all, it's almost like, I feel like the book is a recap of, of the entire lineage recognizing that these principles and this science has been taught from Herme all the way to new thought movement all the way from Hinduism. There's this truth principles in this book that are taught in all science, all religion, all philosophy, and realizing that it's not just philosophical, it's practical. And the core principle that he teaches that, that our lineage teaches is oneness is the principle that all of the prosperity or scarcity in your life is the out-picturing of the core of the mental belief, the identity of who you are. So again, going back to metaphysics of, of money, what is your identity around money beginning to really think about that again, what's your story about yourself and money? (07:47): Are you somebody that lives opulent? Are you somebody that has to struggle in money? Are you somebody that, you know, has to, whatever is just not worthy of it? So really getting clear of what that is again. Okay. And then understanding that we're here to fully be expressed. So my question for you today is how can you be the most expressed if money was of no object, what would be the fullest expression of you? How would you be doing that through your business? How would you be doing that through your clothes? Right. I mean, we think about even material things, like how do your clothes express you? Are you just somebody that followed what everybody else is wearing when you show up in the, or is it something that you're like actually put, put, thought, and in your soul into what it is, how you wanna be expressed today in every single way. (08:34): You know, we value people like say Madonna, Madonna expresses herself as such a high level. That that's the value. You may hate her. You may love her, but the point is you can't ignore her because she is so expressed that she expresses and brings value just by seeing that she's so expressed, the value makes you realize that you get to be that expressed in your own expression. Right. So how does everything you do? How does your, how do your computers, right? We recognize that, um, that, you know, apple became so huge because it was a, an obsession, right? It was an obsession to be able to deliver computers to the world, understanding that, that, how do, how do computers think about the value of a computer or of a phone? You can either have it be, you get to be used by it, or you get to use it to fully express yourself, same with social media, right? (09:30): You get to use it to express yourself, or you get to become the effect of it. We teach the law of cause and effect and everything in your life. Are you being the effect of it, or are you being CR being the cause and being able to create through it? And so we understand the science of getting rich. We have to first define what is rich. So what does it mean for you to be rich? And obviously a lot of people will agree that the, that, you know, obviously there's tangible rich as far. Like I'm a billionaire versus a millionaire kind of thing. But the question of meaning, can you do what you want with who you want? Do you love what you do and spend time with who you love? Right? So you could have billions of dollars and be miserable. We've already covered that. (10:16): And I believe the first of the 12 series. So you have to define what does it mean to be rich, right? And then what's the science of getting rich. The science of getting rich is that there's a law of cause and effect, and that if you apply X and do you know, then it equals Z, right? If you do X, then it equals, um, Z. Meaning that if you energize your thoughts around what you desire and you back it up with, with all the principles that we're teaching here, you will get the outcome that you desire. So let's break on down the science behind it, right? So we understand that all begins in the creative process in mind. And the issue that I find with most people of getting rich is they don't know what they want. So in order to understand, even begin the first thing of, of what we want, right. (11:10): We have to do our inner work and our transformation work and our trauma work, the kind of going across the board here, but you gotta get it that the science of getting rich, first of all, we have to understand what are we trying to get to? What does rich mean to you versus me versus the next person? And then what's the science of that. The science of that is that it begins in mind. And then if we energize it and bring value to the world as that expression and solve other people's problems and how help bring them value basically, and only energize what we do want instead of what we don't want and embody that and decide what it means and the definition of being rich. So first homework today is to define what it means for you to be rich. Does that mean that you have X, Y, and Z amount of money? (12:01): Does that mean that you are doing what you love to do? Does that mean that you live in a certain area? What does that mean? You need to define what it means to be rich. What does it mean to be rich? What is your definition? And then we wanna back it up with, how are you gonna get there, right? How are you going to get there? We need the mindset and