Money Breakthrough - The Truth about Money [7 of 12 Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We know that whenever somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. In fact, our mission is to awaken a billion people together. Wanna know for sure as a doctor divinity is that that is definitely our truth. We're already awake. We're just pretending to be asleep. That's the coolest thing about this enlightenment thing, but I just wanna give a big shout out to anybody who has aid had a spiritual calling that truly is desiring to monetize to really truly claim their birthright of prosperity in the service and in the receiving and in the giving and all of the above. And so this podcast I'd like to dedicate, I'd like to dedicate this to anybody who still feels like money is the root of all evil or that focusing on money is bad or wrong, or anybody that truly has their self worth wrapped up in how much money they have. (01:23): So this is a series of money breakthrough. This is number seven of 12, and today we are going to shift to shift our mind, shift our heart. So I actually wanna refer to the Bible, quite a few little, little things coming outta the Bible that are pretty fascinating. So I have a story. So I have a client she's actually in one of our programs, she's in the practitioner program. She is a six figure coach and she has a, a beautiful coaching company. And she sent me this one, um, message one day. She said, how do I handle this? I have a client. And he was raised in religion and he truly feels like it's bad to have money. And he is realizing that he has this, this essence within himself, that he can't get over. Like he has these money blocks. So she said that he, in particular, he refers to Luke 1825, which states for it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. (02:30): And she said, how do I answer this? How do I come from a new thought perspective and, and reply to this? And of course, as we know what this is really referring to, is that a rich person, meaning that if you have that identity, if your identity is tied up with your rich and the same thing, if you're poor, if it's your identity, then no, you, it will be easier for camel to go through the eye of the needle to heaven. If you will, to the kingdom of God, then it would for anybody to have their identity based upon their worth of this world. And so it's not saying that a rich man is not good enough to go to heaven. It means that to truly be in the mindset of understanding heaven on earth, in the expression of our abundance and that lavish omnipotence essence, that we are, we cannot ever have the identity of anything of this world. (03:35): So I think that this is one of the most misunderstood areas of not only religion, but of, of, of just the culture in general. And so today we wanna just break on down what it means to truly have prosperity. What does it mean to truly have abundant life, but not have our identity wrapped up in it and use the abundance and express the abundance and live as the abundant? I am. So I received an email, um, from a lady cuz she was, I guess she's on our, our email. You know, we send out, uh, different emails and we've sent a few about the money breakthrough, cuz we've had a lot of people just raving about the podcast, about money breakthrough. And we've gotten all these DMS and all this stuff. So we sent out maybe at one or two emails about the money breakthrough podcast series. (04:29): And we received this email back from this woman. She said, no offense, but I'm happy being a mother and a wife. That's where my passion lies a hundred percent money. Doesn't motivate me and I'm good loving my community and the beautiful people in it. I don't care to be bigger than that. I know my place and I stay in my lane and I'm all for, I, I read that and I was like, wow, that's, you know, I was like all the power, you know, to this woman, if she, you know, whatever. But I feel that there is a little bit of like, um, a misunderstanding around what it means. Are you able to be, as she says, a wife and a mother and how can money be separate in that if we truly understand what money is, which is, it's just a medium, it's like a symbol of, of the exchange of energy. (05:24): And so, yes, I know what it's like to be a mother and be a wife. And the thing is that if we look around we're in, you know, hopefully some type of a safe environment with a, a home and clothes and food that we have. And I truly believe there's no difference of, of being of service, of being a worth as a mother, as a wife, whether you're going and making the actual money to bring home, you are still worthy. You are still the exchange in one with all the opulence, all the money, all the bills, everything there's no separating any of it. And so I just held this woman in my heart, knowing the perfection of exactly where she is. And then also just kind of having like an inquiry into how did we get trained as a culture? How did we, how did we think of this programming that money is this thing, this object, and that it's separate from love or it's separate from doing something of service or it's separate from whatever money is, is all of it. (06:27): And, and money is, is just this one aspect of the same thing of all exchange of energy. And so I just think it's a fascinating inquiry for all of us that as we look at our lives and understand that it's all an exchange of energy, money is no difference than different than anything. There's no difference in what that's, what we teach. Right? We teach oneness, we teach oneness. And so there should be no difference of looking at a million dollars versus a penny because the universe sees it all the same. It's really a construct of our perception of whatever that is the value that we place on it. And so what I know for sure is this mom and this wife that sent me this email, I'm holding her in my heart, knowing the worth and knowing how hard it is to, you know, be a mom and a wife and everything. (07:19): Sometimes it's a lot of energy and that I want her to know that she's worth a trillion dollars. And so there's no separation of, of giving or receiving or having money or not having money. That it really is an understanding of the truth of who you are. You are abundance, you are prosperity and you are all the money in Luke 1825. It says, I'm sorry. Excuse me. And Timothy six, 10, it says for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And I know so many of us learn that I did not grow up religious. And quite frankly, this is not a religious podcast. We refer to science, we refer to philosophy, we refer to everything, but this podcast in particular, I've pulled some things from the actual Bible because I know there's so many people out there that are transitioning from being religious to spiritual. (08:14): And in fact, majority of, of Americans anyway, label themselves as spiritual, but not religious. So there's an awakening happening where people understand our oneness and they realize there's something more than we've really been, been, been telling ourselves. And this is one of the things that I think we need to get over, which is Timothy six, 10 for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. So in metaphysics, our definition of evil is out bounds. So actually, if you actually, I'm fascinated by etymology and the definitions, right? So evil is out of bounds, meaning that the sun is this beautiful OPNET thing, but if it was outta bounds, it would burn us, right? We would die instantaneously if the, if the sun was too close to us. So the same with money, money can be used for good, or it can be used for evil, but for the love of money, meaning that we're placing it as something to love something that is an object. (09:16): That means we're living in the objectifying world, which means we're not knowing the truth, which means that we're out of bounds. We're misusing the energy we're missing the mark, which we call sin. Sin is not what we've been told from, from the Bible. Either sin is not, we don't look at it as metaphysical, you know, uh, spiritualist the, the definition of sin is missing the mark, meaning missing use of the energy. That's not an alignment for harmony, for us to thrive for us to live in our truth. The inverse of the use of the law and the inverse of use of money is using it to hoard it or divide yourself, to take, instead of giving and receiving it in exchange, it is the inverse of, of objectifying or using it to cause discord to cause people, you know, to be in more suffering, to hurt mother earth, to all those things. (10:12): And we're all guilty of it. So we can't point the finger like, oh, they have the love of money. And I don't. It's like, but it doesn't mean you renounce money. Money's a beautiful thing. It is just like anything. If you used, you can use it for this, the highest good, or you can misuse it. And so for the love of money inquiries into how much you Revere money, instead of Reveering the truth within. So anytime you're handing your power and loving something outside of yourself, including a person that's called codependency, placing them as your higher power versus understanding you are love. And the source of love is within you. And this person's a reflection of your expression of love. So Jesus said in acts 2035 is it's more blessed to give than to receive. I think this is another very misunderstood thing. Therefore, there's this concept of you should always just give, instead of receiving, I was up at a, a luncheon with a beautiful friend and she's what, what I would consider a connector. (11:18): So she's always asking people what they need. She's connecting them with the, whatever they need everything from, you know, a coach to a hairdresser, to a real estate agent, to what, whatever it is that somebody needs. She's always connecting people. She said, you know, this is my passion. This is what I love to do, but, but I need to, you know, like somehow figure out how