Money Breakthrough: Think and Grow Rich [6 of 12 Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly know that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we are awakening the world. We are on money breakthrough. We're on number. Uh, what are we on? Number five? What are we on? Hold on. I gotta see here right now. We've gone over the metaphysics of money. We've gone over what it means to truly live a life of prosperity. We've gone over, uh, the science of getting rich. We've done a bunch of things, and now we are on number six of 12, which is, think, and grow rich by Napoleon hill, which is so fascinating today. We're going to really break on down and kind of debunk this theory of think and grow rich. (01:07): So let's just break on down the few other podcasts. In the first podcast, we went over the metaphysics of money. Understanding that money is just a symbol. It's a symbol of, of exchange of energy, and basically understanding how that if you truly desire to live a prosperous life and claim your birthright prosperity, we need to understand what our limit to beliefs are and really understanding what is our, what is our, what do we truly desire? Most people don't know what they want and therefore they can't figure out the science of getting rich, right? Because they don't even know what they truly desire. So the most important work when we're doing money, breakthrough is realizing that money doesn't mean anything if it's not for the expression of our soul and for the highest good that the concept of getting rich is an outdated principle in that it'll never work. (02:00): And that if it's only for you to get rich, it's not sustainable and you'll end up actually feeling more, uh, poor than probably ever until we shift into for the highest good and live a life that's truly in currency and flow with everyone and our oneness. We will probably feel in lack, understanding that getting down into our subconscious mind and podcast two, we broke on down the three ways of reprogram subconscious mind to be able to understand and claim our, I am the full potential and possibility of creating exponentially and birthing our, our legacy birthing what we're here to do our mission, our purpose in podcast three, we broke down shifting the perspective of mind, understand that all of life has taught us that wealth and prosperity. Abundance is out there in the outer world and shifting to understand that there's only one cause and source of all abundance and opulence, which is spirit, which is first caused in number four podcast. (02:56): We broke through, um, rich door, rich dad, poor mom telling my own personal story, but teaching universal law and the principles of wealth, everything from understanding how to compound, leverage, buy assets, all that, which is understanding whatever we energize in mind, multiplies abundantly. And in this, we, we invest in our own consciousness. We invest in great relationships. We invest in, in having cash flow of giving and receiving value with everyone, understanding to leverage, understanding that as we build upon building upon building upon our greatness, more greatness, we have compounding interest, understanding that whatever it is that we, that we fuel will be, will abundantly grow in podcast. Number five, we broke on down the last podcast and the science of getting rich understanding that we have to first define what it means to be rich, that we're not just having rich be like, you know, keeping up with the Jones out there. (03:51): That what is it that is authentically your rich, what is authentically, what do you truly desire to, to express? What do you truly desire to be do and have understanding that the greatest rich, you know, definition of rich for me is to live life fully, to live life fully, to be fully expressed and having the opulence of support and material needs that we need to have that expression. So understanding Wallace do wall and the practical guide of applying these principles of cause and effect, applying and understanding that everything begins in mind every last bit begins in mind. So today we're gonna break on down, um, think and grow rich. And it's such a famous book and, and kind of a funny thing, because if you, if you look up think and grow rich, a BPO hill, I mean, was he a scam artist or was he not? (04:44): We have no idea. All I know is that he wrote the book. That is the number one self-help book, I think, in the world. So whether it was, he was a scammer or not, or he had outta ethics in his, uh, you know, different aspects of his life, all I know is that he bur him into the world that really has, um, increased this teaching. And so I'm sure majority of you have probably read, think and grow rich, but it's a story of, um, Napoleon hill and how he met Andrew Carnegie and Andrew Carnegie was the richest man in America, um, developing steel plants and, um, and a bunch of things he ended up Andrew Carnegie is I think, such amazing human being because he ended up, um, giving back. I think he, he developed 200 libraries. He was the first person to develop libraries across America. (05:32): And, um, and the point is, is that he made so much money. And, uh, just like, uh, just like we're taught through, um, through Maslow's hierarchy that it's natural. We have to give back whether we hoard money, whether we do it outta ethics early on in our lives, lots of people do that. They try and just hoard money and get money and what's in it for them. It's a natural evolution. As we grow in our consciousness, it's natural to give back. It's natural to, to give foundations, to do whatever. So regardless it comes back. So we have to trust in the process. And so I'm not here to judge Andrew Carnegie. I'm not here to judge Napoleon hill. I'm here to teach principles and to teach of how we are here to truly live, not just once we're passed away. And we give all of our money to a foundation, but actually live and embody true richness, true abundance in this lifetime so that we can understand from our new Andrew Carnegie, so we can understand and learn from a Napoleon hill. (06:31): So let's apply these principles. So in the book, it talks about the story of how Nepal hill met Andrew Carnegie and how Andrew Carnegie supposedly invited, uh, Nepal hill over to write a book to, to actually interview all the wealthy, wealthy men. Cuz at that point in time, there were probably not women working, right. But to interview all these great minds and to develop what are the principles that they apply to have riches and Napoleon hill makes fun of it because he basically was gonna be doing it for free. You know, so he was basically hired from the wealthiest man in America to do something for free. But Napoleon hill asked a very poignant question. And the question is what would you do for the next 20 years for free meaning the question really asks, what do you love so much that you'd be willing to do it for free and working with so many spiritual entrepreneurs and spiritual coaching. (07:28): It's one of my pet peeves because so many of the women I work with, um, and develop and a few men, they will do it for free, which is great, but they don't actually ever also say, and I desire and, and declare myself to have the riches of wealth as well. So I think there's a real balance, but I think it's an important question to ask, what would you be willing to do for the next 20 years for free? Because you love it so much. And if it's not what you'd be, what you're doing right now, then my invitation is to pivot fast and to birth what it is that you really love and bird that through doing your inner work so that you can love what you do and have the riches of material and money as well. So anyway, so Napoleon goes and he begins to understand what are the principles, what are the principles of an Andrew Carnegie or other people that he, um, like, um, um, the other great minds that he interviewed understanding, you know, that each and every one of us are living on principle regardless. (08:28): So he went, began to go around and interview the great minds. Uh, the gentleman who developed Ford motors and all kinds of incredible, incredibly wealthy, wealthy, wealthy men. And he came up with principles, principles that all of these men were practicing. And so he understood that the number one thing, the number one thing, which I think is the most important thing of this book, because a lot of principles are what we've already taught in. The other podcast and principles will understand all starts in mind, but the number one principle is one thing. And one thing only, and it's a burning desire. (09:07): And in this, I'll refer this a lot. Uh, when we're working in society is it's really a a hundred percent commitment. And in our culture, we teach commitment as if it's like, you gotta have willpower to have commitment. That's not the type of commitment we talk about or burning desire. It's basically, I think it's almost like surrendering to what you're committed to and what the obsession is. And what I know for sure is that each and every one of any of the greats of the greats have had a burning desire. They've made a powerful decision. They've committed a thousand percent to whatever it is that they, they just, their obsession in this life. Okay. So it's, you don't need to do that, but you also have to understand that if you want to be really rich in the, in the sense of the world, then it's gonna take a level of major commitment. (09:59): And just like we know diets don't work, you know, diets don't work. We've proven this in history when diets started coming about, we've actually noticed in America that our we've gotten more and more obese since the concept of diets came about because it is about lack and depriving yourself of things, right? It doesn't work. What works is succumbing to what your heart really desires and whether that's having a simple life or whether that's becoming a billionaire, whether that's whatever, it's not about anything out there, it's actually the