My Entire Methodology to Becoming a 7-Figure Spiritual Leader and Coach

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): Are you somebody who's had a spiritual calling and you are desiring to monetize your spiritual gift so that you can make an impact in the world. Well, then you want to listen to this today. I'm gonna give you my entire methodology front to back, everything of how to become a six to seven figure spiritual leader and coach. And I am so excited to do this with you guys today. Okay. So first of all, I just wanna say, I am so honored to spend this time with you. I know that if I can become a world renowned spiritual leader, you can too, let's do this thing. Okay. So first of all, I just wanna say that if you're somebody that is struggling, you've had a spiritual calling, but you're not quite sure how to make it into a career. Maybe you've, you know, done a lot of work already, but you're not quite sure you haven't built a framework or maybe you are struggling to get clients. (00:51): You are putting yourself out there. You're bringing a lot of value, but you're having a hard time getting your first clients, or maybe you already have clients, but you're struggling to get consistent in your income and be able to scale in what you're doing. Or maybe you're somebody that is still in a traditional job or a corporate job, but you are having a calling and you don't know how to transition into and make the quantum leap into what you truly wanna do, which is spiritual work. Or maybe you already have a business and you're ready to implement and bring spiritual principles into your business. No matter where you are this entire, uh, episode, this methodology front to back is gonna really give you a very clear, concise understanding of what it takes to implement and do this in your business, whether you're online or whether you're out in the world. (01:37): This methodology is something that I've taken me decades to, to hone down and to get to a place where I'm able to teach it and implement it and have people have great transformation in their personal professional lives. Okay, so let's do this thing. So again, I'm Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity, founder of new thought global and society. And I'm also international bestselling author. Obviously I have a top rated podcast. I'm a mother. And, um, the truth is that I am just so honored to be the 20, 20 Walden wisdom award next to Oprah Winfrey, Greg Braden and Michael Beckwith Forbes nominated me as 11 of the most inspirational FEMA entrepreneurs to watch on Instagram. And so the truth is, if I can do this, you guys, you can do this. I was a young struggling mother. I came from a background that I was really had no principles. (02:27): My parents were divorced. I was date raped in high school, had bulimia from 17 to 20. I had, um, I thought all my problems would get, uh, solved. If I just got married, I ended up getting married and have a stillborn full term, stillborn 22, which sent me on a spiritual track. So it's been 25 years of seeking truth. So the wisdom that I'm gonna bring you today, you want to turn off everything. You want to get a pen and paper out. You want, you'll probably listen to this a couple times because there's so many truth bombs and, and incredible business, uh, (02:59): Hacks here and everything else. Okay. So let's do this thing. So I'm gonna break you on through the three ways we help spiritual base people monetize. Okay. Doesn't matter if you wanna be a coach or you already are, whether you are wanting to be a practitioner or rise up into a doctor divinity, or whether you already have a soul based biz and sell services or products is going to apply to all of you. Okay? So it's three ways we help spiritual entrepreneurs, Mon monetize. I'm gonna break on down our entire mindset, uh, framework my entire mindset framework, doing all the trauma, work, everything. And then also the skill set, the most trusted and proven six step system in the industry that coaches that are 6, 7, 8, 9 figures use. Okay. And then expertise. So how we, how we build and train and develop and certify expertise in the industry of spiritual work. (03:48): Okay. So let's do this thing. So first of all, the three ways that we help spiritual entrepreneurs, because we recognize if you have a spiritual calling, right? You're like I've had this spiritual calling. I love work. I love consciousness. I love this entire thing. Maybe you've gone through some different programs. You've done a lot of inner work. Now, what, how do you actually monetize? How do you make your love, your passion for spirituality into something that you're able to do to actually make enough money to sustain yourself and way beyond that, to be able to actually make an abundance of, of, of monetization, because we understand money is just an exchange of energy and the truth is the universe is only abundant. So the three ways that we help spiritual entrepreneurs monetize is number one, by helping them get their mindset. Right? So that they actually believe because we, we know that when somebody hasn't done their true inner work, they, first of all, won't believe they're worthy of making, you know, six or seven figures. (04:47): They also will sabotage what they are trying to do, or three they'll end up having a lot of money, but they aren't fulfilled cause they're not doing what they wanna do. So we first and foremost, which is the most important thing is we help them get their mindset, right. And we're gonna get into how we do that. Okay. The second way that we help entrepreneurs monetize is we train and develop them in the most proven and trusted, uh, business six step system that 6, 7, 8 figure coaches use across the board. Okay. And thirdly, the way that we help spiritual entrepreneurs monetize is by training and developing and certifying them in certain modalities. Okay. So for example, we had a, a coach that came in, she had already been through a great program. It was a great mind, uh, like sales, tactic bus, very business oriented, and Clara was, uh, she was doing okay. (05:46): She was very inconsistent, but she also was finding that she was getting burned out. She was hustling. She was doing all this stuff because she was really trying to keep up with other influencers. And when she came into new thought global and society, what happened was she ended up doing her deep, deep work and birthing her legacy and birthing her true purpose and calling. And she ended up, um, really excelling. She actually had her first $42,000 month. And she actually said she didn't get burnout anymore because she was so in alignment with what she really was here to do on this planet. The second is for skill. So for example, um, there was a woman, her name was Christie and she's amazing. She's over in Hawaii. And we train and develop also, and how to launch like a five day challenge. And Christie came in, she applied the principles and the first month she launched a five day challenge with only 33 people in it. (06:37): And she ended up doing her first $10,000 month. Okay. So if she, she, you know, she had like a couple clients before that was it. She only had, like, she barely had made any money ever in the industry. She didn't know how to do it. Exactly. She had built somewhat of a framework, but not, not much at all. And she had a first $10,000 month and was able to understand how to keep doing five day challenges and how to make it really work. Um, the third example for expertise, um, we have a great coach, her name's Carly, she's amazing. Um, she implemented the E four trauma method into her existing coaching, uh, practice. And she actually, for the first time had consistent $20,000 a month because she was getting such profound results on her client through the E four trauma method. Okay. So we wanna understand that if you truly have this desire, then the truth is that there's a way, okay. (07:32): If there's a will, there's a way, and your will is actually God's will. Okay. There's no difference. It's really just tapping into the authentic will that you are. So we have to look at who are we? You know, why, why would you want to do these, this part of, of new thought global? Well, new thought global. If you're not familiar with us and our community, we are part of a movement that has been around for, you know, centuries. It's actually what we call new thought ancient wisdom, because it's nothing new. We actually teach truth. We teach metaphysics of mind. We teach spiritual awakening. We teach and how to reprogram the subconscious mind because the subconscious mind is one with the divine mind, it's subjective mind, right? So we create, we, we basically teach the creative process. It is part of there's about 1500 spiritual centers that are alignment with us, um, unity and, uh, science and mind, and a bunch of things. (08:23): We are not dogmatic. We're not a religion in new thought global. Uh, we teach the power of the mind. We teach the power of energy. We PE we teach it there as a consciousness, which is your true self and it's source and it's spirit. And it is the first cause of all of life. And this is what is creating your reality. And each individual has the use of that one use of all potential and they individually use it, but it is, it can be bounded by the limited beliefs in your subconscious mind, from trauma, from all kinds of things. And we teach how to clear out the soul, clear out the subconscious mind so that you're able to manifest and demonstrate in a way that you've never been able to before. Okay. So, so how do we do this? We're gonna get into that. Okay. (09:08): So who we are is we are a, a community that develops world class and world renowned spiritual leaders. That really is our mission. Our mission is to awaken a billion people on the planet and how we really like know that we're gonna fulfill upon that mission is by developing and training, spiritual entrepreneurs, spiritual coaches, spiritual practitioners, um, new thought teachers and ministers. And of course, doctors of divinity. Yes. Okay. So we wanna get into this. So let's break on down the actual, my entire methodology for the skillset, the expertise, um, and your mindset. Okay. The three things, the mindset, your skillset and your expertise. These are the three ways that we help spiritually based people monetize. Okay. So number one, let's go into this mindset. This is all about the spiritual mastery. And we recognize it until we deal with our subconscious mind, until we deal with our, our consciousness. (10:04): I can give you all the skillset in the world, but it's not going to work. Right. It won't work. If you don't understand that you're and you believe in yourself, right? So mindset, we teach and train pr