My Spiritual Awakening & Current Events & Five Decades of Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

My Spiritual Awakening & Current Events & Five Decades of Spiritual Growth As I sit to record this, a cascade of emotions washes over me, each one a reflection of the incredible journey that's been my spiritual awakening, a journey spanning over five decades and beyond, into past lifetimes. The revelations started when I was just a little girl…  I wish it had been with an innocent curiosity for the stars twinkling in the night sky and the gentle whispers of the wind, but rather, it was a journey of trauma and suffering that began way before conception in this lifetime. My Mom thought I was possessed as a little girl…  Without any nurturing I shut my supernatural abilities down, feeling unsafe to share my innate abilities. The world I was born into didn’t made little sense, I knew life was much more than what met the eye.  Even thought the division from Source echoed loneliness at a soul level, there was always an unspoken connection to the universe, a sense of wonder that made me feel both minuscule and vast in the grand scheme of things.  After having my full term stillborn at the age of twenty-two, that sense turned into a quest, often leaving me feeling like an outsider as I searched for truths that seemed just out of reach. I delved into books, philosophies, universal teachings, global teacher and anything I could get my hands on, each bringing me closer to understanding yet pushing the final answer further away. It was a time of questioning, of profound longing, and of fleeting moments of clarity. NOTES:  My Spiritual Awakening Journey  0-11 years Age of the innocence 11-22 The shattered years trauma 22 Spiritual Awakening through having a full term stillborn son 22-44 Seeking and turning back on my abilities 44-88 Teacher   Spiritual Awakening Journey: Meditation 9 Rites in Shamanism Transformational Events Subconscious Reprogramming Trauma Work Past Life Regressions Landmark Forum Scientology Sweat lodges Kundalini Teacher Training Spiritual Practitioner New Thought Minister Doctor of Divinity Trained thousands of people Greek Oracle Processes Two aspects of spiritual awakening and mastering your mind: 1. Zero Point Field: downloads, angels, consciously, astral travel, psychic work, 2. Clearing Your Epigenetics aka The Soul and Subconscious Reprogramming Awakening Book: 1. Wake up and Decide 2. Reprogram 3. Align  4. Affirm     Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Trauma Coaching Series 52 Universal Law & Manifesting Series 12 Money Breakthrough Coaching Series 40 Spiritual Awakening Book Series 12 Subconscious Reprogramming Coaching Series Transcripts: (00:00): Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Doctor of Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together we're awakening the world, live from the universe. This is Dr. Erin. I'm super excited to break on down my spiritual awakening journey lately. The intention of this podcast is really a heartfelt desire within myself to speak into and empathize and have compassion for the pain and suffering that you most likely are experiencing and the people around you are experiencing right now.  (01:07): So as we all know, there's a lot of terrible things going on on this planet. Lots of war and discord and shocking terror around the world, and we know there's also beautiful, miraculous things being created and connections in ways that we've never experienced as well. So the intention of this podcast is to feel into and share my personal spiritual awakening and journey currently going on in my life. And I'm going to go backtrack a bit into my entire spiritual journey, but bring it into relatable context that's going on for me right now. So let's begin by taking a deep breath together and just tapping into the field, tapping into our oneness, tapping into that divine nature that we are, our unity, our oneness, our all knowingness, our pure potential. And what I know for sure is when times like this are going on in the planet, people begin to get hopeless.  (02:17): They begin to shift their core values, and they begin to reach more and more for spirituality, for religion, for deeper meaning in their life. And I get it. We generally get pacified by the external world. And when the external world is not coddling us, if you will, then we begin to seek deeper and deeper. Some people will go much more towards addiction and dysfunction, and eventually those things generally have a surrender, and we generally will begin to have to do our deep spiritual work. So if you're somebody listening and you feel like there's someone that could listen to this podcast, please share it with them because whether we choose to actively, spiritually awaken and do our inner work or the universe will demand it from us and bring us to our knees through addiction and dysfunctional relationships, workaholism, you name it, whatever it is, to have a surrender to doing our deep spiritual awakening work.  (03:25): So again, I'm Dr. Aaron. I'm a Dr. Divinity, which means our divinity really is broken down. Greg Braden really said it best the other day, I was watching one of his talks on what's going on in the world, and he said, divinity does not have anything to do with religion. Divinity is really about us transcending our limitations. And so today, I hope to share part of my spiritual journey for you to be able to take some relatability, some new possibility and maybe some guidance and step-by-step as well for you to have hope of really coming home to your own heart. What I think the point of spiritual wakening is, is really to know thyself and come to a place of oneness and peace within and to begin to work for the highest good in harmony. So let's begin. I was born in 1972 and I was born into a fairly dysfunctional family.  (04:32): My parents told me years later that I was pretty much an unwanted birth child in that they were really having a lot of dysfunction. And so I actually came into this lifetime with a lot of abilities. My parents got divorced and my mom thought I was possessed. I would tell her that there was people in my bedroom and earlier, even when I was a baby, I would cry all the time as a baby, I'd colic. And as I began to talk and whatever, I would tell my mom that there was people in my room. And I think she got a little freaked out and she said, well, tell 'em to leave. So I came in with a lot of abilities. I could see things, I knew things. I could see the adults, their auras. I just knew things. And really what happened was I felt like I didn't belong on this planet, and I still struggled that with that till today, I'm going to be really, really honest with you in that nothing really made sense to me.  (05:34): What we were learning in school, what the culture was up to, what the parents were up to, none of it really made sense to me. I didn't understand this whole thing called the Matrix, if you will. And my mom was definitely anti spirituality because my father and her got divorced because my father went off to really go find himself and seek spirituality. So as my mom began to, she didn't know any better. She just pretty much didn't acknowledge my abilities and kind of made me feel like something was wrong with me. So I began to shut 'em all down. And as I began to go through what I call the innocent years from zero to 11, right, I began to, it was very innocent. It was a very playful time with all the kids, and we played outside a lot. And I remember really, really feeling one with the universe.  (06:28): I had this knowingness and I just had this love for the ethereal realm. Two of my friends that I grew up with, their mother became very spiritual. In fact, their parents got divorced because their father was an alcoholic and their mother became spiritual. And she would tell me all the time that I was the only child that was really interested. And we would meditate together and we'd look at the auras and she would talk about the angels. And I just remember being so interested. And as I came into my adolescence years, I call 'em kind of the years of the dark years from 11 to 22, I call it the shattered years. I went into California junior high and high school. We tried drugs, we tried alcohol, we tried sleeping with boys. I was date raped in high school. I became bulimic from 17 to 20, and I thought all my problems would be solved if I just got married.  (07:26): And so I married somebody they really didn't even know. And I got pregnant and I had a full term stillborn son, as many of you guys know. And my true awakening began in the mortician's house the day after I gave birth to his body. And I was in this cold, dark, mortician's room down in a basement all alone with his body. And I remember looking at his body and crying and crying and thinking, how could life be so cruel and like a flash of light? I realized that my baby was gone, but his body was still here. And I realized I was a spiritual being, and I made what we call the power of decision. I powerfully decided that I was going to seek and discover what I was really here for, what my spiritual nature was, what the meaning of life was, and I decided I was going to reach enlightenment. And so I began what now is I believe a 29 year journey.  (08:30): I had a son a month the day later, he's now 28 years old. I began this big spiritual quest that I'd been on becoming a spiritual practitioner, a new thought minister and a doctor divinity. And no, I'm not religious and none of our school's religious. I've chosen to not go the religious route, but I definitely got trained in all the philosophy, all of the subconscious work, universal law, and all the dynamics of our true spiritual nature. So we're going to get into this. So I want to share with you right now, because coming back to this present moment, still to this day, don't feel like I fully belong on this planet. And I'm saying this in a very vulnerable and yet empowered stance, meaning that I still don't fully relate to what our value, what our culture values and our value system. I still don't relate a lot to the surface level conversations out there. I still don't totally relate to traditional relationships and the way we go about doing things and living in homes separated and all this stuff that just really is not, I don't believe our natural state.  (09:58): So today I'm going to teach you a little bit or talk to you a little bit about my journey around reawakening my supernatural abilities. So here I was 22 years old, I had had the spiritual awakening that were not these bodies. I had had a lot of downloads in that room that day in the mortician's house, but I had a lot of work to do. So I began to go on the journey and I began to seek everything under the sun. I mean, you name it, I did it, of course, reading books, I began meditating. It was very challenging for me. It was literally like taking nails, going down a chalkboard at first meditating because it had such monkey mind and so much mind chatter. I began to take pretty much every course I could afford, which I was very broke. I was waiting tables when my son was little.  (10:53): I had no money to my name. But I began to go to transformational events. I began to dive into subconscious reprogramming, going down the path of past life regressions. Of course I did landmark forum. I did all kinds of sweat lodges. I did not take medicines per se. I was a purist at heart. And I eventually got my nine rights in shamanism, purely not as with any medicine. Again, I dabbled in Scientology outside of the church. I was very curious about their work and realized it was actually the opposite of what we teach. It was the opposite of oneness. It was really looking at what was wrong with people. So it wasn't really for me. I became a Kundalini teacher. I practice a lot of the breath work and mantras and all the practice, all love that so much. And I really stumbled upon my love, which is new thought, ancient wisdom, which is understanding universal law and understanding all the dynamics of how we create through manifesting.  (12:06): And I became a spiritual practitioner and a new thought minister and a doctor of affinity. So in this journey, what began to happen is this, what I realized was I began to meditate, and over time I began to have incredible, incredible experiences through meditation. And I speak about it in the opening of my book where one night at 4:00 AM in the morning, my eyes popped open and I was so excited. I was like, oh, I get to go back in because I began to love meditation. I would meditate at four o'clock in the morning or really late at night, and all this magic was happening. It was like the lion, the witch in the wardrobe. And I'd go in and in consciousness, I could go anywhere, tracking through everything. And I began to have deities come to me, and I began to surf through the astral plane, and I began to heal things on all levels.  (13:04): But this one night when I went into meditation, I began to breathe. I lit a candle, and all of a sudden it was like the joke of the cosmos came in and I had this full out-of-body experience. And I began to laugh as if I had been told the joke of the universe. And I really, really in that moment experienced my true enlightenment. And so what came out of that is a few things. I would go into meditation and I would have these beautiful, incredible moments even before that. But then when I'd be out of meditation, I would be very reactive in my relationships. I still had a lot of issues going on. And so I wanted to share with you that there's kind of two massive paths that I had to take to really turn on my abilities. One was going into meditation, and I call it going into the zero point field.  (14:11): In that field, you can tap into the infinite wisdom, you can get downloads, you can have your psychic abilities turn on your clairvoy