Past Life Regressions: 3 Ways They Will Change Your Life Today

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

PAST LIFE REGRESSIONS: IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH?   TOP QUESTIONS:    Is there life after death?   This is the fundamental question: does consciousness or existence continue after the physical body dies?   What happens to the soul after death?   Many belief systems posit the existence of a soul or consciousness that persists beyond death. Questions arise about where it goes and what it experiences.   What is the nature of the afterlife?   If there is life after death, what form does it take? Is it a heaven or paradise, a reincarnation into a new body, or something else entirely?   Is there a judgment or evaluation of one's life after death?   Some belief systems suggest that individuals are held accountable for their actions and face judgment in the afterlife. Questions center on what criteria are used for judgment.   Do we reunite with loved ones in the afterlife?   The idea of reuniting with family members and friends who have passed away is a comforting concept in many belief systems.   What role does karma play in the afterlife? In belief systems like Hinduism and Buddhism, karma influences the nature of one's next life. Questions often revolve around the workings of karma in the afterlife.   Can the living communicate with the deceased?   Belief in the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead through mediums, seances, or other means leads to questions about the possibility of post-mortem communication.   How can one prepare for the afterlife?   Many religions and philosophies offer guidance on how to live a virtuous life to ensure a positive outcome in the afterlife. People seek answers on how to prepare themselves spiritually.   What do near-death experiences (NDEs) tell us about the afterlife?   NDEs, reported by individuals who have come close to death, often involve vivid experiences that some interpret as glimpses of the afterlife. Questions arise about the significance of these experiences.   Is there scientific evidence for life after death?   Skeptics and seekers of empirical evidence inquire about scientific studies, if any, that support the existence of an afterlife.   How do different religions view the afterlife?   Belief systems around the world offer diverse perspectives on what happens after death. People often seek to understand the differences and similarities among these views.   What is the purpose of life if there is an afterlife?   If an afterlife exists, questions emerge about the purpose and meaning of earthly life and how it relates to the next phase of existence.   These questions about life after death are deeply philosophical and often intersect with religious, spiritual, and existential inquiries. Answers to these questions can vary widely based on cultural, religious, and personal beliefs, and they continue to be a subject of exploration and contemplation for individuals and scholars alike. NETFLIX:   In Netflix series ‘Life After Death With Tyler Henry’...   Clairvoyant medium Tyler Henry offers clarity and closure from the beyond while searching through his own family’s past in an intimate reality series.   FAMOUS BOOKS:   "Many Lives, Many Masters" by Brian L. Weiss:   Dr. Brian Weiss, a prominent psychiatrist, shares his experiences with past life regression therapy in this book. He discusses how past life regression helped his patient overcome deep-seated issues and uncover spiritual insights.   "Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton:   Dr. Michael Newton, a hypnotherapist, presents a series of case studies based on his clients' past life regression experiences. The book explores the concept of life between lives, where souls allegedly go between incarnations.   "Destiny of Souls" by Michael Newton:   This is a follow-up to "Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton. It delves deeper into the exploration of the spiritual realms and the experiences of souls between incarnations.   "The Past Life Perspective" by Ann C. Barham:   Ann C. Barham provides insights into past life regression therapy and how it can be used as a tool for healing and personal growth. The book includes case studies and practical exercises.   “Your Soul's Plan" by Robert Schwartz:   While not exclusively about past life regression, this book explores the idea that we plan our life challenges and experiences before we are born. It includes stories of individuals who have gone through difficult situations as part of their soul's plan.   "Children's Past Lives" by Carol Bowman:   Carol Bowman examines past life memories in children and how parents can help them navigate these experiences. The book includes many case studies of children's past life recall.   "Past Lives, Future Lives Revealed" by Bruce Goldberg:   Dr. Bruce Goldberg explores the concept of reincarnation and shares techniques for past life regression. The book includes case studies and exercises for readers interested in exploring their own past lives.   "Only Love is Real" by Brian L. Weiss:   Another book by Brian L. Weiss, this one delves into the theme of soulmates and how past life regression can help individuals recognize and reunite with their soulmates.   "The Search for Bridey Murphy" by Morey Bernstein:   This classic book, published in the 1950s, played a significant role in popularizing past life regression. It recounts the author's exploration of a woman's purported past life memories as Bridey Murphy.   "Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives" by Jim B. Tucker:   Dr. Jim B. Tucker, a psychiatrist, presents case studies of children who have vivid memories of past lives. He examines these cases from a scientific and research-based perspective. These books offer a range of perspectives on past life regression, from personal experiences and case studies to scientific and therapeutic approaches. Whether you are interested in exploring the topic from a spiritual, therapeutic, or scientific standpoint, these books provide valuable insights and information. DOLORES CANNON:    Dolores Cannon was a well-known author and hypnotist who explored various metaphysical and spiritual topics in her books. One of her notable works, "Between Death and Life: Conversations with a Spirit," delves into the subject of life after death. Here is a summary of some of the key concepts and ideas discussed in the book:   Past Life Regression: Dolores Cannon was known for her work in past life regression therapy. In "Between Death and Life," she shares insights gained from her clients who underwent regression and recounted their experiences between lifetimes.   The Afterlife Journey: According to the book, when a person dies, their soul or consciousness transitions to the spirit world or the "between lives" state. During this transition, individuals often encounter a review of their past life, where they assess their actions and learn from their experiences.   Spirit Guides and Councils: Cannon's clients reported meeting spirit guides or higher beings during their time in the spirit world. These guides and councils assist individuals in understanding their life choices, lessons, and purposes. They offer guidance and support in planning their next incarnation.   Life Planning and Lessons: The book suggests that before each incarnation, individuals participate in the planning of their upcoming life. They choose specific life lessons, experiences, and challenges to help their souls grow and evolve. This planning occurs in consultation with spiritual guides and councils.   Reincarnation: Cannon's work aligns with the belief in reincarnation, where souls go through a cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth in different bodies to continue their spiritual development.   Spiritual Growth: "Between Death and Life" emphasizes the idea that the ultimate purpose of these experiences is spiritual growth and evolution. Souls progress and learn through various lifetimes and experiences.   Free Will and Choices: While there is a plan and purpose for each life, individuals still have free will and the ability to make choices. They can deviate from their life plan and learn from their decisions, whether they are perceived as mistakes or successes. SCIENCE:   Epigenetics & The First Law of Thermodynamics   The statement you've mentioned is a simplified version of the first law of thermodynamics, also known as the law of conservation of energy. This fundamental principle in physics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system; it can only change forms.   In other words, the total energy within a closed system remains constant over time. Energy can transform from one type to another (e.g., from chemical energy to thermal energy in a combustion reaction) or transfer from one part of the system to another (e.g., heat transfer), but the total amount of energy remains the same. This law is a cornerstone of physics and has many practical applications in understanding and predicting the behavior of various physical systems and processes.   It's important to note that while energy itself is conserved, it can become less useful or less available for performing work due to entropy, a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. This is described by the second law of thermodynamics, which states that in any energy transfer or transformation, the total entropy of a closed system will always increase over time, making it less available for useful work. METAPHYSICAL TRUTH: Existence of the Soul or Consciousness: From a metaphysical viewpoint, it is often assumed that there is a non-material aspect of a person, often referred to as the soul, spirit, or consciousness. This immaterial essence is thought to continue to exist after the physical body dies.   Dualism and Monism: Metaphysical perspectives on life after death can be categorized into dualism and monism. Dualism posits that the mind or soul is distinct from the body, while monism asserts that there is a fundamental unity between the mind and the body.   Eternal Soul: Some metaphysical beliefs suggest that the soul is eternal and unchanging, and that it goes through a cycle of incarnations in different physical bodies, gaining experiences and knowledge over time.   Afterlife Realms: Metaphysical perspectives often include the idea of different realms or planes of existence in the afterlife. These realms may vary in nature and are influenced by a person's spiritual development, karma, and consciousness.   Karma and Reincarnation: Many metaphysical belief systems incorporate concepts of karma (the law of cause and effect) and reincarnation (the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth). Souls are believed to return to physical existence in order to learn and evolve spiritually.   Spiritual Evolution: The metaphysical perspective often emphasizes the idea that life on Earth is part of a larger journey of spiritual evolution. Each lifetime is an opportunity for the soul to grow, learn, and achieve greater levels of consciousness.   Unity of All Consciousness: Some metaphysical beliefs propose the idea that individual consciousness is interconnected with a universal or cosmic consciousness. In this view, the individual soul merges or reunites with the greater consciousness upon death.   Near-Death Experiences (NDEs): NDEs are sometimes cited as evidence for the metaphysical perspective on life after death. People who have had NDEs often report experiences that include leaving their physical bodies and encountering a realm of light or otherworldly beings.   Spiritual Practices: Metaphysical traditions often involve spiritual practices such as meditation, astral projection, or channeling to explore the nature of consciousness and the afterlife.   Notes: