Prophecy, End of Times, The Great Conjunction, Doomsday, & The Second Coming of Christ

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01) This is (00:02) Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19) What an incredible year we've had. COVID lockdown, fires, floods, political crisis, financial systems, completely changing. Are we in apocalypse? Is this doomsday? Is it the end of times? Well, today we're gonna talk all about prophecy, revelations and divination. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal laws. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So let's break this on down. I have to admit, I was a little bit nervous to do this podcast because all year long, all year long, I have practice not having a particular viewpoint and for a very specific reason. So I'm just here to say as, um, you know, I am not a psychic, in fact, I believe we're all psychics, but I don't believe in using psychic abilities. (01:16) And I'm gonna break that on down. I am not, um, a traditional minister. I am a new thought movement minister. I'm a metaphysical, uh, Christ mystical aspect, understanding that we are the Christ consciousness and everything else within us. So today I'm gonna break on down my viewpoint. I'm gonna finally like, just give you all. I got my heart must soul and everything. When it comes to this year, what's going on from a prophetic aspect from revelation, from divination. So 20, 20, whoa, what a year expect the unexpected. We've had C we've had lockdown. We've had fires, floods, political crisis, financial systems, you name it. And it has us all wondering what is going to happen. It's like we're watching this great movie on the, on the edge of our seats going, wow, what's gonna happen next, right? This life is so fascinating. Has a lot of the religious people talking about the apocalypse about the end of times. (02:28) And you know, it, the second coming of Christ has a lot of the Kundin and yoga people talking about the age of Aquarius has a lot of talk about the new age. And of course today, when you're listening to this podcast, it is 12 21, 20 20, which is a great conjunction. So let's talk about this. You guys, I'm calling forth all the astrologers, all the preachers, all of the naysayers, all the above. I'm going to give you a perspective from a new thought movement perspective, from a metaphysical perspective, from a mystical perspective. So first, I just want to say that you deserve to have your own viewpoint, that as a meta physician, we know that it is all begins in mind that we live in a mental universe and that as you believe it is done onto you, as Jesus said. And so we recognize whatever your viewpoint is right now, whether it be about COVID, whether it be about wearing mask or not wearing mask or the lockdown or the vaccines, or any of the things going on. (03:39) I just want to first say that you get to have your own viewpoint, and by having your own viewpoint, you instantaneously create the experience of whatever it is that you want. I'm give you my viewpoint. Okay? So let's do this. First of all, this podcast is coming out at 1111 on 12 21, 20 20, which is a great conjunction. So this is a big deal because a great conjunction is Jupiter and Saturn. Two biggest planets in our solar system meat, which is called the great conjunction. It's also on the exact day today, which when you're listening to this is the winter solstice is conjunct less than one 10th of a degree, and now I'm not astrologer, but yes, as a new thought minister, as a doctoral divinity, I absolutely understand we are the stars. We are the planet. So of course, we're going to be the effect of, of everything we've created in this whole thing. (04:37) We are truly that source that has created the entire universe. So the biblical star of Bethlehem 800 years ago, um, this people are relating this to that. However, from what I have researched, it is not the same in that. That was when ju Jupiter and Venus, um, merged. And this is not Jupiter and Venus. So yes, this has supposedly not happened for a long time, but no, it is not the, the, uh, biblical star Bethlehem. Okay. So, but we do know that it is a big conjunction and that winter solstice right here, the darkest night of the year is also all of it is saying one thing it's saying one thing. And one thing only from a metaphysical standpoint, that if we are truly the, I am that if we are here to develop our consciousness in the 3d realm, everything, how do you even know that there's time? (05:34) Other than if there's landmarks or if there are things like the day and night? So everything is cyclical. Everything is here for our development. We are in the master class called life. So the winter solstice represents the darkness going within, going down into the dark and coming back up, being reborn into the new year, into the new phase, into being reborn into all of that. Okay. So from a metaphysical standpoint and from a mystical Christian, I'm all, I don't identify as one of the religions I identify with all of the religion. I identify also with all the sciences and all the philosophy, cuz that is part of new thought, ancient wisdom, all wisdom, all knowledge is within. And we are not an identity outside of ourselves. We are the identity, the one we are all that. Okay. So let's break this on down. Are we in a apocalypse? (06:32) So most people believe and view and think that UN apocalypse like is, is basically some world war global disaster pandemic. They're like, this is the apocalypse from a metaphysical standpoint. Apocalypse is, well, if you break down the word itself, the etymology is to reveal it is to uncover and reveal revelation. So an apocalypse is, is this an apocalypse? Is there one apocalypse? Is it it isn't, it is the story that unfolds in all life in the hero's journey. And in Christ in all of us, there is an a apocalypse and there is a revelation. There is an actual revelation. So I'm coming from the viewpoint of being able to find the common denomination within all this. I truly believe if religion divides, then it's being used for, for evil. If you will. There's no such thing as evil, like some entity that's separate. We believe that it is the misuse of energy. (07:37) So anything can be misused and become evil if it is inverted and goes outta bounds. That is the definition. Okay. So any religion can either be evil or it can be heavenly dependent on how it's used. Same with science, if science divides and it doesn't be, and we're not using it to find out how we thrive and using it to help people, then it would be considered evil as well. If it's not being used and developed to be able to help us. The Dolly Lama talks us a lot about this, about how, you know, when science and religion merge, that has to be the goal. It has to be the goal. Okay. Same with technology. Technology can use to help us all, all communicate better, get things automated. It can also hurt us if it is being, if we're letting it use us, if you will. (08:25) Okay. So for most of the apocalypse definition, it's one of the Jewish or Christian writings, 200 BC to ad one 50 marked by, um, symbolic imagery and expectations of an imminent cosmic catechism in which God destroys the ruling powers of evil and raises the righteous to life in that mess sanc kingdom. So yes, of course it's happening. How can it not happen right now? We're witnessing that the evil is being destroyed because truth only prevails. And this is an Axiom of life. It is a spiritual law. And so what we're witnessing right now is, you know, financial systems, government systems, um, different, different companies that are not using their powers for good. And we will see 'em crumble some now some later for eternity, right, will always have this relative universe. And I think it's really funny that people think that we're going to just have light or just have dark, maybe thousands of years down the line. (09:36) But the point is in our lifetime, we are in a relative university guys. It's not gonna change. We're gonna get more and more. So what we believe in new thought movement is that there's one source and it is the, I am, it is source. It is divine. It is God. And that we can use it. We use it to create heaven and harmony and have us all thrive, or we can invert it and we can use it for harm, chaos, discord, hell on earth. We don't believe in an afterlife of hell. We believe right here right now is heaven or hell on earth. So all of these, you know, metaphors, and obviously you could debate if the Bible is, is, you know, real stories or if they're metaphors and if you're a scientist, you can argue for it or you can argue against it and you can find proof both ways. (10:30) So it is really interesting when you think about it, that the universe has to agree with us. It has to find our viewpoint and it has to align with that for ourselves. Okay. I know that's added spectrum for you scientists out there, but I would open up your mind to new possibility. Okay. You have to also recognize the Bible has 800 different texts and isn't even in its original language. And then only a very small portion was actually stated by Jesus per se. So what is real and what is not real, we also recognize it's science for everything that they are, you know, proving, they're always disproving almost as much, if not more. So let's break this on down. Even further, we have COVID we have lockdown, we have financial systems changed and we have political, uh, people over the course of the last few years, we've had major floods, tsunamis, uh, fires, you name it all kinds of really intense things going on. (11:33) And I know that for a lot of people, there's a lot of fear right now. And then for a small percentage of people that are truly know the truth, it has been an incredible development. It's been, it's been for me personally. I remember when the lockdown began and I just remember taking three deep breaths and going to source and just thinking, let's do this meaning that this is what we prepare for. This is what we prepare for when we are join our spiritual practice and no longer