Relationship Mastery: Codependecy, Dysfunction, & Breakups

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:01): First live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We also come together in community in society and new thought global. We truly believe that when somebody awakens save a gift and message to bring to the world and together we are awakening the world today, this podcast, I wanna talk to you guys about relationships and love mastery relationships and love mastery. So look, we, life is a relationship, so it doesn't matter if you are married, dating single. It doesn't matter. This is really about codependency dysfunction, breakups, and really beginning to have principles to live by within all relationships. No matter if it's in your business with an intimate person, with your children, with anyone really understanding what it means to really have an empowered relationship versus a dysfunctional or codependent, um, chaotic relationship. (01:21): Okay, so we're gonna do this thing. Let's take a deep breath in through the nose and Exline out. I recognize right here. And right now that all of life is a relationship. This beautiful dynamic for me to experience more and more in depth of my soul. I recognizes all how I relate to it, that there is this creative factor in me. That is the spark that never can be the effect of anything of the world that I get to always in every situation, no matter what this circumstance is, I get to choose who I desire to be and how I want to create my world and my relationships into existence. So as I relate to what's going on in my relationships, I also relate knowing that I am, cause that I get to say who I am in the realm of love, who I am in the realm of standing for other people's lives and loving unconditionally, but putting boundaries as well. (02:20): And in those boundaries, I find freedom. I get to be expressed. I get to love infinitely, infinitely. I simply know this in my mind, my heart as together we say. And so it is okay, so let's do this to you guys. Let's break on down relationships and love. So this is really a conversation, um, after working with, um, you know, thousands and thousands of people around the world, I would say that nine outta 10 people I've worked with have dealt with codependency. If you are a human being, you probably are dealing with codependency unless you are a spiritual master. So we have to first define, like, what is the inversion of if we're fully expressed in, in relationship fully empowered and fully in truth. What is the opposite of that? The opposite can be titled codependent dysfunction, or, you know, whatever you wanna call it. (03:11): But the point is is that if you're placing your power outside of yourself, if you're making any relationship, your higher power, meaning that your happiness, your joy, your identity is contingent upon whatever is outside of yourself. That is the, the opposite of truth. Okay? That is like, that is inverting universal law. And you will feel like the effect. You will be a roller coaster if you will. And I've watched and witnessed over and over that, you know, of course I train and develop women and women, particularly spiritually based in business. And I recognize that until they deal with their codependency, their businesses are not going to be able to flourish because they are going, their energy is, is bounded and tied up and entangled in chaos, in their relationships, in their codependency, in their dysfunction, or maybe it's a breakup or, you know, whatever it is, the drama around their relationship, their child is, you know, they're not in getting along with their child or maybe their parent they're, they're pissed off at their mom or something like that, right? (04:20): These are all dysfunctional codependent relationships that people are placing their they're handing over their power to their relationship out there. So today's podcast is really giving you some distinctions of you taking back your power. You already have the power, you have the power now, and you always have the power, but in consciousness you can, you can perceive yourself to not have the power. And we wanna make sure that you take back your power fully in consciousness as well. Okay. So I remember for me when I was, um, I actually went to Coda. There's a, there's an actual great, uh, few different programs, 12 step programs, online Coda, which is C O D And, um, Alanon, if you're in a relationship with an alcoholic or an addict, things like that, and they give some great distinctions, um, for me, just around breaking the vicious cycle, because when you go into a room where there's a bunch of people that are in similar situations and having dysfunctional relationships, you start to see the patterns. (05:19): And when you see the patterns, you know, it's life. So I remember going into, uh, a meeting and I sat down and I was really upset, you know, with the relationship I was in. And I was thinking about, I can't believe he did this. I can't believe this happened. I can't believe all the stuff. Right. And as I began to go back to the meetings over and over again, I started seeing and witnessing other, you know, particularly women and men stand up and talk about their partners. And I was like, oh my gosh, that's me. I'm focusing on the other person. I'm not focusing on myself and becoming the person that I need to be. And I started seeing the people in the room as just victims. And I was like, oh my gosh, this is just a room of victims. You know what I mean? (06:01): Even though they're partners, maybe they did terrible things. Maybe they cheated on them. Maybe they lied to them. Maybe they're narcissists. Maybe they fell the wagon and did drugs. Maybe they did what, and it's not to take away from what the partner did. But the point is, these people continually stood up and pointed the finger at the other person instead of pointing the finger at themselves. And that was the point of it. That the point is, as those newbies stood up, as they start coming to the meetings over and over again, they begin to stop pointing the finger to the other person or to life or to their parent or their child or whatever. And they begin to point the finger at themselves and ask themselves, you know, who do I need to be to live in peace? Who do I need to be to be empowered? (06:44): Who do I need to be to no longer be the roller coaster or the victim of the, the Merry go round of the dysfunctional cycles, right? So there's some distinctions I wanna give you today. And it's so important. It's something that I think that we all could use and we've not taught these things. Uh, we're rarely taught these things in our culture. And oftentimes we are actually taught the opposite or will never forget the scene of Jerry McGuire. When Tom cruise says to his girlfriend, you complete me. And it's like, oh my gosh, my heart was, is melting. I was like, oh my gosh, love, this is love, right? You complete me. I think that many of us went to therapy for many years after that one sentence you complete me. And I think that for so many people, they're looking to find somebody or something to complete them. (07:39): They're looking for their child to complete them. They're looking for their husband or wife to complete them. They're looking for the person they're dating to complete them. They're looking for their company to complete them. They're looking for, you know, whatever it is. If I just moved to a city, it'll complete me. If I just have enough money that will complete me. If I just get a Bigo of house that will complete me. If I just find the right twin flame, that will complete me. If I just, you know, and that's a point is that nothing can complete you, nothing can complete you. So the distinctions I wanna make today are really first recognizing are you handing your power out outside of yourself? Are you codependent? Are you dysfunctional? Are you all these things? Okay. So we need to first take a look at that. So one thing I'd recommend is to begin to take a journal, you know, are you get, are you getting upset and are you getting con upset, contingent upon something happening with a relationship? (08:35): Okay. So obviously if it's upsetting you and you're staying in it, then that is, uh, a dysfunctional relationship. So what I have my clients do is I have, 'em take a journal and, um, I, I have 'em write down kind of their highest self. What's the best part of who you are in relationship when you're in, uh, you know, know, you're like, you love who you are in relationship. What, what is that person? Who is that person? How is she? Or he, so say things like, well, you know, I'm very loving, I'm giving. I am. Um, just in the present moment. I, um, I feel I trust them. I trust me, you know, they'll go on and on about what that is. And then I have 'em write down what is their lower self? Like, what's that worse self when you're in relationship? Oh gosh, you know, I'm, I'm becoming, um, I start looking at their phone. (09:27): I start sending me texts. I am constantly thinking about and questioning, what are they doing? Where are they? I become compulsive of the future, where where's this going? Um, I get obsessed with it, things like that, right? So we have to start looking at, you know, what are the things and circumstances that as you get into those different, um, areas. So obviously the goal is to do your own spiritual work and awaken and, and become so devout to the divine within and the beloved and, and become so in a place that is unshakeable and unstoppable and unrecognizable in that nothing of this world can touch you. You become somebody who's in this world, but not of this world. You're not the effect of anything. And you know, it doesn't define U if you are a millionaire or not a millionaire, if you're a seven figure coach or not a seven figure coach, if you have a boyfriend or don't have a boyfriend, doesn't define you. (10:23): Okay. But we have to recognize that for now. Just to figure out, are you codependent? Are you dysfunctional? Are you things we need to get down where, where you are in the realm of, are you codependent