Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your truth, live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity, and a new thought minister. Actually, I dunno if you guys realize that or not, but yes, I am a minister of what's called science of mind that has nothing to do with Scientology and has everything to do with the new thought movement, which is a lineage, which dates back as far as time, but really starts from Finn Quimby and from Emerson, knowing that we did not need to go to church to have a relationship with God, because God is our higher self. It's our true self. And, um, no walls can dictate that it's a state of mind, a consciousness, a tapping into the truth. So we come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in a community in soul society as the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. (01:02): We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and we are awakening the world together, committed to awakening a billion people. So let's do this thing. You guys, we are on the topic of relationships, love and relationships. So today I wanna talk about relationship mastery and the law of love. Roomy said your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. So it's always about just getting out of the way consciousness, healing. Subconscious work is all about removing the limiting beliefs and all of those barriers. Those basically the things that condense our soul into a little segment, a sliver of this pie. When we release those limiting beliefs, we open up and expand consciousness and we open up to the true consciousness, the cosmic consciousness, the Christ consciousness, the Buddhist consciousness love our true self that's right? (02:03): So look, I truly believe that all of life is love that there's not a drop of it. Even the most evil of evil things that have happened on this planet are really all for our expanding, for our relative experience and for us to be able to choose what we do wanna create. So I believe that the universe is conspiring to bring you love from the moment you wake up to the minute, your consciousness doses off into a peaceful slumber at night, the universe is at work acknowledging the hundreds and thousands of things that aren't conspiring for you. The sun shines despite a cloudy day, bringing you life. The air you breathe has billions of years in the making, which allows you the miracle to live on earth. The trees live to give you oxygen, feeding your body with energy. The full moon comes time after time influencing the tides that you can swim in the oceans playground, the clouds separate and spring at Dawn for a beautiful glimpse of a rainbow and reminds you of this extraordinary experience. (03:05): You can see how the challenges and obstacles and problems are brought to you as an opportunity to grow, to learn, to expand you experience in this revelation regarding world events, shifting it, seeing the evil and horrific events and seeing how their wake up calls for us to really actually come together in love and in harmony. And finally, I know that I've shed so many tears of joys, knowing that if something doesn't feel right, I can act and change it. And this is why this is all called love every last drop of it. But coming back into relationships, we know love just is relationships can be complex as human beings, right? So we know that the primary relationship is within all other relationships, other projection and reflection of our ability or inability to love that always the work is within, because if we're able to fully love ourselves, we're fully able to love all of life. (04:02): So first and foremost, the most important relationship is you. It's the one you are the one you've been waiting for, right? All the relationships are the reflection of the primary relationship. The inner work is always to heal the connection between you and your higher self. And that's the true yoga that is the merging of into the oneself and the true love. Every relationship that you encounter is the ultimate mirror that reflects you. It's the opportunity to grow, create evolve. You get to discover more and more of the depths of your soul. With every relationship out there, relationships are the platform for learning and for your spiritual growth. You know, it's a sacred space for you to deserve your living. Two beliefs. What do you believe? Where are you resisting in relationships? Why, you know, are you trying to make people wrong? Are you, you know, seeing yourself as separate from them, these are the depths and depths and depths in such the cool spiritual mastery of relationships. (04:57): I don't think we're ever gonna, ever finish or complete that mastery. Otherwise we probably wouldn't be in this realm. So basically there are the opportunity to discover what you like, what you don't like, where you are in your consciousness. And so just paying close attention to the relationships in your life this week begin to see how you relate to people. Are you attracting dysfunctional people? Are you entangling with people that don't bring you up? They drag you down. How are you interacting in your relationships? You know, this is the depths and the place to heal. You can, you can go into, you know, subconscious working, go into meditation, you go into therapy, you can do all this stuff. But when you know, how do you know that you've grown? How do you know you've healed is when you go out in the world and you actually engage in relationships and you see how you actually react, how do you experience, how are you viewing? (05:51): How are you perceiving these relationships? And so you get to know, and you get to choose to align with people that are in alignment of what you wanna experience. So I think there's kind of like two points of power in relationship. You either are seeing everything and everyone as a miracle and perfect as they are, or you're just not settling. And you just choose and decide powerfully, decide that this is the way you're gonna have it. And this is what you wanna experience. And there's two different ways. I think that seeing everyone as the miracle is the easier way, but I also do not have dysfunction in my life whatsoever. I have no dysfunction and I have no negativity. It's something that took me a lot years to embody that and release certain relationships in my life. But in that I had to also send them gratitude. (06:38): I also had to, you know, get clear that they served at some level and that they're perfect just as they are and realizing that I still love all of them. And they no longer belonged in my, in my physical life, in my inner circle. And having said that I have hundreds and thousands of people that have stayed in my life that are amazing E miraculous and are more than, um, joyful in my life and brings such abundance and harmony in my life. So I do believe that love is the most magical, mysterious luminous, mystical concept of the universe. It literally guides all of life. It prevails, it heals it surmounts it insurmountable. It makes a seemingless impossible, possible. We long for it. We seek for it deep in the heart. And we have to know that this is what burs all creation, love it. Restores harmony love is an integral human guiding force and the law makes it possible. (07:33): Love directs, and the universal law makes it possible. That's how we view as new thought ministers, how we view life. It is all love and it's prevailing and going through into the 3d form through universal law, through this thing called energy. So, you know, knowing that we need love, knowing that we are love. We unveil our authentic nature, which is pure love. We tear down the walls through subconscious work. We teared down the walls through basically looking and healing ourselves. And we ask ourselves, you know, we don't wanna not give ourselves to love. We wanna express ourselves in loving way. You know, how so, how do we do that? We have to do our inner work. We have to do our subconscious work and get back to being able to love people. You know, if you have PTSD, you've been in some, you know, dysfunctional relationships you've dealt with heartbreak. (08:25): Maybe your parents got divorced, maybe whatever. It's important to be able to bond again, to be able to trust again, to be able to be vulnerable again, you know, the United States, America made history legalizing same sex marriages on June 26th, 2015. And it's a, that was a quantum leap for equality of loving. And I truly believe that everyone deserves to love. There are no bounds. There are no genders, there are no rules or regulations to love. It's what works for you. And so I acknowledge, however you want to love whether that be, you know, in marriage, whether it be dating, whether it be polyamorous, whether that be gay, whether doesn't matter, what matters is, what works for you and what has your heart sing your soul thrive. And knowing that we are all just loving beans, that's our true nature. And I believe there's three levels of relationship. (09:19): There is the level of the ego, which is what's in it. For me, there's a level of, um, you know, synergistic, uh, basically interrelated what's in it for us. And then there is the highest good, you know, what's in it for the highest good. And I do believe there's different levels and different reasons why you're in relationship at different chapters of your life. And the point is to accept yourself exactly where you are and really begin to enter, you know, do some introspection of what it is for you that really matters for you in relationship. Is it just compatibility? Is it intimacy? Is it, um, to, you know, grow in your career for the highest good for all? What is that for you? And you get to decide knowing that as you embody that the law of attraction and you get to be the reflection of that, it has to, it has to be reflective. (10:07): So the work remains the same. It involves decluttering from chaos, decluttering, from things that no longer serve you. And, and going back to your truth, you know, we wake up and discover who we are in relationship, who am I? And we get to reprogram our limiting beliefs and, and release our trauma and heal our trauma and be able to get vulnerable. Again, we align, we align to what's specifically true for us. What matters? What are we committed to? What are our values? And then we affirm. We affirm every day and every way, by thinking, being everything that we are, everything that we desire. So today's universal law is the law of love, which states that love and forms creation. And the law is the internal mechanism in life that guides all things to order harmony and love. If the creative process is inverted, it creates chaos harm disorder.