Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May (00:17): You live (00:17): Your truth? (00:21): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron. We do come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community to develop world renowned, spiritual teachers, leaders, and soul-based business owners that want to bring spiritual principle to the truth of who they are and bring it to the world. So let's do this thing. Science of mind, 1 0 2. So science of mind, I love the lineage of science of mind based in truth, based from Ernest Holmes and the entire lineage of new thought. But it's interesting because if you think about science of mind, let's bring the science in. So we're actually going to be doing science of mind 1 0 2, and I'm so honored because I've been asked to create a doctorate program, to develop doctors of divinity in a lot of the work that I have developed, which is the E four trauma method and understanding how to do your emotional trauma of this lifetime and past lifetimes and bringing in the modern sciences of the world, everything from epigenetics, neuroscience, quantum mechanics, and so on and so forth. (01:32): So today let's talk about the science of mind 1 0 2. So my personal journey in this work has obviously been a long time. As you guys know, I had a stillborn at 22, which really sent me on the track of my spiritual journey of really committing to seeking truth. And after my still stillborn, I got pregnant a month of the day with my son who now is 24 years old. Well, when he was a year old or just before that, I think we were on a, we went on a trip to Southern Utah. I was actually living in park city, Utah at this point in time way before I lived in Los Angeles, even though I'm from California and we were on our way back from the trip, and I'll never forget this moment. We were going 60 miles per hour on the freeway. It was his son's father and my little one year old son Coburn. (02:30): And my, this the father, my son lost track of the, somehow the control of it and the something that broke or something like that. And the trailer began to sway back and forth going 60 miles per hour. And it started swinging so bad that it took the entire car and it flung us. And we literally rolled at 60 miles per hour on the freeway. And I'll never forget that, you know, whatever you wanna say, 10, 20 seconds there. And I thought, oh my gosh, my, my son's gonna die again. And we're all gonna die. And it's over. And my entire life flash before me. And luckily we landed right side up and my son of course, was crying. He had been sleeping when, when the accident began, he was crying, but, and I was checking him and he was fine. And, um, we were both okay. (03:28): We walked away from the accident and the entire trailer was in a, a thousand pieces. And it was a miracle that we lived and we drove home, uh, with some friends that day. And I remember getting back and being like, oh my gosh, I can't believe we're not hurt. And I went in for an MRI and my back was majorly messed up. And, um, I think I was just in so much adrenaline from worrying about my son being dead, that I was not able, able to get in touch with my own pain. And I herniated my, my back. Um, and I, I actually was in a lot of pain and I couldn't walk for weeks on at time. And I, I, I, I just was like, so messed up from the accident that my back was so messed up and I couldn't walk for times it would just go out and it was awful. (04:18): And so I began the process of healing my back, and I knew that I didn't wanna get surgery, which they suggested I had. And I began to do breathwork. I began to every single night at night, I would put my legs up, or even when it was, you know, I couldn't walk and I would breathe. And I would know that there has to be, there has to be healing factor of the, of the universe and in my body, because I knew this, this was the stuff I was studying in spirituality. And it significantly got better through that process, but it wasn't until I began to do my subconscious work, that, um, over some years that I completely healed my back. I had no more pain in my back. And I just thought, what the hell is possible? What is possible? And how does that work from a scientific perspective? (05:09): How is the mind that powerful to heal th self to heal the body, to heal something that, that the doctors would say you can't heal? So, as I began to dive into, of course, science of mind, I recognize, you know, the power of the mind and how we basically are able to use the power of our mind to inform our subconscious mind and inform universal law. So then I began to dive deeper and deeper into it. And that is what I really wanna share with you guys today. The science of mind, 1 0 2, and I'd like to begin with epigenetics. Epigenetics is really super fascinating because if you take a look at what is epigenetics well, epigenetics is what is above the genes. If you will. And a good example of this is if you had two twins and they have the exact identical genes, but they grow up in different environments, they have different perceptions of life. (06:08): Their actual genes would be, their genes would be completely the same, but I've heard a great analogy that it would be like the alphabet. It would be totally the same, but the spacing between the alphabet and the punctuations would be completely different. Therefore the alphabet would be red, completely different. And that's what happens at a epigenetic level that it is our, that it is what informs to turn on or turn off the expression of our genes. The epigenome is how your genes are expressed. So the epigenics place basically tags on your DNA, telling the cell how to read it. And it basically condenses or de condenses the cells. I mean, so are the, the DNA, the reading codes, so what's expressed or not expressed. So we have to understand and recognize that we have trillions and trillions of cells in our body. And these cells, you know, have the genetic, they have total abundance to turn on and turn off, like basically do miracles if you will, in the body. (07:12): And it's said that it, within every cell, there's the same DNA within every cell, but it's just the expression of that DNA of that cell that tells it whether it is a lung or whether it's a kidney or whether it's growing hair or whatever it is to do. And we have to recognize that there's like a Lieutenant in charge. That's commanding the cells and it's you, it's your pure consciousness. And if you have limitations, if you have stress, if you are in dysfunctional relationship, if you are all these things, it will basically condense and squeeze your, you know, the epigenetics and it won't be able to do what it's supposed to do. So if you think about it, each DNA has, EV has so much DNA. Every cell has each, every cell has so much DNA. If you stretch it out, it would be about the, the height of, of how tall you are approximately. (08:06): And so what happens is this what's called his stones and there is 30 million, his stones in every cell and his stones, basically, because if you take this long, long DNA, how do you fit it into a cell? Well, they wrap it wraps around what's considered like his stones and around protein clusters, which is chromatin. So chromatin is basically made up of his stones and your DNA. And it wraps around like a spool. And basically, yeah, it's like, it, it basically, it turns like a knob and it either tightens it and suppresses it, or it releases it and is able to read it. There's two things that, that are able to do this methyl groups and his stones, methyl groups basically switch on and off your DNA. And his stones are like a knob that tightens it and loosens it. So every cell in your body has a specific methyl and his stone code. (09:00): And so this is what we are here to do. One of the great teachers of this work as well is Joe Dispensa. And one of the things that he does, it's so fascinating is he, um, you know, he takes, and he delivers these great conferences where he takes tons of people and he begins to measure their up regulation and their down regulation of what's going on at the epigenetic and DNA and all these different levels. So one of his favorite, one of my favorite quotes of Jodi Benza, which basically sums up the entire work that I do in the E four trauma method is a memory without emotional charge is called wisdom. I'm gonna read that one more time. A memory without emotional charge is called wisdom. So if we want to allow the body for the DNA coding to be expressed in its purest potential and its highest form, we want to do a few things. (09:59): We wanna take the charge off of past memories, anything in, in our memory, in our epigenetics, on our DNA. Why do we wanna do this? Because the charge is creating stress within the body. Okay. So what happens and what can we do to help our D DNA be expressed in its fullest and help our epigenetics is we want to lower our stress and we wanna put ourselves in less stressful environments in clean environments that are not toxic. Okay. So a memory without emotional charge is called wisdom because everything that's happened to us in our life is here to help us, help us grow, help us have more wisdom, help us understand all of life. And if we are, you know, having emotional trauma and, and charge left over from things in our past, it will be playing out in a stressful way and projecting into our current state when we're totally present here. (11:03): And now in the breath, in the presence, we have full freedom of choice and we're able to do it without responding without, without, um, getting triggered. We do it from a pure choice perspective. So another analogy of a, of really good, um, our genes being expressed is the computer analogy, which I love so much, which if you take a look at the computer analogy and you take a look at genes, genes are like the hardware of us, okay. Epigenetics is like the progra