Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your truth. (00:09): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity. We come together each day to another truth, live on spiritual principle, align with universal law and love our lives. We come together also as a spiritual community as society, our vision to be the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We have the mission of awakening, a billion people globally, and how we are definitely going to do this is by developing world class spiritual leaders. So let's do this thing. You guys, we are on love and relationships. We're diving deep into this. We're gonna talk about sexuality. What's love got to do with it. Marilyn Monroe said, it's not true. I didn't have anything on I had on the radio. love her. Right. So sexuality, I think it's a really fascinating topic. And I remember years back, I was friends with some people that were polyamorous. (01:06): And if you don't know what that means, that means it is, uh, a type of person that identifies as someone that loves many. So basically it means that they have relationships with more than one person. It's not open relationship. It's literally where they have multiple relationships. And I remember being really, um, traumatized even just by the concept of the thought of people being in multiple relationships. It was very triggering for me. And so I began to dive deeper into why did that offend me so much? Because even though I am not polyamorous and I wasn't the one in the relationship or multiple relationships, just the thought of it triggered me. And it almost was triggering my own wounds, my own heartbreaks, my own, uh, traumas within my subconscious mind. So as I began to heal myself and deal with my traumas and begin to question, you know, what limiting beliefs did I want to, you know, no longer serve me basically. (02:14): And I began to inquire into what is relationship and where is the distinction between what I've seen in the movies and what the culture told me versus what is authentic for myself. So I began to dive into why was I being so triggered by friends that were choosing to be polyamorous, even though I wasn't , it was really a bizarre thing to even think that that could trigger me so much. So we wanna dive into sexuality. And the reason why we wanna dive into sexuality in inquire into our own sexuality is to find our truth, to find what authentically works for us versus what the culture has told us or what programming we've had. Okay. So sex is just another microcosm of the macrocosm of who you are in this life. Sex can either be a beautiful expression of who you are, or it can be a disempowering realm that leaves you heartbroken loss and dysfunctional. (03:08): So just like all ears of life sex has many realms experiences, levels, and perspectives, right? So like all spiritual work, the goal is to align the physical, mental, and spiritual living your unique truth. We need to find out what is your truth versus what is other people? What is, what have you learned through the movies and things versus what really is authentic for you and what is true for your nature? Right? So, you know, you may believe that the best sex is with someone you love on all levels with one person, well, others may have different preferences. They may have different perceptions of it, right? And I think the point of all human beings in my opinion, is to allow people to have their own unique expression, to not make them wrong and also be able to hold your boundaries for what works for you. (03:59): We, of course, there's all different levels of relationships. There's committed relationships, there's marriage, there's polyamory, there's Maga monogamy. There's open marriages, gay transsexual, heterosexual. I mean, you can go on and on about different expressions of sexuality and identities, right? So we wanna de layer off the identities and come to your truth. Sex is just another gateway to observe how you are creating life. It can either be a beautiful expression or it can be an entangled entrapment. So from a relative perspective, you may consider spiritual sex to be an experience in which there is an expression from an authentic and genuine space, unifying hearts and souls. Whereas objectifying sex may be considered an experience in which people are viewed as objects and souls feel divided and separate. These are just kind of a relative experience. The reality is that there's, it's all the same. It's all spiritual, right? (04:58): But we wanna start delaying our thou. We wanna dive into what is sexuality? What is this thing called sexuality? And the truth is this sexuality is divine urge. It's a divine urge to express itself, to, to multiply itself, to, to, you know, prevail as a species, to survive in a bonding fashion, you know, sex unites people. And it makes us be loyal in a, in a way that we bond through oxytocin and through all these things so that we can help survive and offspring and have babies and all these things of us survival of our species. So it's really a beautiful thing if used in harmony, but when we have layers of trauma and we judge it and we harm people through it, obviously it's not a beautiful thing. So we wanna discover what is true for you in the realm of sex. So like all things in this universe, sex is another form of communication and it either can be dynamically used to create something magnificent, or it can be used to create chaos and discord. (06:10): So just becoming mindful of what works for you, honoring your truth, honoring other people's truth and not judging is kind of the goal of all this, right? So there's all kinds of sex. There's objectifying sex, there's tantra, there's commerce, Sutra. There's just traditional sex. You can, you can go on and on and on. There's all different layers. But if you wanna dive into your sexuality, part of it is just diving into the communication, diving in the conversation and looking at sex. What is sex? Why do you have the type of sex you have? You know, what works for you? And do you wanna dive deeper into it and explore that energy? It's a powerful, powerful force in there when you get into orgasm and, and this realm of this power, this, this feeling right. If, if the universe and our subconscious mind, and the subjective mind is informed by feeling and orgasm is one of the most intense feelings we can have. (07:04): Imagine the potential of it in a beautiful, intentional way. We have to remember that oxytocin increases when we feel attracted to someone which in turn stimulates dopamine to be released. So when we fall in love, as we, you know, term it in our culture, it's really the heart. We have DNA. We, we have all kinds of infinite things that happen in the body and it bonds us. It does, it is, does all kinds of things. It's a survival mechanism. You know, we get all kinds of things. We get flustered, we get excited and it's, you know, it's, it's our DNA's way of saying there's something here to explore. There's something beautiful here. It arouses us in many ways, lust and estrogen and hormones and libido and sex drive and all these things. It's a deeper, deeper experience of life in a physical, emotional, and spiritual connection. (08:04): Neurotransmitters are literally doing all kinds of insane things in the midst of flirting and dating and sex and all this, it's all entangled into this one, this one, chemical like explosion, adrenaline and sweat and heartbeat. And all these things have fallen in love. So love is no joke. It can actually be a major addiction as well. People get addicted to sex, they use sex, they manipulate sex. So this is an ongoing conversation of what happens to you. Are you thriving in your sexuality or are you getting more and more trauma through your sexuality? How are you using oxytocin to develop and bond through beautiful sexuality? So when you experience love and attraction, it's a sign that you're in alignment with your higher self. If it's used for good, if it's hurting you and there's discordant harm, then it's probably harming you in many ways. But it's a fascinating topic because if you think about it, did you know that the realities that 75% of all women have never experienced an orgasm through sexual intercourse? (09:17): According to James, 2009, 75% of women have never experienced orgasm in America through intercourse. That's crazy, right? IANS have us believing that women's inability to reach orgasm is because a woman is not grown up. So, so do you, what works for you in sexuality? Where, what do you like? And sometimes it's important to experience and, and try new things and open up our mind and open up our body and open up to new possibility, new, new realms of, of ourselves. You know, our culture also has a big addiction to porn. And often time porn is the type of porn, the type of, you know, objectifying. I personally don't like porn. I think it harms in a lot of ways because it takes away from two human beings in real life, actually connecting to being present with each other. But that's, for me, I don't get to judge other people and I don't care if that's their free choice, that's their free will for me. (10:18): I don't care for that. But you have to ask yourself what works for you. You know, we're stressed out. People get stressed out women today, especially, you know, we're supposed to be just to make this money. We're supposed to be red carpet ready. We're supposed to be porn stars in bed. Like it's a lot of pressure, sometimes sex. So it's important for you to look at yourself and think, what is it to have you feel safe and to be expressed and to have pleasure and to have it be a creative force to, to bond and create a beautiful soul relationship. Our entire culture is clearly experiencing Dick's connection from the soul and getting less and less intimate. We have our phones, we have our computers, all these things to distract us from being truly intimate. Intimacy does not just happen. You know, in sexuality, sexuality starts with the mind it starts with, with a conversation. (11:14): It starts with physically seeing someone. So sexuality is a way of life. It is the divine urge to express itself and reproduce itself and all the above. And the know that love is the only truth. And so this magical, mysterious luminous mystical thing called sexuality is a beautiful thing. If used and directed in a loving way. So today's, today's daily spiritual practice is to express your sexuality. What would it be like? You know, what would it be like to express yourself sexually without any limitations? And maybe that's with one person or maybe that is in polyamory, it's up to you to choose