Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

DAILY INSPIRATION: BE HERE NOW DAILYUNIVERSAL LAW: LAW OF GROWTH DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE: LIVE IN THE PRESENT DAILY CHALLENGE: TAKE ACTION TODAY   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your truth. (00:08): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each morning to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in soul society with a vision to be the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment empowerment and of course entrepreneurship. So today I wanna talk to you about someday giving up the delusion of living for someday and of course, coming into the power of now. So, you know, I have many, many people that come to me to work with me. And one of the most common things and themes that people are dealing with is what we consider midlife crisis. Another thing that I deal with a lot is people who are, you know, thinking that they will someday be happy when they just figure out their career or someday they'll be happy when they just have enough money or someday they'll be happy when they just find that right partner. (01:06): And it's a trap. Let me tell you, it's a huge trap. So let's break this on down. Okay. So I had this one lady that came to me and she was midlife. She came to me and she said, I don't know what's going on. I don't know what's wrong with me. You know, I, I am just completely numbed out in my life. I'm not excited about anything. I don't know what's going on. And I said, okay, no worries. Tell me what's going on. She said, I, you know, I have a decent life. I have a decent marriage. I have a decent, you know, life. I, you know, my car, my car's decent. My house is decent. My kids are good. My friends are decent. I just don't feel like I'm alive anymore. I feel like I'm just like walking through life. (01:50): And, you know, we got into some subconscious processes. We got into all the work. And what we discovered was she had thought when she was a little girl that she, when she grew up and moved outta the house, that then, you know, then she'd finally be happy. Like someday when she moved outta the house, she'd be happy. And she moved outta the house. And then she was like, okay. And she wasn't feeling really fulfilled. So she thought, well, if I just, you know, of course she was in college. And if I, when I get my career and when I do that, then, then I'll be happy. And, and she graduated from college and she got a decent job and was kind of working in the industry that she wanted to work in. And she still felt like someone was missing. She thought, well, someday when, when I meet the right man, then I get married, then that's why I'm incomplete. (02:32): You know? And she met somebody and she got married and it was, you know, kind of beautiful like that, that process, but she just thought it, there had to be more, there was so many more to the, maybe it's just the children. I'm a, I'm a woman. I think that maybe you just don't F fulfilled until you have children. So she had children. And then, you know, then it was someday like, well, if they just, you know, if the kids just grow up a little more someday, when they're not as hard as little babies, then, then I'll be happy. You know? So the point is she started realizing through the subconscious processes of going back into re-experiencing and, and really looking at what was really going on. And she realized that she had been living for some day that someday she thought she'd be happy. (03:11): And it was always, always not the case because she was always living for some fantasy that was way out there in the future. And I think it's this really, really important point for all of us. I know that for me, in my twenties, I lived for someday. I was so determined to become a self-made millionaire. And I thought that I really, when I really be, would have financial freedom, then everything would work out. And it just, and it just wasn't the case. Sure. Some things were easy, of course, but it never, it didn't fulfill me the way I thought it would fulfill me. You know, oftentimes I'll have people come and they go, I just really want a relationship. I'm ready for a relationship. And we break it down. Like, what's your why? And, and all this stuff, because the most of the time when people come and they're looking for a relationship, they truly believe that then their life will be, you know, then it will be complete just like Jerry McGuire. (04:04): You know, you complete me, you really messed us up on that one, Tom cruise. But the point is, is this is that the law of the universe doesn't work like that. The law of the universe and impressing upon the subconscious mind, it only knows. Now it literally only goes knows now. And it basically just replicates whatever emotion and whatever you truly believe at at a subconscious level. And it literally has to project that out. And that's the lens that you look through. And it's actually what, you know, through law of attraction and things like that. That's actually what you're, you're creating at the, as the vibrational match as Abraham Hicks would say. So the point is, is this, is that living for someday? The issue with this is that you are pressing upon the subconscious as a lack. Something is missing and it's not here yet. (04:54): And the universe just says, and so it is something is missing and there's a lack. And it just reflects back that over and over again, you see that through the lens, you're looking through you experience that in your perception of life and so on and so forth. So let's break this down. How do you move past someday the misconception and getting present into the now? So what of course, as going through subconscious work, we deal with breaking through the trauma. Anything that's having that belief that you know, that you won't be fulfilled or that you're not worthy of love or all those things that we break through in subconscious work. But what we also do is we break through into what is your truth, because this is what I know for sure is that most successful people do not attach their success to the future. (05:41): You know, Oprah Winfrey didn't start her talk show. Like she wasn't miserable in the process. And then one day she was happy with the talk show. Like literally she, she was, she loved what she did. And she had many jobs before creating a 25 year talk show, right? I mean, obviously she loved it and she loved that hustle. You know, athletes don't generally say, I am gonna be happy when I get that gold medal. They love what they do. They love and they show up and they're, they're so present in what they do. And that's why they become the best of the best, right? A dancer, an actor, whoever it is. Yes. I'm sure that they have the vision and the hopes and the dreams of getting there. But if they're not present and loving the now and loving the journey, we hear this often over and over times with, you know, billionaires, you, when they're interviewed, they didn't do it. (06:30): They, yes, they love the money and yes, whatever, but really they love the deal. They love the process of the deal. They love that innovative factor. Right. So my question for you is if you don't, you know, what is it that you truly love doing today? And that's how you get present, right? I mean, yes, the power of now and getting present in mind and, and detaching from the future and, you know, healing the past, of course, that is imperative to do your subconscious mind, but it's a trap. And the reason why the power of now, and the reason why, um, you know, just practicing being the observer in the spiritual realm, meaning that you don't attach to the future of the past. You literally just stay right here right now. And that's great. It's a great process. It's a great tool if you will. (07:20): But the issue with getting just into the power now and not actually handing your and birthing your truth is that you'll constantly, constantly be trying and fighting to try and stay present and enjoy the here and now. So here is what I would consider living your truth. Living your truth is really getting clear about not only who you are and, and healing that trauma living your truth is getting clear of what you are passionate about. What is that exactly? What are you passionate about? What would you do if money was no factor whatsoever? What do you do when no one is watching you? And if you truly don't love what you're doing on a daily basis, like you miss the whole point of life living for someday is a trap. It is something that the movie show us and the happy ever after ending that is really delusional. (08:17): So coming back into the here and now, you know, asking yourself, what is it what's yours to do, right? Like this is not a dress rehearsal. Your life is not a dress rehearsal. Like what if today was the last day of your life? What if this year was the last year of your life? What would you do? And maybe you need to heal. Maybe you'd spend your time making amends and healing and saying goodbye to everybody. Right? And that you gotta do that anyway. But what would you do beyond that? You know, what would you do after you've done all of that stuff? You know, maybe it's that you haven't traveled enough. Well, then you need to be doing that now, along with what you'd be doing as your craft, as your career, as whatever it is that you truly love to do. So today's, you know, practice is to live in the now. (09:03): And I don't mean live in the now and just become one of these detached spiritual people that just is gonna be the observer. And you don't have any attachment to anything. That's not the type of live in the now I'm talking about, I'm talking about living so fiercely in the now and giving yourself fully to life fully to what you love and fully being you and only you and no one else. So today's universal law is a law of growth. And this states that nothing in the universe is still, everything is in motion and is designed for expansion. There is no time in the physical realm. However, in the physical realm, some things take time, such things as growth of a plant, becoming a dancer, building a home. This universal law allows us to witness and measure our ability to manifest and demonstrate through the space and time continuum. (09:51): And the reason why I chose this universal law today is because we often do live for someday. And if you are say an actor, say you are, um, a businessman say you are whatever it is wanting to become a spiritual leader. It takes time. You have to master certain things, certain skill sets, certain mindsets, certain different, you know, different aspects of that career. You can't expect to be the master the first day, right? So living for some day, you've gotta get into loving that process. It's the joy is in the journey. It's not in the destination. We know that we've heard it over and over again, but are you enjoying the journey? And if you're not, I be you to, you know, consider and get clear of how you're gonna live your truth and align to what you truly wanna be doing. So you're not living for someday. (10:45): So today's daily spiritual practice again, is to live in the now. And the question is, where in life have you been living for someday, make a list of all the things you think will make you happy someday, right? Making that list and realizing that some day's gotta be now. So create a list of things that you thought would make you happy, but you never fully accomplished or were shortlived in bringing you happiness. Right? This is the point of acknowledging. Oh yeah. I thought that would make me happy. And that didn't make me happy. It might be, you know, I thought I'd be happy when I got married and then I'm not happy. Or I thought I'd be happy when I moved into that next house. And yeah, I'm, I'm st