Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:21): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community in new thought global and society. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So let's do this thing, spiritual awakening. Okay. I have to say this is probably the third time I started this podcast. I don't know. I think anytime I have too much significance, as we know in life that it's, we have a lot of, like, we put a lot of value on this, right? So for me, I realized making this podcast, that one, I feel this deserves such a big conversation. In fact, I realize that one day it'll probably be a little bit of a biography for me down the line because my spiritual awakening is probably the most valuable thing I've experienced in this life. (01:19): And so I realized when I began to kind of put my together some notes for this podcast, I was like, wow, how am I even give this justice? And where do I even begin? And at the same time, I've had some resistance around telling my spiritual awakening, because I, I think that there's some parts of spiritual communities and things and my own self in the process where I went through a phase where I felt like I was better than in my spiritual awakening. And I realized that this is kind of one of the pitfalls of the spiritual awakening, and I never want to come across like that. And I also want to allow everyone else to have their own spiritual awakening. And I recognize there's as many different spiritual awakenings as there are, as there are spiritual beings and we're all one, but we all are the fractal of the one. And we all have our own unique experience. So I just wanna honor wherever you are in your spiritual journey and whatever experience that is for you versus somebody else. And I'm just here to kind of get real and raw and vulnerable about my spiritual journey. So here we go, you guys, okay. It says, take a deep breath into the nose (02:31): And ex sign out. (02:37): So my true spiritual awakening was a powerful decision and the powerful decision began when I was in the mortician's house. The day after I had my full term stillborn son at 22 years old. And as so many of of you have probably heard my story, but I was 22 years old and I was in the mortician's, um, home, if you will, the next day after giving birth to his body. And I was there all alone, the mortician had given me this room with, um, to just grieve his body had been in a formal to hide for 24 hours. And I tell the story all about this and going into, um, that room and, and going over to his body and crying and crying and crying. And then like a flash of light. I realized that my son was gone, but his body was still here. (03:34): And I realized he wasn't his body. And I realized in that moment that he's a spiritual being. And in that moment, I also realized that I'm a spiritual being. And I decided it was a very, very powerful decision to really hand my life over, to discovering who the hell I am, what the hell I'm doing here. What's our nature. What really matters in this life is there, you know, life after death is there, God, is there not God, why the freak are we here? And all those things. And I powerfully decided. And when I walked out of the mortician's house that day, I had no idea. I had no idea how I was ever going to figure out all those questions, but I knew that that was my obsession, that none of this stuff really mattered to me. And I didn't know how or where or what or why. (04:28): I just knew that I had to figure it out. So as I went back into my life in a marriage that I barely even knew my husband, I was 22 years old. And I think for both of us, it was just, we thought we should get married. You know, um, he was much older than me and also very much SIL UN awake. And we, I came back to this life where it was so empty and I didn't know anything. And I was living in Utah at the time I was from Santa Barbara and I, I didn't know where to go. There was, this was a long time ago. You guys, this was, um, this was what, 25 years ago. And there was not like yoga studios. It wasn't like Venice, California, right? There was nothing, there was, there was Mormon churches, right. Which was way too dogmatic for me and just not, did not call at all. (05:21): And I had nowhere to go. I didn't know where to turn. All I did know is that there was these things called books. So I began to read books and in the books there wasn't so much about spiritual awakening books. There were more like empowerment. There were some alternative books. Actually, there was seven principles of spiritual awakening by Deepak Trevor, which was a huge book for me because it said meditate for 20 minutes in the morning and meditate for 20 minutes in the evening. So I took that one thing and I did start to meditate, but that was a little bit, um, I think like about a year down the line after I'd read a bunch of books, but I began to really get on the path and call it the path. And, and I began to just dive into as many books as I could begin to dive into the conversation. (06:10): We really didn't even have the internet that much back then. You know, I didn't, I didn't even have a phone. I mean, I think very few people had cell phones back then really dating myself right now. Um, but began to, um, have enough money to be able to go to seminars. I did go to landmark, uh, seminar. And that was interesting because it did start to kind of have me shift and take a look at what was working and what wasn't working in my life and the possibilities in life. And I always say that one of the, the biggest parts of awakening for me was beginning to decide that I wanted to wake up B, but I didn't know what that looked like, but what it did look like was indicated what I didn't want in my life, what wasn't working in my life, what felt so asleep, if you will. (07:00): And so I always recognize that whenever there's something we don't want in life, this is a blessing because it's indicating to us what we do want. There's something to be known of what we do want, even if we don't know it yet. And it's always the same in the opposite signs of the coin, right? So that's one of the first spiritual awakenings for me, as I began to, I began to see what I didn't want, what I didn't want to be, who I didn't want to be. I began to see the patterns of life and observe my own vicious cycle and began to observe other people's vicious human vicious cycle. So what happened from there was I began to, um, get more and more into meditation on my own. And I began to read books around spiritual awakening. And it was a long process. You know, this was, this was back in the day when there wasn't in your face, spiritual awakening and there wasn't all the, all the, and there was, there was so many books, but there's so many more books. (07:57): Now there's so many groups, there's so many coaching. So I was really lost, you know, here I was in my twenties and I knew that I, I didn't even think I even called it a spiritual awakening. It wasn't even like a big hashtag or something. Right. Like I just wanted to be outta the pain and suffering was more what I was about. So then what happened is I began to witness my own programming witnessing what was, what was, who, who am I versus what the culture has told me, what, you know, what mattered to me versus what I had seen, you know, keeping up with the Jones, if you will. And I began to desire to come home. It almost was like, I began to be more and more unhappy. It felt like I was on this planet, but I didn't belong here. Like I was some alien here, like, how did I get here? (08:46): And why am I here? And, and I feel like I'm lost. And someone abandoned me here. You know, I felt so not in my own skin. I felt so. So not of this planet, I just didn't belong. So then what happened was I began to have my awakening and I would go into meditation for so long. I lived up in park city, Utah. I was raising my son because I had a son. I got pregnant a month to the day later with my son who now is 24 years old. And I decided to stay in Utah, even though I got a divorce. My son was two when I got a divorce and I knew that I wanted my son and his and his father to have a good relationship. So I sacrificed and stayed in Utah so they could have, you know, that time together, drink custody. (09:32): And so I would just have so much time and I would, um, I would meditate and, and do you know everything from, you know, visioning and affirmations and crystals and, you know, just, you know, waiting for the signs and, and, you know, just all the stuff. And as I began to meditate, more and more, the veil of life began to come off more and more. And so what happened as I said, in, in the beginning of my book and my introduction, I talk about a night, I'll never forget it was 4:00 AM in the morning. And I had been going into meditation and getting deeper and deeper and deeper. And it was just this incredible blissful place. And that one night, my eyes popped open at four o'clock in the morning. I was like, oh my gosh, I get to go back in. It was like this excitement. (10:22): And because if you're, you know, if you meditated all, you know that for me anyway, it is like really late at night or really early in the morning when everyone's kind of asleep. There's a clear consciousness. And especially if you're close to nature, which I was at that point in time in parks, city, Utah, really easy to tap in and get downloads if you will. I didn't know the word downloads at that point in time. But anyway, so I went into, I had us this spiritual, um, kind of my spiritual place. I did meditation in one of my walk-in closets. And I went in there, I lit the candle, I got a meditation position and it, it had to only have been a few minutes into meditation. All of a sudden, I literally like popped outta my body. I literally like had this oneness, this enlightenment moment where I could feel like I was one with the entire universe. (11:14): And I heard a voice. I heard a voice. I heard the voice. And the voice is, is yes, you hear it in a voice, but it's also, it's this knowingness for me, the voice was annoying annoyingness and my whole life changed from that moment on where I began to go, what in the hell are we capable of what really is going on here? And that's, I'm trying to remember how many years it was into my meditation and into my awakening. It was quite a few years into it. And, but I realized in that moment that I was just beginning to touch upon the iceberg of awakening. And at that point in time is when I really, really, really began to become truly obsessed with the work, because I knew there was something to be known. There was something to be experienced beyond my wildest dreams. (12:12): And, and from that point on it began actually was very hard. That next chapter of my awakening was very difficult because I began to quote, quote, channel, if you will. And this voice would come in and I would begin to, um, to get, to get downloads if you will. And if you don't know what that is, I'm sure many of you guys do know