Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:01): First live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. (00:16): May you live (00:17): Your truth (00:20): Line from Los Angeles? We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We also break through all limited beliefs within our subconscious mind, so that we can truly connect to divine, to know the truth of who we are and live the most incredible miraculous life ever. So today's podcast is titled spiritual badass master your millionaire mindset. So what does it mean to master your millionaire mindset? The truth is, is that all source of all innovation, all abundance, everything is within in the divine. And so as a spiritual coach, working with everything from celebrities to top CEOs, to soul based entrepreneurs, I've worked with so many incredible people. I've worked with single mothers, I've even worked with, you know, seven figure coaches, online, doing their mindset, getting their mindset, right, and really recognizing the truth of who they are. (01:22): And let me tell you, it comes down to very clear distinctions for all people. It doesn't matter if I'm working with a top CEO or somebody who is a single mom and wants to launch something online. The work to get clear is always the same, but let me preface that all the work we do, all the work I do with clients, all the transformational work, all the coaching work. It is all to support the actual merging of divine when you actually come into the true daily spiritual practice, but let's break on down this. So, okay. So today's podcast master your millionaire mindset. This is for you. If you're ready to learn the number one secret that stops you from making money online, most people keep trying to figure out how they keep looking out to the world. They keep taking the next course, you know, the skill set. (02:19): If I just learn the funnel, if I just learn social media, if I have enough followers, if I just do this, if I just do that, they keep thinking, how, how do I make money online? But the truth is that it's all a soul thing, right? It's all the limited beliefs within your subconscious mind that keep sabotaging you are an incredible prosperous, spiritual being. The truth is who you are, is the same source. And you created the entire universe. Your only job is to get out of the way. That's your only job is to release limitedly, clear your soul as much as possible to allow the truth of who you are to stream through in this abundance flow of currency and bringing value and expression and everything to the world. The second thing, if you really want to get clear and learn is the real reason you are unable to create financial freedom. (03:20): The truth is I work with tons of coaches and it's actually one of the common, most common things I face is they're like, I want, I, I just can't seem to break through. I'm making some money, but it's ups and down, or I, I can't get, you know, I can't even get my first client or maybe they've had a lot of clients, but they can't break through and they're, they can't figure it. It's like a mystery. And it comes into one thing of why people can't create financial freedom. And it's because it's the exact thing that's blocking them. It's desire to have financial freedom. So many coaches get into the coaching world because they want that laptop lifestyle. They want the financial freedom. They want all this, but they have forgot that that's the point is that they're living inauthentic. And the question I ask them over and over again is if you won the lottery today, if you won a hundred million dollars today, what would you do? (04:15): How would you spend your time? What do you love doing? What do you lose track of time? And the, the reason why they're not having financial freedom, because they don't like they, they don't, they haven't fall in love with the path. They have the concept of someday or what it's gonna be like to have financial freedom, but they're blocked because they don't get in the flow of loving, imagine your life. What would it be like if you love what you did so much, that you felt like you never worked another day in your life. And if you truly just want financial freedom, cuz you wanna go travel the world, you wanna do this or whatever, then let's figure out and design a business based on what you love to do. There's no point in doing one thing in order to do something that is really what you wanna do, right? (04:59): The third biggest mistake that I see people doing that has them not have their millionaire mindset to really break through is there's a big mistake that people make that doesn't allow them to 10 times their income. And the greatest mistake is that people try and do it on all on their own. They think that they, they feel all alone. It's usually a limited belief. They feel like they're not supported. And when they do begin to believe that they don't have the communication skills to actually begin to build good relationship, good team, good tribe, and all the above. So what do we do? How do we deal with this? Right? So if I'm working with clients, what, you know, working one on one with them, it's about $40,000. Now that I charge to work one on one. And the thing is we do the same work that there's core core work that we do it again. (05:56): It, it doesn't matter if it's a huge CEO. If it's a single mom, it doesn't matter. The work is always the same. The work is getting in at a soul level at a subconscious level, a spiritual level of releasing the limited beliefs, reprogram the subconscious mind, birthing someone's truth, their passion, their purpose, putting boundaries on people and places and things that haven't get out of their alignment and being able to let go of codependent relationships. It's funny cuz sometimes I'm working with, um, you know, CEOs or something and they think, well I just need to figure out money. But when we start taking their inventory and we start looking at what's really going on, it's actually their codependent dysfunctional relationships that are hurting them. That it's actually help not allowing them to be in spiritual ethics, if you will, and be able to really actually have true prosperity to actually truly believe they're worthy of it at some level, because it's keep they're in a roller coaster with their codependency. (06:55): This is very common. I mean so many, all of us, if you're human, you've dealt with codependency pretty much. Okay. So how do you walk through this? How do you really commit to this? And the thing is, there's a great story. There's a metaphor. If you will, for the warrior, that's going out to battle. And a great warrior knows that they spend most of their time sharpening their blade, preparing in mind, preparing before they go out to battle, they sharpen their blade. They sharpen their blade, they get prepared, they get prepared. And so this is the deal in society. Yes, we have leadership and that's all about business skill set going through the different aspects of your business. But the most important work that I do, whether with a CEO or whoever is their mindset, it's 99% of the success begins in mind because as you are scaling up, as you are in a gradient, cuz that's what we teach in society. (08:02): We teach you how to become the CEO of your personal professional life. As a spiritually based, you know, business owner as a spiritual coach or a spiritual practitioner or minister or doctorate divinity, we teach what it means to bring your truth and live your truth in your personal and professional life because you can't have one without the other. Right? And so in soul society membership, we, you know, it doesn't matter if you do it with us, if you do it, whatever my invitation is for you to commit for you to commit and realize that the most important thing, especially right now with everything going on in the world, the most important thing you do is to get your mind right, to master your true millionaire mindset. And we need to redefine what that means. What does it mean to have a millionaire mindset? There's so many people that have millions of dollars that are miserable. (08:55): There's tons of people, of millions of dollars that are so broke. Can you imagine having millions and millions of dollars and not loving what you do for work or having healthy relationships or having vital it's you're broke you're spiritually bankrupt. Okay. So we need to redefine as a culture, what it means to master a millionaire mindset, what it means to truly be wealthy. And so in membership in society, what we do is it's a monthly membership where we are committed. We're committed to always every week breaking through the limit, beliefs, speaking truth, doing our daily spiritual practice, breaking through the blocks so that we can live fully in alignment and love what we do and never work another day in our life and have an impact in the world. In society membership, we're committed to 10 timing, our, our income, our, we call it increase. (09:53): You increase your, the beauty and the relationship increase your abundance in your, in your business, increase every aspect of the greatness of who you are. We come together to learn the mindset that it takes to have great communication skills, to acknowledge people focusing on their strengths instead of their weaknesses. You know, there's so many incredible distinctions. I've learned over 25 years of seeking truth and being in leadership programs and, and paying for coaches myself. And so in society membership, this is what we do. And I'd like to invite you in, you know, if there's somebody out there and you're somebody who's bitched my podcast, there's lots of people that binge the podcast and you're really ready to take it to the next level. Or maybe you're already in soul society. Maybe you wanna refer a friend because you've gotten a lot of value out of the community. (