Spiritual Psychology Coaching | How to start dating after you give up on dating

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

In this week's episode, Liz is struggling to start dating again after giving up on dating. She doesn't know if she is intuitively feeling like she isn't connecting with anyone or if she is just shut off. How to go from being a 'codependent anorexic' to a divine Goddess, embodied as love.  How to break the cycle of being an 'anorexic dater' and embody being a divine Goddess. How to stop thinking all or nothing. How to honor your inner knowing, but still stay open to loving the eternal now. In this episode, we breakdown the difference between giving up on dating and staying open to receive all dimensions of love.   We go through a divinely guided coaching session, assisting her to pattern interupt and stay in her divine presence.    What you will learn in this episode: How to distinquish between past emotional baggage vs. intuition How to surrender to a higher-way of loving How to take responsibility for your emotional well-being      In this week’s podcast, we are diving into Sex, Love, & Recovery! In this episode, I'm talking about how to start dating when you've given up on dating. ✨    Sex, Love, & Recovery Series... ⚡ Are you ready to break your negative relationship patterns? ⚡ Are you ready to live on spiritual principles and no longer make your partner wrong? ⚡ Are you ready to align with your highest vision and magnify your love frequency?    Anorexia Love Addiction: This is a pattern of completely stopping dating past the point of taking a healthy break from dating. It is similar to an anorexic who completely stops eating and, in turn, hurts themselves from nutrients they need. We need love and connection for mental health.  Disclosure: We do not believe in 'titles' of addiction or dysfunction. However, we make the distinction of titles for people to understand the human vicious cycles so they can rise above them.    Relationships can be challenging, even highly successful people struggle in there relationships. Approximately 9 out of 10 relationships have challenges and problems. Our culture has been ill-programmed with romantantic movies, dysfunctional families, and sexual objectification. In my opinion, we are spiritually bankrupt as a culture and our relationships are suffering because of it.    The coaching sessions on the podcast are not Spiritual Psyhology Coaching sessions nor are they E4 Trauma Method® sessions. The podcast is for call-in's and are not real coaching sessions. In Spiritual Psychology Coaching sessions we go into deep soul work, where we reprogram the subconscious mind via E4 Trauma Method® regressions and past-life regressions. We birthing the clients relative truth and discover their soul's purpose. Also, the guests on the podcast show are not in our membership or in our accredited coaching programs.    💎 Join Soulciété Membership HERE  💎 Join the FREE Spiritual Awakening Manifesting Challenge HERE 💎 Join my FREE Spiritual Community HERE 💎 Get Accredited in E4 Trauma Method® HERE 💎 Get Accredited in Spiritual Psychology Practitioner Coaching HERE   Binge My Podcast Series: Heal Your Trauma Series 52 Universal Law Series Money Breakthrough Series Spiritual Awakening Series Relationship Recovery Series Live Your Truth & Reprogram Your Mind Series Metaphysical Bible Series    Speaker 1 (00:00): Welcome to the Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin. Dr. Divinity. I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you together, we're awakening the world. Okay? Our next caller is Liz. She's in from Fort Lauderdale. We actually met at the yoga Expo a little while back, and I'm super excited to dive deep into this conscious conversation around love and sex as well, and relationship recovery. So how are you, Liz? What's going on?  Speaker 2 (00:55): Well, well, thank you so much for having me. I'm such a fan. I love your work.  Speaker 1 (01:02): It's so beautiful what's going on. We all struggle with relationship. It's one of our biggest, it's on our heart for all of us. We want to have beautiful, intimate relationships, and everyone struggles, all the leaders as well. We all have to live on principle. So thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your heart with us today. What's going on?  Speaker 2 (01:19): Yes, absolutely. Well, so I've been single for the last four years. I have not even been on a date, so I'm very rigid and I'm trying really hard to break out of that. For me, it's either zero or a hundred, and I guess I just don't connect with men on that level. It's really rare and everyone always gives me such a hard time about it, but I don't even know if I can even explain it. It's either I have to be really interested and invested and feel that chemistry or I don't want anything to do with it. And so it's challenging. It's challenging because I'm like, is it just, and I have these ideals, of course I have just an idea of who my person is, but I'm like, is that not realistic? Does he not exist? Yeah.  Speaker 1 (02:08): So let's break this down because one, I want to say that I took some years off of dating myself, and I'm not going to give you the traditional jargon today. And there may be people listening in like, oh my gosh, that's awful that she's doing it. Other people are going to be listening and saying, oh yeah, everyone needs to have time on their own, whatever. So what I do is I'm not give advice, okay? It's against my ethics as a coach, but what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring us back to spiritual principle for you to birth your own relative truth. But I first want to get a little bit more. I have some more questions. Okay. So in the last four years, have you not dated at all or you've dated, but just not interested in it?  Speaker 2 (02:47): Not at all. At all. No one has piqued my interest. I haven't even given my number to anyone. It's been zero non-existent, crickets, nothing.  Speaker 1 (02:57): Okay, cool. Okay, cool. And do you mind me asking how old you are? Not that matters, but I'm just curious. I'm trying to get a picture around all of it.  Speaker 2 (03:05): Yes. I just turned 36, 2 weeks a week ago.  Speaker 1 (03:09): Okay, cool. You have one of those looks. I can't tell if you're early twenties or close to four because you have one of those ageless looks to you. You know what I mean? Yeah.  Speaker 2 (03:16): Yes, totally. Very young face.  Speaker 1 (03:18): Okay, so let's dive into this one. On a scale from one to 10, meaning getting really vulnerable, okay, you're talking to yourself in the mirror. Okay. Would you say that you were like, I am just completely content. It's almost like something's wrong with me, I don't need it at all. Or is it I really want relationship, but something is, would you feel like you're totally content in this, or do you feel like you're really kind of suffering because you aren't having intimacy  Speaker 2 (03:47): At this point? Well, I'm content. I'm very happy. I have feeling life. I want it. It's been so long and to the point where I'm suffering a bit because I miss it been years.  Speaker 1 (04:01): Okay, great. Thank you for being honest and real. There was a point in my years of not dating at all where I literally was like, I am one with the universe and I really just don't even miss it. But then there was a shift also where I began to go, oh, it would be nice to have a beautiful divine partner. Okay, I'm hearing that's where you're at. It's not total suffering, but there's definitely like, okay, let's live a human. We're here for this human masterclass, not just our divine masterclass, right?  Speaker 2 (04:32): Yes, absolutely. I'm like, alright, universe. I've done the solo thing. It's been great. I've traveled, I've had fun, but now it's like I don't want to do this alone anymore.  Speaker 1 (04:46): Yeah. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. I think we stuff it down so much sometimes and we pretend like it's all good and I'm all good, but when we actually get real with ourselves, we're like, well, it's not actually how I want to live. Exactly.  Speaker 1 (04:59): One, I want to acknowledge you because I think it's only 26% of people are actually in long-term relationship. So what you're going through, many, many people are going through. So I don't think people even acknowledge and realize how many single people and alone people. There's a lot of loneliness in our culture because even if we're alone, we may not even have a real big support system as well. So I'm just holding you as a voice for millions and millions. So again, thank you for coming here today. Okay, so let's break this down. So anytime I'm dealing with a couple single person, it's always going to be the same core work, which is what is the false identity that is projecting into our relationships? Our lack or our relationships or marriage doesn't matter. It's the identity. So when it comes to love and relationship, what do you just intuitively feel? Are your limited beliefs, your identity around relationship?  Speaker 2 (05:58): I think a part of doesn't believe that that person is, I believe that maybe my ideals just aren't realistic and no one is going to be able to match that. So okay, great.  Speaker 1 (06:13): So traditional, maybe people would say, oh, well, let's just get rid of those limited beliefs. And that's not true, and the perfect partners out there, but I'm going to play this a little bit different. Let's pretend that there is not a perfect partner. Let's pretend that that is a bit delusional to think that one person could fulfill all your needs, all your expectations, and that you're right. Let's just pretend that for a minute. Knowing that knowing, let's just take it on. We're playing a caricature in a play. We're going to try in those clothes, a new piece of clothing. There's no perfect person out there. Who does Liz want to be in her expression of love and intimacy.  Speaker 2 (06:52): I want to free and loving and empowered and happy.  Speaker 1 (06:59): And when I say that, I don't necessarily mean, Hey, go out and just sleep with somebody and be free and be happy, whatever. I think that there's a dance, right? Because I'm very much the same. I can get into that all or nothing. There needs to be the perfect person, otherwise I'll just not do anything knowing that there might not be that perfect person, but there also maybe isn't just let go of all morals and principles for yourself and be expressed. So where's that dance? Keeping Liz safe in a sacred space, but a place where she can be expressed intimately and doesn't deny herself that for the rest of her life, what could that look like from a place of possibility?  Speaker 2 (07:38): Yes. Yes. And that's what I'm trying more to do. So I'm so rigid, it's just so challenging for me. I'm like those on a nun in a past life. I'm like, no, girl.  Speaker 1 (07:51): We're like sisters. I feel like my girlfriends are the same. We're born to be nuns. We don't even relate to end of this stuff, but we're here for our human masterclass.  Speaker 2 (08:02): Yes, exactly. And that's just feeling free and just being in the moment and enjoying it and savoring those moments and just enjoying and being present without me being like, no, this isn't what I feel like. This isn't what I, I'm picturing, so this is acceptable, if that makes sense.  Speaker 1 (