Spiritual Psychology Coaching | Shift Your Money Mindset

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

During this uncertain financial time, I want to help you claim your birthright of prosperity. Most people struggling with money will stress out, harm themselves by hustling, and point their finger at the world for their situation. In a culture, where we glorify the all-mighty dollar and fantasize about being an influencer-celebrity, it is normal to feel 'not enough' or experience 'imposters syndrome.'  I’m going to share my #1 secret to mastering my Money Mindset In this week’s podcast episode, I take Karen through a divinely guided coaching session to assist her to get back to the spiritual principles of abundance, prosperity, and monetization.    What you will learn in this episode:   How your money mindset is keeping you broke How to make the greatest money mindset shift to become a true spiritual leader How to align with the Universal Law of abundance and claim your birthright of prosperity.      Spiritual Psychology Assessment   E4 Path of Empowerment: Experience: Resistance > Flow Evaluation: Judgement > Acceptance Emotions: Effect > Cause Enlightenment: Divided > Divine      💎 Join the FREE Spiritual Awakening Manifesting Challenge HERE 💎 Join my FREE Spiritual Community HERE 💎 Join Soulciété Membership HERE 💎 Get Accredited in E4 Trauma Method® HERE 💎 Get Accredited in Spiritual Psychology Practitioner Coaching HERE   Binge My Podcast Series: Heal Your Trauma Series 52 Universal Law Series Money Breakthrough Series Spiritual Awakening Series Relationship Dysfunction Recovery Series Live Your Truth & Reprogram Your Mind Series Metaphysical Bible Series   Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of Soulciété Community & Spiritual Psychology School, Master Manifesting Mentor , TV Host, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother.   Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Psychology Practitioner Coaches.    Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Ancient Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.   “11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes   Disclaimers: This podcast and show is for entertainment only. Please, seek medical and professional advice. Dr. Erin is not a medical doctor. She is a doctor of divinity and teaches spirituality. Earnings and income representations made by New Thought Global and Soulciete, Erin Fall Haskell, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. Do not reuse this content. See our Terms Transcriptions:  Speaker 1 (00:00): Welcome to the Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin. Dr. Divinity, I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you. Together we're awakening the world. Okay?  I am so excited for this next caller. So Karen, how are you?  Speaker 2 (00:42): I'm great. Thank you so much for doing this, Dr. Erin.  Speaker 1 (00:47): It's super fun, right? We just get to get in here and dive into consciousness and, and hopefully whatever you're going through, um, we can serve others by just diving deep into consciousness, for sure.  Speaker 2 (00:59): Mm-hmm. . That's it. That's it. Exactly.  Speaker 1 (01:02): Yeah. So tell me what's going on.  Speaker 2 (01:05): Well, I'll tell you, um, for whatever reason, I have done lots and lots of work, um, and, and overcome any number of things. And now I help others do the same thing. I'm just not bringing in the income to, to really be able to help myself pay my bills. I went into major debt with all of my trainings through the last 20 years. Mm-hmm. in this world and, uh, in this work. And it wasn't until 2018 that I started getting clear and being able to help myself so I could help others in a way that was authentic and caring and loving. And that's who I am. I think I like to think that anyway. And yet for whatever reason, I, I have no problem stating what I charge.  Speaker 1 (02:13): Mm-hmm. . Okay, great. So today, as, as you know, we're not gonna be getting into the skillset 'cause there's a lot of stuff business-wise that I'm, we can help you with. Okay. But, and we maybe can get into that for a few minutes after, after we get into the session. As you know, you know this okay. That we know that 99% of the success is, is energetics and mindset and, you know, 1% skillset. Okay. We know that. Um, so there's an important thing here. 'cause when I'm looking over your sheet here, it says, where in life are you feeling stuck? And it says, creating soul, fulfilling income that allows me to enjoy my life and enhance others' lives. Yeah. And there's such an important distinction here, and I'm saying this not only for you, but for me. Okay. And for so many, this is, I think the most important thing.  Speaker 1 (03:06): It's my, this is like a distinction that is, if there's one distinction I could tell myself, this is the distinction. Okay. I'm gonna read it again. Okay. Where in life are you feeling stuck? You wrote, creating soul fulfilling income that allows me to enjoy my life and enhance others' lives. Okay? Mm-hmm. , damn, damn, damn. If our divinity work were to sum it up into one thing, it is, may we not put anything before God and God. Some people will be like, oh, I hate that word. Whatever you wanna call it. Source divine. The power that be within. Okay. If we need income out here to enjoy and to enhance other people's lives, we have now handed our power over to the external world over to money. And the most disempowering part about money is handing our power over to money. You know this. I know it. We forget it all the time. Every day.  Speaker 2 (04:20): Yeah, it absolutely. Um, and you're, you are right. I know that I, I look at, at money as a wonderful tool, basically. Yes. But it is, it is still there. It, it is my driving force mm-hmm. along with spirit. It is my driving force and, and my spirit and my is telling me, yeah. Yeah. Karen, you got it. You got it all. You got it. All right. Here you are ready to rock and roll.  Speaker 1 (04:52): So what I see with, with people is a few things. Okay. We have a money story. And money I think is such a, such a beautiful conversation for transformation because it is. 'cause our culture puts so much significance on it and so much identity. And it is almost like we, we idolize the almighty dollar in our culture. And I'm all about it, girl, you know, that I'm all about prosperity and living abundantly and having beautiful experiences. However, we know factually that income does not equate to happiness.  Speaker 2 (05:31): Absolutely.  Speaker 1 (05:32): Okay. You know this already. I'm not, I'm preaching to the choir. Right? Okay. But this is really a conversation for both of us because it's a remembrance every day for me. Okay. And I know lots of very, very successful, very, very successful people that are not happy necessarily. Okay? I know that's not where you're coming from, but I'm here to say, Karen, that you are divine all knowing, all powerful spiritual being and you know that, okay? And you at some level have signed up for the masterclass. We wouldn't, we wouldn't even be in this field if we didn't sign up to say, please universe, hire self god's sores within, show me the way to become the most empowered version of myself. Is that not correct for you?  Speaker 2 (06:24): That is totally correct for me, Dr.  Speaker 1 (06:27): Yes. I totally get that for you. Okay. And we think, oh, you know, I can just do a little bit of meditation here. I can dabble it in over here. I can get enough distinctions to help people, to coach them, and to do whatever. I can get enough skillset and maybe I'll be able to make money, or maybe I won't be able to make money. But what I know and is the, the hardest masterclass of all of it is that we have to put divine source, God source first. That the money and the impact and the full leadership will never truly happen until we put that first. Which means if my bank account is at zero, I am still putting source first to know that that is my only source. That that is my source for innovation, that is my source for becoming magnetized, for to be, you know, pulling in and connecting with the highest resources and, and, and community and whatever it is, right? That it, there is, that must have, that has to be first to enjoy. My life cannot be contingent upon how much money I have. It's the opposite. When I become so enjoyed in spirit, I automatically inspire. And yes, I need to learn some skillset as well to build those funnels or do whatever it is that I gotta do. You know? How does this feel for you?  Speaker 2 (08:09): It's a good reminder. It is a great reminder because I, I don't connect with source every day mm-hmm. , and yet I do know that that is source is my greatest. Yes. Um, I, I, as a matter of fact, just before coming on your podcast, I was connecting through my cards and spirit. Yes. And as you were speaking, I felt my guides with me. Mm-hmm. always guiding, always telling, showing me the way. Mm-hmm. . Yes. And, and actually that's why we are here today. I know what it was sourced that had me open the email and the opportunity to be guided by you.  Speaker 1 (08:58): Yeah. I see you on so many levels. I see you absolutely as a, as a leader, as a woman, that that is fully embodying her highest version. And we need each other to remind each other the truth. I speak to you as if you are my best friend, because my own best friend would be saying the same thing to me. It's time for the world, for coaches, for spiritual, for science, for religion, whatever, across the board to know that we have to come home and, and drink from the only, well, there is for true wealth, true success. And we know this through the book, like 40 Days of Abundance, which is something every leader, every person should remember throughout any time they think, oh my gosh, I don't have an enough of enough clients, or Oh my gosh, I don't have enough money before we even get to the skillset.  Speaker 1 (10:03): Because trust me, I've put out lots of funnels that, that don't do well if I'm not in the right energetics. Okay. So it's not just about discovering the skillset, like getting back to that 40 days of abundance. I'm sure you've done it. There's 10 basically statements of truth that help us remember that prosperity is not out there. That even the dollar bill was created by man and is worthless. That it really is a symbol of the exchange of energy. And that if we remember that all innovation, all, everything is only from one source. And that if until we're in that source, nothing works in our business anyway. So I believe this is a divine appointment.  Speaker 2 (10:49): I agree. Mm-hmm. , I agree.  Speaker 1 (10:52): And as leaders, we know that wherever we're struggling, the only way that we get to be held accountable is to actually give it. So my invitation for you is what can you create in your business or on social media or with your girlfriends or with whatever, to hold yourself accountable in remembering the true prosperity within?  Speaker 2 (11:15): Oh wow. What a great question. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. And I really don't have an answer for that, but it's a wonderful question.  Speaker 1 (11:25): Great. We don't have to have the answer right now, because only divine can answer that deep in prayer and meditation for yourself.  Speaker 2 (11:32): Yeah. I know. Like I said, as you were speaking, I could, I could feel my guides here and I truly do and am so grateful for the guidance. Yes. That comes through and the abundance that I have heaven nose, and there's so much I wanna be able to do mm-hmm. and to share. And I want to be able to do this. And unfortunately in our