Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your truth, live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle, align with universal law and love our lives. We also come together as a community in society with the vision of being the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. Our mission is to awaken a billion people globally. And how we decide to do this is by basically developing world class spiritual leaders. So let's do this thing you guys, so you can follow me also at Dr. on Instagram, Facebook, and around social media. That's D R E R I And you can check out soul society, which is S O U L C C I E T or on Instagram and stuff like that. (01:02): So, today let's talk about this, about symptoms, about health, about wellness, you know, as we come together, knowing the truth and awakening to our highest self, we have to understand that everything is the out-picturing of consciousness. So symptoms, any symptoms you're feeling are the divine signs that we're not in alignment, right? So hippo said, illness does not come upon us out of the blue, these symptoms. They are developed from small daily sins, as he calls it against nature, would enough sins have accumulated illness will suddenly appear. So when I was going through ministerial and getting my doctorate, knowing the truth, we would always know the truth about health. That, that the same was that there's only perfect health. And I remember thinking, how can cancer be perfect? How can diabetes or obesity, or, you know, depression or whatever, be perfect. It was something that was like, kind of like my, my one kind of like this doesn't feel right. (02:11): And when I came to really understand, and when which finally like aligned with truth, and I finally got the perfect health thing is that there's always the mental equivalent, meaning that whatever is, is going on within mind within someone's psyche, which with the cultural, you know, consciousness is always the perfect reflection in health of everyone. And when I got that, I think that there's one thing that we have to realize in health to have it become a perfect health, to have us have the realization and the epiphany that there's only perfect health. And for me, that was understanding that we're not our bodies. We're not, we're not our bodies, that we are eternal, immoral, spiritual beings, and that whatever we're experiencing in these bodies is really the, the experience of our use of consciousness in the 3d realm. And when I fully got that, and I understood the true nature of who we are, I realized that cancer is not bad. (03:13): It's just the experience we're having of the culmination of everything we've chosen as a culture and as an individual and as a collective. And that, that becomes our ours to do it becomes our, our thing to overcome. It becomes our thing to have a voice for, and the legacy for us to realign the culture and ourselves to, to true health. So, you know, one day a client came in for a subconscious session, you know, because the point is, is this is that I've dealt with a lot of people at different realms and some for health, but mostly all because they want more money. They want love, and they want health and vitality. Those are the three primary reasons why people come in for subconscious work. Okay. So one day a client came in for a subconscious, um, session, and she was basically addressing trauma. She wanted to be more powerful and deal with what was going on. (04:09): So she had been raped a couple years back, and it had been really affecting her ability to date. So she came in really for love and relationships. But prior to beginning the subconscious part of the session, you know, we began to ask and explain all about what happened. She had been on vacation. She had, you know, basically been locked in a car and, and raped, um, the backstory around all of it. And we're in the middle of this session, doing trauma work, where basically in trauma work, we go over the incident, we reexperience it and, and really feel all the emotion, feel the anxiety feel whatever's there and basically flatten out the charge around that. Re-experiencing and generally what happens with the clients is they have these big epiphanies. They begin to see things and the decisions that they made for themselves about life and about others. (04:56): And in the middle of the incident, also, she stopped is like, she had this huge epiphany and she, she was looking off at the air and she goes, oh my gosh, I just realized something. She said, I realized that I've been having all these health problems ever since my rape, I put on 20 pounds, I've had adrenal fatigue, I've had a chest infection. I cut my eye. I realized all these things was, I was avoiding these things that were making me sick. And she realized in that moment that she had this huge epiphany around her rape and how actually she's taken on all these things. So basically that she, because there was so much stress involved in it, that it all, all these symptoms had come up for in her health. And she realized that it was basically her higher self communicating for her to do this trauma work for her, to do her inner healing for her to wake up. (05:51): And she was basically having all these, all these incidences that were basically showing her that she was off. She, she needed to get back on her, her truth. She needed to heal from this, and she needed to take back her power from the rape. So the point is, this is that, let me ask you a question. If health is our most precious possession, why are we experiencing the highest rate of cancer, diabetes, obesity, stress, and depression our country has ever faced. And the point is, this is that, what if I told you that you could live a life of vitality, longevity, and wellness through doing your trauma work? I have seen miracles happen through trauma work. I've seen people grow back their hair. I've seen back issues go away. I personally actually experienced that myself. I've seen miracles happen in the body when we do the traumatic work, because what happens is when we have trauma, our emotions bed in the body, and then the symptoms come out in, in bizarre forms, usually eating, you know, obesity, things like that, diabetes. (07:05): A lot of it comes down to emotional things. And look, I'm not a traditional doctor. So I can't tell you any of this is a cure. But what I can say is the things that have experienced in my own clients and myself. And for me personally, when I did my subconscious work, my diet, my, my, I had like low blood sugar issues. And they, majority of all of 'em went away. I had back trauma issue from a car accident and every pain I had in my body went away. And I've seen this over and over with myself and with clients. So the point is, this is that each person is, every cell has an intelligence, an infinite intelligence, an innate healer within it. And our job is to get outta the way our job is not to cause that vitality it's already who we are. (07:56): It's the true essence of who we are. Our job is to get outta the way and how do we get outta the way we need to cleanse the body? And we need to deal with the trauma so that we can release whatever emotional things going on. And so that we can basically allow the cells to do what they do. We need to cleanse the cells and we need to give the cells and nutrients and the miracle that happens that infinite intelligence that healer within does its work. Our job is only to get out of the way. And so today, wherever you're having to, you know, symptoms, I know that this is the divine calling. It's the calling to say, Hey, wake up and do the work, wake up and do your inner work. You know, properties talks about sin when he talks about the signs. (08:44): And I believe what he is talking about is the simple law of cause and effect missing the mark. We call sins in new thought movement, or in signs of mind, we call it missing the mark of your, your true desires. There's no such thing as sin. Like you're going to hell, there's just missing the mark. And as we miss the mark of what we truly desire in our life over and over again to the law of cause and effect, we start to experience more and more of hell, right? So, you know, hoes was a brilliant man who revolutionized medicine in ancient Greece. He was the person who established medicine as a profession. And at present date, every medical doctor that graduates from medical school takes the APOs oath. Unfortunately it has been dramatically altered from the original doct doctrine. And the thing is, is that we are missing the mark around the point that nature has the answers. (09:39): Nature has the answers for our health. And we have the, the, the answers we just need to get outta the way we need to remove ourselves from toxic environments. We need to remove ourselves from dysfunctional relationships. We need to heal ourselves from the trauma that is living in our cells, as emotion, as disease, knowing poor health, fatigue, backache, insomnia, anxiety, depression, diabetes, cancer, health attacks, all these things. These are, these are dis disease that lives in the body. These are the symptoms of something going on at a core core area. You know, we have obesity like incredible obesity in America. I think it's 34% or something like that. 78% of millions of Americans have obesity. I'm sure those numbers have changed, but we have just anxiety disorder. We have depression symptoms are divine signs from your higher self telling you that you are not living in alignment with your truth symptoms are divine signs from your higher self telling you that you're not living in alignment with your truth. (10:49): It's time to wake up. And so today the daily spiritual practice it's to listen to your body and universal law today is a law of perfect health. There's a law of perfect health. And this states that the universal law is the Axiom that whatever is going within your health is the mental equivalent of what's going on within consciousness individually and collectively. When we get out of alignment with mother nature and universal law, we experience ill health within you is a born intelligence and an innate healer capable of restored harmony wellbeing, and vibrant vitality. When the body is bogged down with toxins and negative emotions, it can't function properly from a spiritual perspective. Disease is spirit, your higher self, communicating that individually and collectively we're out of harmony with life symptoms within the body, such as poor health and illness are the relative and inverted experience of our use of universal energy. (