The 3 Things You MUST Master For Success

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hi Spiritual Superstar!  Did you know that science says that only 8% of people reach their goals?  Did you know that people with coaches or accountability have a 65% greater chance of reaching their goals? In this week’s podcast, I am sharing the 3 Things You MUST Master For Success. In this episode, I'm talking about my core framework for you to, not just survive but THRIVE during a recession or any economically challenging time. ✨  What You Will Learn:  ⚡ How your Mindset directs energy upon Universal Law to create success! ⚡ How a lack of strategic Skillset will hurt people’s relationships, businesses, and life! ⚡ How to trump any recession by being developed in an Expertise.  Wednesday Webinar:   Binge all podcast series:  Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcripts:  (00:00): Are you ready to become unstoppable? If you do, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. I'm gonna break down the three things you must master to massively monetize your spiritual gifts and make an impact in the world. You may be somebody who doesn't want to turn your spiritual work into a business or make money with it. And that's okay as well, because I'm gonna break down these three things that you need to master. Whether your business is your family, whether your business is whatever, whether you have a job or you are a sole based entrepreneur or coach or leader or practitioner, no matter what I am here to give you a gift today. So today I'm gonna share three gifts with you of how to not only survive, but thrive. Let's do this. Here we go. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity. I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma, healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you together. We're awakening the world.  (01:20): Hi, my soul family. I am really honored to be here with you today. Whether you are out on a walk or taking some time to settle in and come into the divine space within, or whether you're cleaning your house. I don't know what you do when you're listening to this podcast, but I want you to know that I've been where you are. No matter if you're in incredible space, whether you are in a lot of fear right now in your life and struggling. I want you to know that I'm with you right now in my heart and in my mind, and in the spiritual nature, knowing that we are definitely one and my biggest heart's desire is one thing it really truly is to help people end their suffering and awaken to the divinity, their divine nature, the power within. And so today I would like to share with you really three things you must master in order to not only survive, but thrive no matter what's happening in the world.  (02:24): And I know right now, we're going through some crazy times, right? There's man, there's been so much over the last few years. It's really almost hard to even believe everything that's gone on and there's inflation and there's unknown of political things. And there's so much fear out there in your face every day on social media, on your phone, in your emails everywhere. But what I know for sure is that the truth prevails. I'm so certain of this, and I'm so certain that as we master our mind, that we absolutely can really not only again, just survive, but we absolutely can thrive. So I wanna share with you today, three things you must master to massively monetize your spiritual gifts and make an impact on the world. So you may be somebody who doesn't want to turn your spirituality into a business, and that's okay, because you're still going to wanna have efficiency in your life.  (03:28): You're still gonna wanna be able to create an amazing family or friendships or experiences for your life. And so business is not just about business. I think it's one of the things we have to overcome that business is really just as much our spiritual work, that it's really becoming efficient in our life to be able to, to powerfully create what we want to experience in this lifetime. So I invite you to open up your mind right now because I'm gonna share three things that I realized after going through so many things in going through the recession in 2008 and going through my own ups and downs and being somebody that came from no money, going to the thrift store, growing up, having to wait tables, to put food on the table, as my son was young and coming to a place where I had to dig so deep into my soul to really find the truth and take bold action and really take a leap of faith. And I've come to some profound truths. And I'd love to share them with you here right here right now.  (04:34): So who am I speaking to exactly right. I'm speaking to yes, of course. As you guys know, I certify, we accredit date everything from soul-based entrepreneurs and we train spiritual psychology coaches and people in E four trauma method, along with our spiritual psychology master practitioner program. And we train and develop teachers, new thought wisdom teachers. And of course we train and develop. We're launching out the doctor divinity training, but what we also do is we work with people who just want to do their deep healing work. We really actually, it'll probably end up being the biggest part of, of my message and our biggest clients that we work with are people that just strictly wanna do transformational work, right? So who am I speaking to? I'm speaking to anybody that truly wants to do their healing work. Anyone that really wants to master their own mind and wants to not live in fear anymore.  (05:29): That wants to get over and say, dysfunction in your relationships. Trust me. I know it very well is codependent for many years or somebody. Who's trying to figure out how to manage their money, whether they wanna be an entrepreneur, whether they have a business, whether they're in a job, whether they're in a corporation, regardless, you are your business, doesn't matter if you work for a company or not. You still have to understand how to become the highest version of yourself and be able to manage all that. So I'm talking to anybody that really truly cares about knowing myself and becoming the most powerful you can be. So let's break this down. This is really for anyone who's committed to becoming the highest version of themselves and desires to create extraordinary transformation for themselves or the people in their life. Okay? Everything that we work on in soul society, in the spiritual psychology school and all the work that we do, I've worked with top CEOs.  (06:23): I've worked with top celebrities. I've worked with many different levels of women and men across the globe. People who had zero people that were very, very traumatized having major issues in their mental abilities, all the way to people who are absolutely very advanced spiritual beings. This works on anything. This work works on anything. That's a cool thing. The cool thing about spiritual psychology is it doesn't matter. What's happened to you in your life. We don't measure what's happened to you in your life, and we acknowledge everything that's happened to your life, but it doesn't matter who I'm working with. Doesn't matter if they come in with relationships and, and love issues or career issues or health issues, or they're trying to birth their soul. The framework that we use in E four trauma, the framework that we use in spiritual psychology coaching, the framework that we use through triangle and all the processes, the metaphysical processes, the profound deep soul clearing is the same exact processes for each and every client.  (07:22): The conversation and the distinctions might be different, but the processes are identical. That's, what's so cool about the work that we do, that when we train somebody's work, it doesn't matter what their niche is, who their avatar and client is or what they're really solving. The processes are identical, because guess what? Energy is energy and energy cannot be destroyed. And the only way to transmute energy, there's basics of metaphysics, there's basics of metaphysics. And you have to know these basics. We're never taught. We have these, these vehicles called this body, right? And we're never taught how to use the vehicle. We don't have an owner's manual. We just get plopped into this thing with parents that generally don't know how to use their vehicles, right? Like we have not learned how to master the mine. We have not learned to, to master this incredible temple that we live in.  (08:17): So I invite to get focused. I invite you to really get that a miracle can happen for you right now. And we don't believe in miracles in that we believe that miracles are only glitches in your current belief system. What we believe in is you, I believe in you. I know no matter how far down in the dumps you are, no matter how crappy of a situation you have right now. I know for a fact, the truth of who you are. I know that you are here to do great things. I know that you are here to heal your lineage trauma. I know you're here to clear out all limitations and stand on the shoulders of all of the great wisdom that has come before.  (09:01): And I just take a deep breath, deep breath in together and exhaling out. And I wanna break down these things for you. Okay? The number one thing that you need to learn to master that I realized when I was going through really hard times, right? I realized that I had to master my mindset, my spiritual mastery, right? I had to master my mindset. There was no way I was gonna be able to deal with the dysfunction in my relationships, the fear of the world out there news and all the insanity out there without mastering my mindset.  (09:44): And of course, how do we do that? Exactly. Because we have clients that come in and they've, they've done a lot of work. They've taken a ton of courses. They think they've actually done their trauma work. They've gone to, you know, all different transformational seminars and they've read a lot of books and they may have meditated quite a bit, but I'm gonna tell you that I hear this nine outta 10 times, I'd say from clients and they go, holy, how I thought I had done my spiritual work. I thought I had done my trauma work. I thought I had done my inner work. And they're like, I had no idea how much was still in there and how deep we go in E four and how deep we go in these processes. I've had therapists that have come to train with me. I've had traditional Western doctors come to work with me.  (10:32): And they're like, holy cow, this is has similarities to cognitive therapy. But it's way deeper. We go way down into its like a weed. You can't just cut off the weed. Right? If you go out with a weed whack or what happens, the weeds just get stronger and they come up even more fiercely, right? It's like, let me pretend that I'm gonna be positive. It doesn't work. Okay. You can't just reframe stuff. I always say it's like, you know, making a, a chocolate pie out of cow shit, right? It doesn't work. So we have to go into the soul at the epigenetic level, right? We've gotta actually go onto the part of the DNA. The part of the epi, which is be above, that actually turns on and off your genetics that is actually playing out as a subconscious processing that has you not be able to actually complete cycles.  (11:27): It has you sabotaging your relationships and your success. It has you in stuck patterns. It has you sad, even though there's nothing even really to be sad in that moment, it's like it's playing out the, the past pictures for the cautious records. It just keeps pulling up pictures. You can't get over things. You keep trying, but something is missing. And we call this the key. We all watch the secret documentary, but there was something missing in that whole concept of law attraction because law attraction works. Universal law works. We teach universal law. But if you don't deal with the trauma and the subconscious mind and actually transmuting, transforming transmuting, the actual energetics and releasing it, then it doesn't matter what you think logically because your subconscious is just gonna play out on rote. So how do we do this? You've gotta get in and you've gotta do the E four.  (12:27): You've gotta do deep, deep trauma is the number one thing. Okay. You've gotta first match that. You've gotta master your mindset and there's more to that, right? You wanted to go beyond just trauma. You wanna go into actually getting clear of what are your core values. You don't think, especially as young girls, we're not taught what our values are. We more for ourselves, a lot in the old school, ways of morphing to be some way that the culture told us so that we're gonna be a good enough for, you know, somebody to love us. Right. For me, I can't speak for anybody else. For me. I didn't believe in, I didn't have enough, any self worth. I didn't have any self worth. How could I have self-worth when my parents didn't even know how to love themselves and they didn't definitely didn't know how to love me at that point in time, since then we've healed and we absolutely love profoundly with each other.  (13:09): Okay. But you've gotta get in and do that deep inner work. Number one, especially if you wanna monetize, right? There's so many people that are saying their coaches and they're hot mess. Let's face the fact, I remember very well saying I was a coach and I actually didn't even have a client. I'd had a client, but I had no clients. I didn't actually know how to get great transformation for my clients. So I didn't even, I sabotage even getting clients, right. I would go around, try and, and do all this work. But I actually didn't know how to actually do the deep work. It was great in consciousness. I could talk about all the spiritual stuff I had, all the jargon. I could talk about all of it, but I actually wasn't living at a soul level. I hadn't experienced in a deep, profound way, or I had gone in and done a bunch of, a bunch of spiritual meditation.  (13:56): I'd gone outta body and I had these mystical experiences, but then I'd slam back into my body and into my triggers. As soon as I was around, you know, any family memb