The Art of Coaching Vs. The Business of Coaching

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

The Art of Coaching Vs. The Business of Coaching - How to receive creative Divine Downloads Grab Your FREE Money Breakthrough Series: Grab Your FREE Manifesting Challenge: Join my live events, membership, & certifications: Binge my podcast:    Hello my spiritual community! 🤩 Topics: Rick Rubin: The Creative Act: A Way of Being. Steven Pressfield: The War of Art How to tap into the creative flow and receive Divine Downloads  2024 is all about sh*tting or getting off the pot “ Get to living or get to dying” Membership In-person events Larger & retreats.✨ UNIVERSAL LAW OF MENTAL EQUIVALENT [50 OF 52] “Use your imagination to create your dreams into reality” All of life is the out-picturing of the mind. Individually you can know someone's beliefs because you can simply witness their life and see what beliefs they are embodying and demonstrating. Collectively, we can observe the manifestation of the One Mind by the circumstances of the cultural environment. Cosmically, we witness the divine correlation of the cells of the body and the entrainment of astronomy.  AWAKEN THE ORACLE WITHIN: By pulling this card, it indicates that you must wake up and realize that life is the ultimate mirror of your consciousness. Who you are being and how you are living indicates the exact beliefs you are embodying. If you don’t like what you are experiencing, it is up to you to reprogram your subconscious mind and re-direct energy upon Universal Law to manifest and demonstrate a life you love. Imagination is the secret to creating your dreams into reality. The lesson of the day: Rick Rubin's new book, "The Creative Act: A Way of Being," explores various principles centered around creativity and the artistic process. Key takeaways from the book include: Creativity is Universal: Rubin emphasizes that creativity is a fundamental human trait, accessible to all, and not a rare ability limited to a few. The Essence of Being an Artist: Living as an artist is described as a way of being in the world, marked by deep attention and perception. It involves tuning into subtleties and embracing creativity as a daily practice. The Timing of Ideas: Ideas are seen as having their own timing; they will manifest when the time is right, sometimes through others if not acted upon. Creation Beyond Commerce: The act of creation is portrayed as a journey to transcend the ordinary and share the glimpses of one's inner world, rather than merely producing for commercial purposes. Nature and the Inner World: Rubin draws parallels between the richness of nature and our inner world, suggesting a deep connection and unity between the two. Following Your Energy: He advises trusting and following one's intuition over external advice, highlighting the importance of personal judgment in the creative process. Overcoming Creative Blocks: The book suggests viewing each project as a small, initial step in a larger journey, to help overcome overwhelm or paralysis in creativity. Creativity as Free Play: Creativity is likened to childlike play, free from strict rules and structures, encouraging joy in the creative process. Types of Doubt in Creativity: Rubin differentiates between self-doubt, which can be paralyzing, and doubt about the quality of work, which can be a motivator for improvement. The Multi-Faceted Self: The book acknowledges the complexity of the self and how different aspects can be in conflict during the creative process. Limiting Rules in Art: Rubin advocates for a beginner’s mind in creation, warning against the constraints of too many rules. Experimentation and Completion: He outlines the phases of creation: collecting ideas (seeds), experimenting, crafting, and completing. Each phase requires a different approach from the artist. Innovation and Polarization: Innovative work is seen as likely to divide opinion, and Rubin suggests that the artist's love for their work is more important than universal approval. Not Hoarding Ideas: The importance of using your best ideas now, not saving them for later, is emphasized, suggesting that creativity is an infinite resource. The Artist Types - Experimenters vs. Finishers: Rubin identifies two types of artists, highlighting the need to balance experimenting with ideas and bringing them to completion. Internal Success: Success is defined as an internal experience, not necessarily linked to external markers like popularity or wealth. Learning to Tune Out Distractions: The book advises learning to focus on the art itself, tuning out external pressures and distractions. Waiting for Creative Rhythms: Similar to surfing, artists are encouraged to be patient and wait for their creative rhythms, remaining aware and present. The Role of Advice: While advice can be helpful, Rubin cautions against following it too rigidly, emphasizing the importance of finding one's own path. Following Excitement in Creativity: He advocates for following what excites and energizes you in your creative pursuits. The Elusiveness of Sincerity and Truth: Rubin discusses the challenge of capturing sincerity and truth in art, suggesting that striving for perfection in this regard can be counterproductive​​.   Binge My Podcast Series: Heal Your Trauma Series 52 Universal Law Series Money Breakthrough Series Spiritual Awakening Series Relationship Dysfunction Recovery Series Live Your Truth & Reprogram Your Mind Series Metaphysical Bible Series   Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of Soulciété Spiritual Community and Spiritual Psychology School, Master Manifesting and Metaphysical Teacher, TV Host, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother. Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Entrepreneurs, E4 Trauma Method® Coaches, Spiritual Psychology Master Coaches, Spiritual Practitioners, New Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity. Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level. “11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes Disclaimers: Earnings and income representations made by New Thought Global and Soulciete, Erin Fall Haskell, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. Do not reuse this content. See our Terms   TRANSCRIPTS:   (00:00): Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life.  (00:29): I want you to know that I've  (00:30): Been exactly where you are and I  (00:32): Believe in you.  (00:33): Together we're awakening the world.  (00:37): Hi superstars. Today I want to break on down really the art of coaching versus the business of coaching. I know so many people out there really are having desire to help transform the planet, help heal people, help people do their inner soul work, but a lot of people don't dunno how to make it into a business. So I really want to talk to you a little bit about my own personal struggle as the founder of spiritual psychology, school and society, and someone who's built a multimillion dollar business. So what we're going to do today is we're going to know the truth together with the spiritual mind treatment. I'm going to share a little bit about what's going on for me and my own leadership. And then I want to talk to you about a book that I've been reading by Rick Rubin, the Creative Act, a way of being and break on down a few distinctions for me that are really helping me.  (01:24): And then of course go over the universal law this week of the Spiritual Waking Oracle deck as well. So let's do this thing. So it's first take a deep breath. We put our hands together. We do this actually because there's tons of nerve endings and I'll take off my glasses so you guys can see my eyes as well to connect. Okay, so let's take our hands together, taking together, connecting the right and left hemisphere of the brain and connecting the heart with the brain, the mini mind and the mastermind. This isn't about some man in the sky. This is about the Christ consciousness within the Buddha consciousness, within the divine source, within the God source, within whatever you want to call the nameless of the nameless, we do affirmative mind treatment, scientific prayer and spiritual mind treatment, taking a deep breath in.  (02:14): And I just come at as divine presence and gratitude, recognizing this incredible world of the dynamics of the light and dark, the yin and yang, the ups and downs, the suffering and the blessings. I recognize the ability to create heaven and hell, the ability to know total abundance and abundance of scarcity as well. I recognize the division and the divine that is within all of us. And I recognize today is a divine day to realize that there is a mental universe that we live in. There's a mental universe of the equivalent of everything. There's a vibrational match of our entire life. And so we know that all life is like a mental picture of a film being made of this universe, this 3D matrix. And I just know that today I choose to create a life that I love that is in alignment with my highest authentic self.  (03:04): I simply know this, it is done as together we say, and so it is. So I'm set in love and light to everyone across the world, knowing there's lots of people suffering across the planet, in the wars, in addiction, in sadness, suffering in silence, suffering in loneliness, suffering all levels, and also recognize the miracles going on in this planet, the beautiful divine miracles going on in this planet. And I just say yes to life. I say yes to all dynamics of life. So if you're here for the first time and you're just learning who I am, I am Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity, I am a metaphysical teacher and I am the founder of spiritual psychology, school and society community. I'm a mother, I'm an international bestseller. I'm the Walden Wisdom Award. I with 1600 spiritual centers at Oprah Winfrey, Greg Braden, Michael Bernard Beckwith. I'm the creator of spiritual awakening Oracle deck cards and the book Awakening as well.  (04:04): And as you can see, I have a podcast called Dr. Air across all podcasts things. So let's break this down. Every week in our community, we have a universal law that we embody. And this week's is the mental equivalent. So this basically states, I just want to make sure this is up here, that really and truly that we live in a mental universe and that everything is a vibrational match. Everything is equivalent, everything you can see. So you could take a look at your life right now and you can think, huh, what are the out picturing of my relationships? Are they strong? Are they thriving or are they dysfunctional? Discordance up and down. They're all a mentally equivalent of what's happening in consciousness. They're showing you exactly where you are in consciousness. And that doesn't mean that you necessarily manifest say something in a relationship like a cancer or someone dies.  (05:01): It doesn't mean that you necessarily manifest or that was a good or bad thing, but your relationship to whatever occurs is the belief around it. Two people can have the same exact situation. Maybe two people are married to alcoholics and one person is battling it and staying in vicious cycles all the time. Whereas another person is like, they go, thanks, but I'm done. Or they stay in it and they don't make 'em wrong and they place their boundaries, whatever that is. There's two people that can have the exact same mentally equivalent showing up in their life, but how they relate to it's completely different. So the mentally equivalent is really taking a look at what's out picturing in your life, what's out picturing in your relationships and love what's out picturing your career and money, what's out picturing in your health and vitality? What's out picturing in your purpose and calling again, it's about the situation, like something's wrong with you if you're calling in a situation, it's about how you relate to it.  (05:58): So in this, I'm just knowing that here, that life is all about the picturing of your relationship, your experience to it. And so your beliefs set the precedent of how you are seeing it, but you need to know that collectively we manifest from one mind. So all of life, right? The wars, it's not like one person is creating that. The collective has created that, and we're all responsible. So you can take a look at life and wherever you are resisting it, wherever you are having strife around it is actually the divine appointment for you to rise into your leadership, to heal thyself, to heal others in that, right? So by pulling this card, it indicates that you must wake up and realize that life is the ultimate mirror, that life is the mirror, and that whatever beliefs you have, life is showing that exactly where you are ready to heal and become the highest version of yourself.  (06:53): Okay, so each week what I'd like to do, I'll be coming here with different interviews, different lessons and teachings. I teach spiritual psychology, practitioner coaches, I train and accredit them. I also teach what's called the E four trauma method. That is quantum healing and quantum manifesting. So we do all kinds of things from trauma healing to understanding the universe, to understanding how to repro the subconscious mind. And so each week I'm going to come in with a different lesson, some call-ins, I'll be doing call-ins here and interviews and all kinds of fun thin