Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your (00:05): Truth, (00:09): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in soul society, committed to being the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when someone awakens, they have a gift and message and to bring to the world, and we are committed to awakening a billion people across the globe by developing world class spiritual leaders. So let's do this thing you guys. So today we are gonna talk about the cause talking about health and wellness and the culmination of consciousness, really the cause is the culmination of consciousness. We know it all begins in mind. Socrates said there is no illness of the body apart from the mind. And this is so true. (01:01): So reflecting back on working with clients around health, generally, I don't have people that come for to work with me around health. A lot of times they're dealing with money relationships, and, um, I used to work with a lot of addicts. So I remember one year, this was a long time ago. This was like around 2010. I was actually putting a couple of clients through a cleansing program. And one of them was actually had struggled with drugs, um, throughout the life. And the other one just felt they needed to cleanse the body and they were just kind of going through a cleansing their life. And so they began to go through this intense, um, sauna work, um, taking niacin and supple and oils and tons of water and spending a lot of time in the sauna to sweat it out. I'm a true believer that if we wanna cleanse, you know, we can begin to cleanse by, uh, drinking juices, whatever I prefer to do sauna work, cuz I believe it goes outta the skin and you don't have as much of a side effect of all the toxins going through the body. (02:00): In fact, I believe that a lot of people, um, can cause more damage by dislodging a lot of toxins and having it go into their organs and things like that. So I'm a big auto, uh, sauna person. So anyway, I was taking these two clients through, uh, a sauna cleanse and it was interesting because I witnessed one of them, the one who had done a lot of drugs began to basically have all the drug residues come back into their body as they were doing the sauna work. And they actually began to get high while they were in the sauna. The other person who just basically wanted to cleanse his life, um, noticed that, you know, he went through some side effects as well. He also noticed that his hair started growing back while he was in the sauna. There was like, all these different side effects were really fascinating, but over the course of a couple weeks, they began to cleanse it all out and it began to really flush out. (02:52): And at the end of the two weeks, they both basically both came to the realization that they felt better than they ever had in years. They felt more clear. They felt just better energy. They had mental clarity. All the, their skin looked better, everything was better. And the point is, is that when we are awakening, it's really important that we've gotta deal with whatever's going on in the body. So it's really hard to deal with people cuz majority of us have dealt with pesticides in our, you know, bodies or drugs or alcohol or whatever that people have tried over the course of the years. There's an intelligence and it's almost like the body wants to remember the substances and keeps it in the fat system because it's a, it's easier way of dealing with it than actually having to, you know, put it through the system. (03:41): So when I'm dealing with clients, ideally it would be amazing for everyone to be able to go through a pure purification cleansy process. Not everybody can, but I highly, highly recommend I've witnessed miracles, literally people growing back hair, um, just all kinds of awakening, uh, things happening life, just getting better for people through this process. So as we get into the depths of what it means to have health have vitality, we have to recognize that it all begins in mind. It's a culmination of consciousness, but we have to understand that culmination of consciousness can out picture into the, our environment, right? What we chose to do always began in mind, what we chose to do as a culture in our environment, as we chose to do, you know, whether we did drugs or alcohol or whatever that is. But the, we have to remember that it all began in mind. (04:36): Everything begins in mind, even the environment that we choose to put ourself in or the environment that we choose to create. So even though we do have to deal with the physicality, even though we do have to deal with that, we have to go back to the power of decision in mind. And so in this, I know that restoring harmony, restoring wellbeing, restoring vibrant vitality, we have to deal with the toxins in our body. We have to deal with the toxins and our emotions and so on and so forth. You know, um, it is said that 90% of all health related visits to the doctor are stress related, right? So what's worse for you, a candy bar or getting upset, not sure about that. Um, Dr. Alexander Haskel, um, has a simple analogy of a scale stating that at the birth, the scale is tipped to the right side, which represents health and on the right side, all the natural ability of the body. (05:36): And as we grow up and get more toxins from the environment and our food and our emotions, the left side of the scale begins to burden down and we begin to get out of, out of sync. And so we have to cleanse and detox and remove those things from the left side of that scale so that we can come back into balance. There truly is an intelligence that can create miracles in the body, but we have to get out of its way. Our work as our spiritual work is not to, you know, we're already divine. We're already that intelligence. Our job as human beings is to, to cleanse, to get rid of the limiting beliefs, to get rid of the toxins that is our work to do always. So, um, also having authentic life, you know, living in alignment with our truth and everything else is so incredibly important, but so we all know this there's an intuitive factor with all this. (06:31): And so we know that the conscious mind, the subconscious mind all comes together spiritually in what's basically considered the limbic system in that gut feeling that vagus nerve that comes right into the, the, the core of our stomach, that gut, that's why we call it the gut. There's a gut intuitive factor that supposedly links in the spiritual mind with the conscious and subconscious mind. All right there, we know, we know when we're in alignment with that solar plexus, we know when we're in alignment with our truth and with, um, what's best for our highest good. And so we have to tap into that all points in time. So the question is, how do we get into the high energy? How do we get away from disease? We know that it is done through of course, reading the body of toxins, rid the mind of limiting beliefs. (07:21): It comes to an interesting study with Google, Google, who is a universally, you know, profound company that basically has 120 internal trainers delivering the energy project. They actually came up with what's called the energy product project. And what they found is that people need to align to their, their highest vibration through being in alignment with their purpose, to being in alignment, with physical emotion, mental emotion, and spiritual emotion. And you can do this by getting in alignment with your truth basically is what Google is finding. You know, it's kind of funny, right? So we know that toxins and what's happening in our world is crazy. 41% of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. And around 21% will die from cancer. Um, research is showing now that the environment causes of cancer is really one of the primary sources. And so we have to know that we have to consciously choose to put ourselves in healthy environment. (08:21): So my question for you to ponder yourself today is are you in a good environment? Are you in a healthy environment? You know, emotionally and with the food you're eating and everything else that is a choice and a deci a decision in mind. And so treating the symptoms is great, but we really have to get to the cause. And what is the cause? The cause is always consciousness. What are you choosing to do? All this ease is spiritual. And so again, we've been brainwashed to this concept of that. It's external and in the book, the B excuse me, biology of belief, um, Bruce Lipton, uh, states that only 10% of destiny of health is through our genes that we literally turn on and off genes, depending on again, the environment that we put ourselves in and how do we choose that by the power of our mind? (09:10): And so we have to know this universal law, this intelligence that breathes as you and me knows, you know, Dr. Andrew wheel MD states that one half of all adults suffer adverse effects from stress. One half of adults suffer adverse effects from stress. And we know that the moment that we assign a negative or positive mean to anything, we have a positive or negative emotion and feeling that comes with it. So really becoming mindful and understanding what works for you. What does not work for you? Are you putting yourself in environments around EMFs, all the toxins from your computers and your phones? Are you having GMOs from your food? Are you having pesticides, chlorine in your water fluoride in your toothpaste, pollutants in the air? This is the decision. This is called waking up. It's not always easy because it takes responsibility. And so today the challenge of the day is to align with mother nature. (10:07): The universal law today is the law of mentalism. And this states that there is a divine source and intelligence inherent in all of life. It establishes and regulates the phenomenon of how elemental forms of matter relate. This law dictates the chemistry, biology, and science, and the mechanics of the world. This natural design brings structure and standardization to create in a context of organization. This is a mental universe and it is a law of cause and effect. And so, again, the challenge today and the daily practice is to align with mother nature. I challenge you to go for a walk in the park, watch the sunset or sunrise, make a meal with whole