Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to society, the shift to the triage movement. So you did so truth live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community, in soul society. We're the number one, spiritual coaching community, committed to enlightenment empowerment and entrepreneurship. We are assisting people in awakening to their divinity awakening, to their life purpose and helping them manifest their dreams. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and our mission is to awaken a billion people globally. So today's podcast is one of my greatest honors, I think I've ever done. In fact, I'm gonna get a little choked up. So today I wanna talk to you about recovery. Um, I'll never forget. There was a moment I had, um, ID gone through codependency. (00:59): Um, some of you guys know my story. It was probably one of the biggest kind of addictions of my life. And I didn't even realize that it was an addiction because it was just such a normal programming that I had had from the culture. You know, really being a woman thinking I should catch a man or making my relationship, my source of joy, which meant that it instantaneously would also make it the source of my suffering. And I had been through, you know, a few dysfunctional relationships and then one that was extremely bad, um, with a kind of celebrity, Grammy winning artist that, um, was an addict. And I realized that I had major co-dependency through the process. So as all things, um, our greatest suffering is oftentimes our greatest blessing. So I was, um, I had had great, um, recovery and really had had triumph over it. (01:52): And it had really gotten me into a deeper, deeper place within my spiritual practice. And one day, um, I hadn't gone to, um, a 12 step codependency thing in years and I thought, well, I'm just gonna go check it out because I haven't been a long time and I really miss some aspects of it because there's some parts of 12 step meetings that are really amazing. You just come together for an hour and, and think about some distinctions. And, and I don't totally align with the 12 step world sometimes because I feel that it puts God outside of the self. And I think it's confusing in some level of, of labeling yourself as whatever addict, but I really loved some things like that. It helped me break the cycle and that it helped bring, um, fellowship together, um, for just having, you know, inexpensive meetings. (02:42): So I was sitting there one day, just kind of, I thought I'd just pop back in and, and just experience it. And I thought, man, I wish there was something like this with the distinctions that I really believed in, which is universal law and metaphysics and all the things and realizing that God is within. And I'm sure that 12 steps actually is totally in alignment with that. I just feel that the language around it wasn't totally in alignment and it didn't, it didn't go beyond kind of, it helped break the cycle. That was the one thing. But so I was sitting there and I was thinking, man, I really wish there was a free meeting or something for people. Some they can understand universal law and science and mind and metaphysics and things like that. And bring the teachings into an hour long meeting where people can do this globally. (03:29): And I had this epiphany and this moment where I thought, well, fuck, why don't I just create that? You know, it's really simple if you really seek something that is your calling, right? So I remember leaving that meeting one day and I thought I have to do this. There's so many millions of people that deal with everything from codependency to addiction, to whatever. And I truly believe that we all are addicted at some level, meaning that if we place any of our identity or our joy or suffering outside of myself, I believe that that is the core of all addiction, all suffering, all disempowerment. And so I have created something that is an hour long kind of program for people that is free. That is something that I'm gonna give away as a freebie that anyone can download. Anyone can use to do a meeting on their own, to do a meeting with a friend or to hold meetings for groups. (04:30): And it's called soul society recovery. And it is a worksheet that is, um, a process for people to take, um, themselves or a group through in one hour. And I'm gonna walk you through the process, not for the whole hour, but I'm gonna give you some of distinctions in here. And then at the end, I will give you the link so that you can download it for free and use it in your life, or give it to somebody as a gift that you feel I could really benefit from it. So I wanna actually read a little bit of this, um, to you. I have to grab this document real quick, hold on on my computer. So society recovery, there are four principles of recovery that we live by within society, and they are number one to wake up, wake up to the truth of who you are, a divine, all powerful and all knowing spiritual, being the extent to which you hand your power over to a substance, a person or a thing is the extent to which you will have created the experience of being powerless. (05:31): You are whole and complete exactly as you are, and always have the power of choice. Number two principle is reprogram, reprogram your subconscious mind and transform your life, release the trauma and limited beliefs. Let go of your limited story, reclaim your divine power by shifting back to the truth of who you are, your true identity, that I am recover. The truth of who you are and the power of consciousness. Number three is line align with universal law and your unique divine expression, harmonize with your core values and commit to embodying that, which you seek. Let go of all dysfunction and discordance create healthy and loving boundaries, a tone within and witness miracles in your relationships in all of life. The fourth principle is affirm, affirm your truth with your daily spiritual practice. Live the principles you desire to embody with every thought you think every breath you take and every relationship you build affirm daily, the truth of who you are by merging with your higher self, through meditation and prayer and so on and so forth. (06:44): Visualize daily, the person you desire to be and witness the reflection to the mirror of life. Affirm with every word and choose is choose to speak, listening to your intuition and honoring the voice within practice, practice, practice. So in society, we have spiritual principles that we live by. These are what is in the lineage of new thoughts, science and mind metaphysics, okay. Spiritual principles. And I'd like to read these to you. This is on the document as well. We believe there is one power in this universe and it is love the living spirit almighty within one indestructible, absolute and self existent. Cause this one manifests itself in and through all creation, but is not absorbed by its creation. The manifest universe is the body of spirit and it is the logical and necessary outcome of the infinite self knowingness of the expression of love. We believe in the individual expression of spirit in us and that all people are the individual and spirit, the microcosm and the macrocosm experiencing being divided. (07:57): But eternally divine, we believe in the eternality the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul forever and ever expanding. We believe that heaven is within us and that we experience it to the degree that we become conscious of it. We believe the ultimate goal of life is to be completely free of all discord of every nature. And that this goal is sure to be obtained by all, through our conscious awakening. We believe in the unity of life and that the highest God and the innermost God is one God. We believe that God is personal to all who feel this indwelling presence. We believe in the direct revelation of truth through our intuitive and spiritual nature, and that anyone may become a revealer of truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling presence. We believe that the universal spirit operates through a universal mind and that we are surrounded by this creative medium, which receives that direct impress of thought and acts upon it. (09:07): Furthermore, to the extent we align with universal law is the extent to which we experience our divinity. We believe in the healing of a sick and control of conditions through the power of mind. This one mind is the unity of the individual consciousness, collective consciousness and cosmic consciousness. We believe in the eternal goodness, the eternal loving kindness and the eternal givingness of the entire universe and all of life. And so on that note, we have daily spiritual practices that we do as well. So the first daily spiritual practice is meditation. Each day, we connect with our higher self through the mediumship of meditation, building the eternal relationship between the individual self and the cosmic itself. This is a union of yoga of the mind unleashing the experience of divinity mindfulness. Every waking moment we choose to stay present, purposeful and powerful. This is the practice of realizing the sacred moment and our ability to profoundly manifest with every intention thought and action language. (10:16): Each day, we practice using the power of word for the highest good. We realize that each word we speak has the ability to create our world into existence. We inform universal law, our subconscious and the people in our lives. By the words we choose to speak visioning. Every day we practice two types of visioning. First, we ask our higher self to deliver our vision to ourself. Second, we Afro we inform universal law of our vision by focusing our mind, creating vision boards and mental pictures and energizing our vision with feelings and intuition is the next daily spiritual practice. Every day, we allow the highest guidance within to lead our way, bringing truth through our heart and taking action in the highest path, affirmative prayer. Each day, we affirm truth reprogram our subconscious mind and inform universal law. By speaking our word, backed by feelings affirmations every day we state AF affirmations of truth. (11:18): Embody the consciousness we desire to embody service is another daily spiritual practice. Each day, we give our love to the world through tithing time, talent, or treasure. We are spiritually fed through giving of the heart. And finally closing with the promise before a affirm of prayer. Today, we choose to know the truth of who we are powerful, divine, spiritual being. Today. We choose to remember that the extent to which we hand our power over to a substance, a person or a thing is the extent to which we w