Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to society, the shift to the triage, the movement. So you did (00:08): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity teaching universal law science and mind metaphysics. And of course, teaching spiritual coaches how to kick ass and take names. Okay. So let's do this thing. We come together each day to know the truth, live in spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in society, committed to being the number one spiritual coaching community in the world. We're all about enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. And we truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and we are committed to awakening a billion people globally. So today we are in the 52 series of universal law, and yes, there's only one law and it's basically the law of cause and effect. It's how spirit creates into form through this thing, this 3d form and this body, it's all about how we manifest, how the hell are we doing this thing? (01:00): Right? So these distinctions really help you understand, and basically help you realign with truth because a law is basically is one with your subconscious mind. And it basically, it is the out picturing of what's going on at a soul level. So, you know, you are the individual, you are the collective and you are the cosmic consciousness. And so as we align and remember who we are, we will experience having more and more freedom we'll experience more and more of our power we'll experience, more and more of choice and free will to create an extraordinary life that we love. So today's law is a lot of oneness. The truth is that there is one presence, one mind, one spirit, and one life source, which is divine love this law, unifies all people, places and things. And it is interconnectedness of all of life, the past to present. (02:00): And the future you are energetically connected to all of life. Your individual conscious mind is connected subconsciously to the subjective mind, which is connected to the collective consciousness and the cosmic consciousness. You are the divine individual and the universe co-creating in the most brilliant way. So I think that the law of oneness really is the basis of what we're teaching. Um, what I love about spirituality or metaphysics or science of mind or unity, or any of the lineage of new thought that we're really teaching and trying to understand how we are connected to everything and everyone. And for me personally, I think that what that does is it helps me to understand that whatever I'm experiencing in my relationships or my relationship with health or my relationship with money is really, really the out picture of what's going on at a soul and subconscious level. (03:02): And therefore it gives me choice. It gives me choice to understand that if I can create, you know, discord, then I can also recreate in harmony and have an amazing life. So I remember years ago kind of experiencing my division, if you will, the opposite of oneness would be pretty much feeling like the world is against you or feeling like you're divided or lonely or whatever it is. Right. So years back, a lot of you guys know my story. I was very co-dependent. I would be up and down in relationship. And, um, my kind of what I would consider my last kind of, um, very dysfunctional relationship was with an addict and, um, don't know, dunno how I ever even got in that situation. But I did. And here I was, I was in a relationship with someone who I really had fallen in love with. (03:59): And, um, he was a kind of famous musician and was, um, dealing with addiction and he'd try and get off the wagon and get on the wagon. And, um, and I just remember feeling like none of it added up like, like how could life be so cruel and how could it be, you know, so heartbreaking. And when you start to look and, and align with the law of oneness, I started to realize that this was really life giving me a gift in some manner that it, this, this man was here to serve me in my awakening to serve me in, in developing my self love and also to understand and realize that I still love him to this day. Doesn't mean I would wanna be with him, but it, it still was the lesson. And I think the lesson outta oneness is whether you have an enemy, whether there's politics that you don't like, whether there is, you know, a heroin addict on the street that we have to find and realize that at some level, this is the blessing and this oneness that it's here to have us awaken to our highest version of ourselves and to take on, you know, and recreate what we do wanna create in this world. (05:13): So the truth is that everything is the connectedness of what's going on at a soul level, from an individual, from a collective, from a cosmic level that we have to realize that in this oneness, that even the heroin addict is born of spirit, that their spirit is well, you know, and that everyone is sisters and brothers, and that everything's happening right now. You know, from a spiritual perspective, there's no such thing as the past or the future. There's really just right now. And that's really what we teach in soul society. It is a lot about doing our inner work and our trauma work because the truth is this, whatever happened in your past, didn't happen in the past. It's actually really happening right now. So if you're not complete on everything in your past, then it's gonna be, it's gonna be, you're gonna be traumatized right now. (05:57): You're gonna be upset right now. It's gonna be at a subconscious level. So recognizing that there's only oneness, there's not past or future that right now, we're connected to everything everywhere. Right now, there is only eternal life right now. There is everything going on in your psyche that's that needs to be, you know, freed up and healed. So in this oneness, I recognize this one presence, one mind, one spirit, one life source, and this divine source. So as we go through the four steps, which we always go through, which is waking up, really taking a look and recognizing that this is all one thing going on, it's all from spirit. And it's all from the outpatient of what's going on within my individual consciousness. So if I'm having discord in my relationships, I have to wake up and recognize that that's because I have limited beliefs that I'm projecting out that have to be reflected out through the life, back to me, right. (06:50): Waking up and seeing my oneness, seeing that it's all from this one source and people get to create heaven or hell right here right now, the second step is to reprogram, you know, if I wanna reprogram and recognize that anywhere that I feel like I am divided from somebody anywhere that I feel like I'm the effect of something, then I need to reprogram that I need to go in and do my trauma work and, and realize, and remember who I am and get back into meditation and, and understand and experience the oneness. Recognize that I have choice. Once I recognize it's all coming from source, I get to be the one I get to be the one that makes a difference. I get to be the one that I've been waiting for. I get to be that all of the above. Thirdly, I get to align, align with the law of oneness. (07:35): I get to remember and align with that through every step that I take along the way I get to align with mother nature and realize I'm one with the earth. I'm one with all the food that I put in my mouth, right? I get to align and ch choose how to align to my specific truth as well. What works for me? What doesn't work for me. And then last I get to affirm every single day and every single way through my daily spiritual practice, my oneness through really going in and expanding consciousness to the point where universal laws come in, like the universal truth and, and energy comes in, right? That's how one, that's some yoga I get to firm every day. And the words that I speak, recognizing that I'm not divided in anywhere that I speak ill harm to others, it will be reflected back. (08:22): I get to affirm through how I've envisioned the world to be in harmony as one. I get to affirm every day in listening to my intuition that knows, and is connected to all of life and guides me with precision. And so today, as we step in realign and remember the truth of who we are, which we are the law of oneness, I am one with everything. It's not like some concept that I get to take in and, and use or not use. Like I am one we're, we're one period. And as I know this, as I remember this, as I don't resist this, my life gets easier and more powerful and beautiful in all areas of life. And so in this, I just know that you are divine. You are the source, you are spirit. And today, as you recognize you are the one, you are one with everything, everyone, all of it may, you live with freedom and power and choice. And also knowing that you have a unique truth of that oneness. So have a beautiful day. And may you live your truth. (09:17): Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin podcast. If you've had a call to be a spiritual leader or coach, you can go to and check out our free training. If you receive value here, I would love it. If you take a moment and give a five-star review in exchange, I have a ton of free gifts for you. Grab your free awakening book, 40 guided meditations, and a digital manifesting masterclass. I also have free money, meditation, and a worksheet for you. So you can begin to break through your scarcity mindset and claim your birthright of prosperity. You can get all of your gifts and learn about our upcoming transformational events in my bio link on both Instagram and Facebook. That's under Also, I'd love to invite you into our free private community on Facebook, under a group called Soulciété, which is Have a divine day and may you live your truth.