Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): Welcome. If you're looking to break through your limited beliefs, birth your purpose and live a life beyond your wildest dreams. This podcast is for you. Hi, I'm Dr. Aaron. I'm a doctor of divinity, founder of society, TV host, global transformational speaker and author of the international bestselling book. Awakening society is the number one spiritual coaching community, committed to empowerment, entrepreneurship, and enlightenment. We truly believe that you have a gift and message to bring to the world each week. I will bring you interviews with thought leaders, helping you with tips on how to mass your mindset and skill set. So you can have success in your personal and professional life. Next you'll find spiritual coaching on how to reprogram your sub subconscious mind, release your trauma and limited beliefs and birth your purpose so you can live your truth. Next is business coaching where you'll learn how to launch your business online. (00:58): And my favorite Collins where I'll coach live. One-on-one one favor before we begin. If you get value from this podcast, please subscribe, write a review and tell a friend it's important to support people and communities that you feel are doing good in the world. Reviews really matter. Also, let's be friends on social media. You can find me at Dr. That's D R E R I I hope you enjoy today's episode. And may you live your truth life from Los Angeles. Today's podcast is called the miracle of prayer. So if you are anyone that is dealing with any kind of angst, anxiety, confusion, loneliness, frustration, grief, or any of the above sadness, even depression today's podcast is definitely for you. So out in the world, there is lots going on. There is lots of fear around, um, different economical, political, and health related issues right now, as there usually always is a cycle. (02:01): And today I wanna talk to you about the miracle of prayer. Uh, the other day, it was interesting because I had this moment and I was in my car. I was driving along and I realized I was really stressed out, which is not very often for me. And I kind of checked in as I always do whenever I'm stressed. And I was like, what's really going on for me. Is it that I'm, you know, wanting to move out of LA, is it that, you know, I need to take the company to a, another level. I started like scanning through my life, you know, and all of a sudden I kinda like giggles a little bit. And I was like, uh, hello, Erin. It's cuz you haven't been doing as much meditation and prayer lately. And this is what always happens. You always start to get a little bit disheveled, start questioning things, feeling a little bit more anxiety inside. When you get out of your practice, it's not as strong and sure enough, I came home later that afternoon and went straight into a very long prayer and meditation. (02:59): And I came out feeling so grounded, so good and so clear of everything in my life. And the point is this is that the core work that we do in soul society that we do as anyone who has a spiritual practice is basically twofold in its primary work of, of inner work, which is one releasing all limiting beliefs and no longer, you know, the divided self, the ego itself. If you will, we come back to that true identity. And number two is we do not place any power outside of ourselves. Those are like the two fundamental basics of spirituality of realizing and restoring your power. Okay. The primary work really is then choosing to, you know, be expressed instead of being the effect of anything in the world. So the power of prayer is the power to restore the truth of who you are. So I just invite you right now to take a deep breath in through your nose team as much air as you possibly can and holding in suspending the breath and excellent out through your mouth. (04:12): And just recognizing that right here, that anywhere that you are feeling not fully at power, there has to be a lie. And what the miracle of prayer does is it restores the truth of who you are. It expands consciousness to know that you are the source. So, you know, if you're dealing with money issues or angst or fear or anything around money, what happens in prayer is it awakens new possibility, new innovation, new ways of recognizing different ways of coming to overcome any obstacle that you're dealing with. If you go into prayer and you're dealing with love, maybe you are heartbroken or maybe you feel lonely or maybe X, Y, and Z in prayer. What happens is you awaken to the expression of who you are, which is love. You. Can't get love. You are love. You are, are emanating. It you're emanating it, right? (05:10): If you are dealing with health issues and you go under prayer, what happens is you awaken into the truth. You're not your body and you always, always have choice to choose something new for your life. And maybe that may be going to deal with medical stuff, or maybe that is, you know, going off to balling and cleansing, whatever that is for you. You have a truth within you when you pray. And that is the power of prayer. If you're feeling stuck or feeling like you're bored, or you don't have creative expression, what happens in prayer is you become present to the divine flow of who you are and your unique divine expression. So we have to really define what is prayer, because I think so many people are confused of what prayer is. And quite frankly, prayer and meditation are really one and the same. (06:03): Okay? Affirmative prayer and metaphysical. Prayer is one. And the same as meditation in that, even meditation has a spectrum on it. Meditation has one side of the spectrum where you basically EMP empty your mind and allow the universal truths to stream in. And now the other spectrum of meditation, it's, it's contemplate, it's contemplative or single centered meditation, which is basically prayer. It's, there's really no difference. Prayer is expanding your consciousness to know the truth of who you are, and it is directing energy upon your subconscious mind and upon the universal mind so that you can demonstrate and manifest embodiment of who you need to be in order to have what you desire. So prayer is never about getting anything it's always about becoming something. So in your prayer, as you go into, and if you are feeling angst or fear or whatever, I have no problem with that. (07:05): I always, I think if you're human, of course, you're gonna feel those S what I have a problem with is if somebody is not willing to do something about it, and again, I'm fine with that, but the people around you don't necessarily need to hear you bitch about it and get fear about it and, and then do nothing about it, right? It's not fair. Everyone has their own issues. Everyone's dealing with their own stuff. It's not fair to just, you know, basically throw up on other people, all of your crap, and then not be willing to do something about it. I'm all about dealing and expressing with negative emotions and dealing with grief and dealing with heartbreak and dealing with whatever. As long as you are ready, once you've expressed it and acknowledged it and grieved it, that you're ready to do something about it. (07:54): Prayer and meditation creates miracles because miracles are simply glitches in your current belief system. I'll say it again. The miracle of prayer is it expands your mind beyond your BS, your belief systems, your current belief systems, which releases into what is potential and potential is where miracles lie. Potential is where all things are answered. All innovation, all answers around prosperity, health, wellness, love, expression, all the above. And so, as you go into today, taking in prayer, there's many different ways of praying. We use what's called affirmative prayer as a science of my minister and meta physician. We direct, we're very intentional with prayer. Okay. There's five steps that we use, and you do not need to use all these five steps, but it's just one way you can pray. So what is prayer? Again? Prayer is the movement of energy upon universal law for a specific demonstration or manifestation. (09:02): Okay. Number one is recognition, basically seeing all as God accepting what is, and seeing the perfection and all of it, knowing that the heaven or hell is, is all from one thing from source, from divine, from God, whatever you wanna call it from you, your higher self, that true essence. That's not just you, but is the collective. And the cosmic itself. Number two is unification. I am that. I am realizing my freedom. My choice, my will is God's will the same power within me created the entire universe. I am unified with all of it, cause I am all of it. And so in that I recognize my choice, my freedom to keep experiencing what I'm creating and experiencing, or I get to create something new. And so that brings me to step number three, which is declaration in this moment, I decide, I powerfully decide. (09:55): I say, and therefore it is. I declare right now, whatever that is my prosperity, my love, the love that I am to have every last drop of what I wanna experience in this life. I declare that I deserve and I'm worthy and all the above, right? Declaration. What do you declare for yourself? Cause if you don't truly believe it with vibration, with vitality, with certainty, knowing, and declaring it and commanding it in a positive way into your subconscious mind, that is step number three. That's declaration. Step number four is gratitude because what we know for sure is that this subconscious mind is programmed through vibration and vibration happens through your emotions, through the emotion that you put into. It's your spoken word. And as you energize and feel the amazing feeling of the mental pictures that you are desiring to embody who do you need to be to be able to embody the mentally equivalent of the life that you truly desire to see and form around you. (10:54): And as you go into step forward, giving gratitude and feeling and energizing, the mental pictures of the vision, the dream, the what it is that you truly desire, the love, the greatness, the helping and making impact in the world. Having extraordinary friends and family and good food and good sleep and amazing life, whatever that is for you really energizing it through gratitude. And number five is release releasing it, meaning that we don't control. We don't outline. We don't try and change things or fix 'em or make it happen. We release, we allow, if this is faith, it's done, we let go. We detach. We say that or something greater that dream or something greater that zillion dollars or something great, or whatever that is, right. That you get to release it and know it's done because you've already declared it. You've already programmed. The subconscious mind. (